Joshua Chapters 16 & 17

Your Lot In Life


Intro: The Book of Joshua divides into 3 sections

1)   1-4 Entering the Land

2)   5-12 Conquering the Land

3)   13-24  Possessing the land


A)These final Chapters  focus not on military battles but on the administration of allocating territory & the settling of the land of Canaan.


B) Joshua himself as the leader has had to shift roles from being the commander-in-chief of the united armies

1)   to being the  overseer of the settlement process, which will end up taking thirteen years.


C) In the passage that we are going to look at tonight – We see a Contrast -  1) 1st we see a Picture of Faith – 7 Daughters who  take the initiative – to seek out God’s Best for them { To lay claim to what was theirs


D) But we will also see those who didn’t like what they were given – and instead of seeing the Big Picture –

1) They raise up to complain that they are getting a RAW DEAL –


D)  The 2nd  problem will be the procrastination of 7 other tribes in clearing the land & confronting the Canaanite resistance in their respective territories.

                                 Lets RD Ch.16:1-4


Joshua is now dividing up the land to the tribes of Israel

A)The portion that each tribe got was by LOT – a LOT  in Hebrew literally means: A small pebble


B) Evidently the drawing of lots involved the placing of small pebbles into a bag and then drawing them out.... Like  drawing straws

1)   They trusted that the Lord was in this – it would be Fair


C) So here in Ch. 16 – we see the allotment given to the Children of Joseph Ephraim & Manasseh

1)   Now we Know that the Tribe of Levi had no Portion & that the Lord was their Portion


D) And we will see in our study next week how the Tribe of Simeon didn’t receive it’s own land but is included in Judah –{ Curse next week

1) So Joseph’s Sons – make up  those 2 tribes{ Manasseh was divided


E) So The rest of  Ch.16 & the first 2 verses of Ch.17  Deal w/ their territory where it was – We will come back to them in a minute – Ch. 17:V.3-6


Now here we see out first Story of Faith – in the mist of the Allotment of territory to the tribe of Manasseh – 7 Daughter of Zelophad step forward

A)If you were w/ us we first met these girls back in Numbers Ch.27

   The 7 daring daughters of Zelophehad


B) We noted that these ladies were a great example to all of us – of how not to be bound by Customs, Traditions & Limitations

1)   But to be daring to Challenge tradition & step forward to claim all that God has for us


C) See it was the Custom & the Tradition in the Culture of that day – that inheritance could only be given to Sons –

1)   Their father apparently died in the wilderness – they had no Brothers – so they were orphaned sisters – who said – this is not fair –


D) We don’t see why – we shouldn’t receive our share of the inheritance / since there was no law denying them their inheritance /only CUSTOM


These women understood a very important factor about the Promise land – and the inheritance God had for the Israelites

A)Which was:  it was not according to merit but according to grace.

B) In other words: God was not asking the Israelites to earn the land of Canaan, but he was giving it to them.

1)   It did not depend on how hard they worked but rather upon the grace of God that would make it available to them.


C) He only wanted them to believe Him & move in to Possess it


D) SO they came upon that basis thinking – It won’t hurt to ask – maybe God has already made provision for a situation like ours

1)   There's nothing revealed that is against it, and, perhaps, in HIS grace, God has found a way to supply what we lack."


E) That is faith!!!! – God honored them for that Faith

1)   Now here they are finally in the land – the divisions are being made – and laid out by family – they come take the Initiative to day – DON’T FORGET ABOUT US


Now there is a Spiritual Principle in this that we need to see – that is this

A)God wants to give all of us, all of our spiritual inheritance-the fullness, completeness, and richness of what he has determined for us.


B) We don't have it, more often than not, because we don't try to obtain it, we don't ask. There's a wonderful boldness on the part of these sisters.

1) They're not afraid to ask for what is rightfully theirs. The apostle James wrote (4:2), "You do not have, because you do not ask."


C) So here we see our first example of taking the initiative in faith – to see God work – and to lay hold our inheritance { Lets see what God might

1)   But here in Ch.17 we also see the First Problem that Joshua has to deal w/ Pick it up in v.14-18





The children of Joseph – [Ephraim and Manasseh] felt like they got a raw deal- They DID NOT like their LOT

A) The area that had been apportioned to them wasn’t to their liking – and so they come Complaining – we deserve better than this – [ Great People]


B) They felt that the area that was RESTRICTING and CONFINING..... An area that they though too was too small for them....


C)Perhaps you feel the same way about your life You DON'T like your lot in life/ You feel as though you got a raw deal

1)You feel that the area that has been apportioned to you has been a    bummer


D)YOU might feel restricted and confined by your lot in life

1) Maybe YOU look at your lot in life and say: I not a great Person but "I'm not such a bad person


E) Why is my lot so restricted?/ Why are my finances so restricted?

