Luke 16:1-14

Intro: I Came across a Quote that was in The Wall Street Journal that defined money as "an article which may be used as a UNIVERSAL PASSPORT to everywhere EXCEPT HEAVEN , and as a UNIVERSAL PROVIDER for everything EXCEPT HAPPINESS

  1. When you read our Lord’s sermons and parables, you REALIZE THAT HE had a great deal to say about material wealth.
  1. See He ministered to people who, for the most part, were poor and who thought that acquiring more wealth was the solution to all their problems.
  1. There are Many today who live their lives under the very same assumption – if I just had a little more I would be happy !!!
  1. Rockefeller was asked – How much money it takes to make a man happy? – answer JUST A LITTLE MORE

Now in our study last time we spent a significant amount of time looking at the Story of the Prodigal Son .

  1. And In that portrait of the prodigal that Jesus gave / We saw a Contrast between the Younger Son – (the Prodigal) & his older Brother
  2. The CONTRAST – pictured two opposite philosophies of life.
  1. Prior to his repentance, the prodigal WASTED his life, but his older brother only SPENT his life as a faithful drudge.
  1. Both attitudes are wrong for the Christian.
  2. THE APPROACH that The Lord wants us to have as believers is that we are to INVEST our LIVES for the good of others and the glory of God.
  1. This chapter emphasizes that truth: life is a stewardship, and we must use our God-given gifts resources & opportunities faithfully.

See One day we are ALL going to give an account for all that the Lord has given to us /

  1. For that REASON alone we need to take heed to what Jesus says here in this CH. about the right & wrong uses of what we’ve been given! V. 1-2
  2. So Jesus tells this story – note it wasn’t a PARABLE /so it was probably a true HAPPENING / perhaps – most knew about
  1. Story about an UNJUST STEWARD
  1. Now A steward is someone who manages another’s wealth.
  1. He does not own that wealth himself, but he has the privilege of enjoying it and using it for the profit of his master.

Now In 1 Cor. 4:2 we are told that The most important thing about a steward is that he serve his master faithfully.

  1. Now This particular steward forgot that he was a steward and began to act as if he were the owner.
  2. He became what one might call a "prodigal steward" who wasted his master’s wealth.
  1. His master heard about it and immediately asked for an inventory of his goods and an audit of his books. & He fired his steward.
  1. But Watch what this STEWARD DOES – V.3-8
  1. "Then the steward said within himself, 'What shall I do? For my master is taking the stewardship away from me. I cannot dig; PHYSICAL WORK

I am ashamed to beg.

SO HE COMES UP W/ THIS PLAN / He couldn’t change the past so he decides to PREPARE FOR THE FUTURE !! V. 4

4 'I have resolved what to do, that when I am put out of the stewardship, they may receive me into their houses.' ( In other words I need to MAKE SOME FRIENDS who will help me out when I lose my job)

5 "So he called every one of his master's debtors to him, and said to the first, 'How much do you owe my master?'

6 "And he said, 'A hundred measures of oil.' So he said to him, 'Take your bill, and sit down quickly and write fifty.'

7 "Then he said to another, 'And how much do you owe?' So he said, 'A hundred measures of wheat.' And he said to him, 'Take your bill, and write eighty.' HE CUTS EVERYONES BILL / Generous discount

8 "So the master commended the unjust steward because he had dealt shrewdly.

LISTEN : The master is not Jesus – little m. / KJV – little l. in lord

The master is his old BOSS

  1. He commends him- he admires him –not for his lack of ETHICS but for his CLEVERNESS IN PLANNING AHEAD
  2. What this Steward did was establish some new friendships so that when he found him self out of a Job – these friends would take care of him
  1. "I Helped you so now it is time for you to help me" / And his former boss – admired that CLEVERNESS IN PLANNING AHEAD

Then JESUS said v. 8b For the sons of this world are more shrewd in their generation than the sons of light.

  1. Now Here is what Jesus is saying : That people in the World are more wise in Planning for a TEMPORARY FUTURE – RETIREMENT /

1) Than the Children of God are in Planning for ETERNITY

The world is very aggressive in what it does to obtain temporal security & Riches / Investments / Advertisers / a lot goes into it

  1. A lot of time/ a lot of thinking / a lot of effort / a lot of Planning / all for that which is going to fade away / how get MORE
  2. They aggressively Plan for their Future here on earth /but the opposite is not true of many BELIEVERS

1) Many BELIEVERS ARE not as WISE / not as AGGRESSIVE in how we plan for OUR FUTURE IN HEAVEN

And Like the Steward in this story all of us are STEWARDS of what the Lord has given to us & we too will one day have to give an ACCOUNT/

A) CONSIDER some things we have been made stewards of !!

  1. We are stewards of the MATERIAL WEALTH that we have & one day

we are going to have to answer to God for the way acquired it / how used it

  1. We are Stewards of our time – In Eph. 5 Paul Speaks of REDEEMING THE TIME
  1. That Phrase PREDEEMING THE TIME – comes from the Business World & means BUYING UP THE OPPORTUNITY

QUOTE Time is eternity, minted into precious minutes and handed to us to use either wisely or carelessly

  1. Christians are Stewards of the Gifts & abilities given to us by the Lord
  2. 1Pet. 4:10 Each one has received a gift, so minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.

  3. We are Stewards of the FRIENDSHIPS & Relationships that we have

We are ALSO STEWARDS OF THE GOSPEL / God has committed the treasure of his truth to us !!!

A) (1 Thes. 2:4). But as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel, even so we speak, not as pleasing men, but God who tests our hearts.