     Why is my marriage so restricted?

1) Why is my ministry so restricted and confined?


F)Can't my boss see what is obvious to others.... I'm the most valuable employee that he has? Can’t they see how gifted I am -

1) Can't my pastor see what is obvious to me... I'm anointed?

                          I DON'T like my lot in life


Maybe you sit here tonight thinking – I am just plain Unlucky

A)The word: Luck should NOT even be in the vocabulary of the Christian


B)For the Bible tells us that there is no such thing as GOOD LUCK or        BAD LUCK.

1)YOUR LOT IN LIFE is determined by the sovereignty of God


C) Pr 16:33 The lot is cast into the lap; but every decision is from the Lord

1) There is NO such thing as chance or luck

NOTE: The children of Joseph received a portion of land that was RESTRICTING & CONFINING because it was the will of God for them at that time in their life.   WHY?

A)BECAUSE God was more concerned about developing them            INTERNALLY than EXPANDING them EXTERNALLY.


B)God was more concerned about their MATURITY than their Material Possessions / He was more concerned about buildING charActer than      granting a calling


C) Notice again how Joshua addresses these two tribes: v.15

So Joshua answered them, "If you are a great people, then go up to the forest country and clear a place for yourself there in the land


D)He is saying: IF you are a great people, THEN don't ask for             more... clear out that which you already have

1) This would be God’s way of Maturing them -


The same holds true for you & me  The Lord is MORE concerned about developing me INWARDLY than EXPANDING me EXTERNALLY

A)The world asks: What do you DO?  Everything is evaluated on what you DO but The Lord is pre-eminently concerned with what you ARE


B) Who you become is determined by what you do w/ what God has given you – All our Lots are different for a reason

1)   Some are easier than others or seem easier in certain areas – But it is all part of God’s way of developing us  


C)Let's see how the Lord uses their LOT IN LIFE to this end

1) Here the children of Joseph are told to develop that which they already have...... Not reach out for more


D)He didn’t tell them to reach out & extend themselves into new territories

INSTEAD - They were to CLEAN UP that which they already have

  1) Specifically the MOUNTAIN AREAS that were wooded

Now in Scripture the Mountains are often connected w/ high points of Personal Devotion w/ the Lord – Mt top experience – Moses At Sinai

A)Abe on top of Mt. Moriah / Jesus Mt of Transfiguration / Mt of Prayer


B) The Mt top is often the place where we MEET with God....That place where we have a clear VANTAGE POINT and a VIEW POINT

1) That place of fresh vision and understanding


C) QUESTION: How is YOUR mountain top?

1) Are you seeking for MORE MINISTRY or for MORE MONEY or for MORE RELATIONSHIPS while your mt top is still full of dead wood?


D) The thing that was keeping them from enjoying the MT / enjoying the views of the MT was all the Trees


In Deuteronomy 20 the Lord makes an interesting statement                  concerning the cutting down of trees in relationship to warfare

A)He said that if a tree is NOT bearing fruit then it should be     cut down


B)The command here in Joshua to cut down those forest areas on the mountains would pertain to those trees that are NOT bearing fruit

1)They would obstruct their view and would offer a hiding place for the enemies of Israel


C) So Joshua said: IF you're a great people, clear out the dead wood


In the New Testament the Scriptures speak of WOOD as those things in our lives which are of NO ETERNAL value (1 Cor. 3:12)

A)Things that are NOT necessarily BAD in and of themselves- But those things that are NOT going to add anything of eternal value to our lives


B)When we enter into eternity these things will be burned up     like wood, hay and stubble

1)   QUESTION: Is there DEAD WOOD in your life


C)Things that MIGHT NOT be bad in and of themselves .... 

1) But they are keeping you out of that mountain top view of     the Lord...... Keeping you from an eternal perspective


D) Things that are NOT producing...... Only OBSCURING / Are there things in your life that are just DEAD WOOD


Jesus said: Mt 5:8 Blessed [are] the pure in heart: for they shall see God.

A)One of the meanings of pure  is that of having nothing has MINGLED with it


B)He is speaking of a heart that had nothing MINGLED in it's devotion of God

1) Nothing OBSCURING fellowship with God or perspective of the Lord


C) Joshua says: IF you are a great people, THEN cut out the dead       wood... clear out the forest.... clean house.

1)App. Instead of looking for MORE, are we dealing with what God has given to us...... Being faithful to clear out those dead items?


Now Joshua not only said to clear out the mountain tops... But they were also to drive out the Canaanites with their iron chariots from the valleys

A)They had mighty weapons of war... and they were in the VALLEY... Enemies In the LOW place


B) This speaks to our lives of those things that we KNOW are sin.....Things that we KNOW to be compromises

1)   We are to drive those things out


C) So here is the twofold Practical Application for us in this

1.) You are NOT to necessarily EXTEND yourself into greater areas of ministry or EXTEND yourself into greater financial resources


D)Those things MAY or MAY NOT come as the Lord wills


Instead, you are to say: "Lord help me to develop the LOT that      in life that You have already given me"

"Show me, Lord, if the mountain top of my life is wooded...... If my devotional life is obscured and help me to cut down any dead wood in my life lest the enemy have a place to hide and my view of You be obscured."


"Lord, I don't need NEW areas.... I need revival and renewing in the old areas"

"I need to be faithful in the areas that you have already given me"



2.) Then you are to go to the LOW points of your life... the valleys

A)"Lord, Help me to drive out the enemies" "Help me to deal with the sin and compromise in my life"


B)"Give me victory in the places where I am battling against the                enemies that war against my soul"

    "Help my valleys to be a place of peace and productivity"


C) But I want you to notice something: HOW are they to drive out such enemies? 

1)   Well in v. 17 & 18 it doesn’t tell us how – it just tells us that they Shall – drive them out


D) Joshua in v.17 – Declared You are a great People – You have great Power but what made them great was their God

1) The Power to Drive them out – wasn’t theirs it was the Lord – He said You shall drive them out


E) God said it – they just needed to believe it – Another important Principle for the Christian life

1) When the Word of God is Received. The Power of God is RELEASED




EX In LK 1 when the birth of Jesus is announced to Mary by Gabriel

A)She says: "HOW shall this be for I have never had relations with a man?"

He explains that she is going to be impregnated by the HS


B)Then Gabriel said "For w/ God nothing shall be impossible."

1) Nothing  is literally no word

2) impossible  = from the word meaning impotent


C) It could be read:  For with God, no Word is without power

1) God's Word is ALIVE and POWERFUL


D) IF you take the commands of the Word and obey, THEN you                             find the power of God to enable.

1) With God's commanding comes God's enablings


E) Or Like the man with the withered hand in LUKE'S Gospel- Jesus  gave the IMPOSSIBLE command: Stretch forth your hand

1) But with the command also came the enabling


F) Application: As you begin to turn away from sin and towards                  God you will find Him right there to enable you.

1)   As you step forward to do what God has called you to do – He will be right there to enable you to do it !!!!!


Listen tonight you are great People & You also have great Power Why?

A)BECAUSE we have a GREAT God who has been GRACIOUS and                    GOOD towards us and has loved us with a GREAT love.......


B)He has allowed us to bear His GREAT NAME and has given to us His  Holy Spirit  - THAT is AWESOME!!


C) NOTE: Did you know that YOU are God's inheritance                  

Eph 1:18 The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you  may know what is the hope of his calling, and what are the riches      of the glory of his inheritance in the saints,    

D) We are God’s Inheritance – we don’t just get him – but He gets us -You might say that YOU are GOD'S LOT in life

1) Talk about getting a bad lot!!  - But He is Pleased – You & I become great but   What makes us great is who He is... NOT what we are


So here in this text we learn some important lessons

A)1.) Your LOT IN LIFE is not a matter of luck - It is a matter of God knowing what is BEST for you


B)That is why the Word of God says: 1Th 5:18 In every thing give    thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.


C) IF we are complaining about our LOT IN LIFE, it is against God             who has put you in that situation


2.) Restrictions around us bring maturity within us

A)When you feel restricted or confined it is because the Lord is           saying that there is work to be done inside of you


B)He is NOT so much concerned with fame in this world- He is concerned about your heart in His kingdom

1) He is NOT concerned about your comfort in this world


C) He is concerned about your eternal riches in heaven

1) He is telling the children of Joseph AND the people of CCV  that character is more important than      anything else


D) Your inner life is much more important than ministry

1)God is looking to develop men and women of integrity and     character


E)The "Who's who" in the Kingdom of God are those who have cleared away the wooded mountain tops and driven the giants out of the valley.

1) They are DEVELOPING their LOT IN LIFE



This also reminds us that The issue in our Christian life is NOT simply the START of the race -The issue is HOW we finish

A)Olympic runner being in the lead but falling a few yards from the finish

Started well... Ran well.... Did NOT finish/ yrs of wasted training


B)It is interesting  In the HALL OF FAITH in Hebrews 11 we find that                  there are some NOTABLE names that are missing

1) Peter, Andrew, James, John, Paul


C) WHY? Because they had NOT finished their race

    1) The jury is out on you and I


D) Let's NOT be looking for a greater lot in life.... Let's be                            concerned with finishing the race

1)   LAST DAYS – 2 weeks / 2 mths / 2 yrs – Let’s be running to win