  1. Dennis mother in law / His own Parents - Wants to see them go to Heaven /

1) Aaron Yesterday - Led Boy / Sister / I just don’t want anyone to got to Hell !!!!


So we are all Stewards of the Lord – and like this steward, we will one day have to give an account of our stewardship

A) Now after using the story of the UNJUST STEWARD as a backdrop

after illustrating how he was preparing & Planning for the future

B) Jesus in launches into a DISCOURSE / A TEACHING on how we

need to be Preparing & Planning for our future in Eternity v.9-13


Now what we have here is a teaching on GIVING / ON MONEY /

  1. Some of you are Probably thinking – I think it is time to go / baby’s crying
  2. Many People are very uncomfortable when this subject comes up in Church/ & I understand that
  1. There are many so called MINISTRIES out there saying things like if you don’t give we are going to go off the air / shut down / close doors
  1. They make God appear to be Broke - God is about to Go under – SAD /
  1. Now Contrary to the way that some SO CALLED ministries portray Him God is not Broke /

GOOD THING TO REMEMBER – Where God guides God Provides

  1. So if some so called MINISTRY is pleading w/ me to Prop it up so that it can SURVIVE - / I would say that God is not Guiding

1) And I don’t want to be helping to prop something up that God is not in


But it is because of that type of MANIPULATION & PRESSURE that many people feel uneasy when this subject comes up

A) But at the RISK of being MISUNDERSTOOD – I realize that I have a RESPONSIBILITY TO this Congregation / declare whole Counsel Acts 20

B)That is one of the things I like about – Teaching verse by verse – is that

when these subjects come up /

    1. it is only because this is where we are at in our JOURNEY through the scriptures /
  1. To just SKIP over this would make me Guilty of not DECLARING TO YOU THE WHOLE COUNSEL OF GOD.


Now I mentioned earlier When you read our Lord’s sermons and parables, you REALIZE THAT HE had a great deal to say about material wealth.

  1. INFACT –Jesus had more to say about Money than almost any other subject
  2. Did you know that one 6th of Matt./ Mark & Luke’s GOSPELS & 12 of the 38 parables have to do w/ MONEY MATTERS
  1. WITH MONEY & the STEWARDING OF MONEY – It was something that Jesus taught on a lot !!!
  1. Why? Perhaps this is a REASON – Back in 1990 the RAN CORP. did a study where they discovered that the average American male
  1. Spends 50% of his FOCUSED thinking time / thinking about money
  1. How to get more / how to spend what he has / how he is going to pay the bills / should he switch jobs in order to make more
  1. 50% of his focused thinking time spent thinking about money
  1. Jesus knowing that would be the case – Spent a great deal of time instructing us in this area / IMPORTANT

So in the remainder of our time today I want us to consider 4things that Jesus tells us in 9-13 about giving in light of preparing for the future


  1. "And I say to you, make friends for yourselves by unrighteous mammon, that when you fail,( DIE) they may receive you into an everlasting home.
  1. When Andrew Carnegie the Multi Millionaire DIED – a Reporter asked his son – How much did your Dad leave Behind ? ALL of It !!!

B) See trueCan’t take it w/ you but you can send it ahead /

    1. Can’t take it with you – though a guy in San Fran. Tried – knew he was dying so asked to be buried in his Lincoln Continental
  1. What Jesus is saying here is to use your money to impact the Kingdom of

God / so that when you die & go to heaven – there will be those to greet you

    1. Since 1990 – CCV – you guys – have invested over 1 million dollars in over seas MISSIONS
  1. So when we get to Heaven – there are going to be people coming up to you & saying –
  1. I am here because of one of your missions teams or Churches
  1. When you give you are investing in the Kingdom of God – So that Scott & Mike can go out to High school Campuses / Charlie /Jason – Colleges
  1. Bob can go out to Camp Pendelton / John can minister every Fri. TO THE HOMELESS

Friday nights – Past week 30-40 people come forward – radical backgrounds - well over 100 people in 7 weeks

  1. And in heaven there are going to be people coming up to you saying I am
  2. here because of your Church – that ministry THANK YOU

  3. Can’t take it w/ you but you can send it ahead – So make friends w/ UNRIGHTEOUS MAMMOM- MAMMON = MONEY
  1. Why Did Jesus call it Unrighteous MAMMON ?
  1. Paul told Timothy – that the Love of money is the ROOT of all evil

HEAVY THOUGHT that all evil has it’s root in the LOVE of MONEY

D) Listen Both Paul & Peter called money FILTHY LUCRE –

  1. So the key is to CONTROL it instead of allowing it to control You

Been said that MONEY IS a wonderful servant but a terrible master.

My kids were off school this Thursday – my day off – so we took them to Disneyland – ( Small Loan)

  1. Got there noticed the faces all excited – DISNEY LAND – WOW!
  2. People from all over the World - / looked different – talked different
  3. I thought you know this is going to be what it is like in Heaven – People from all over – the World – All going WOW I can’t believe I’m here!!!
  4. Now by the end of the day – the Faces had Changed / after spending too much money on treat & food / after waiting in Long lines

  6. That is the typical reaction of when we look to earthly pleasures to bring a lasting Satisfaction – always come up short / LACKING /
  1. WONDERING – Is that it !!!!

But Guys I can Guarantee you that is not how you are going to feel if you are investing in the Kingdom / in Heaven

  1. Not going to think – Man I could have had a new VCR / I could have had a bigger house / I could have had more clothes

B) No way – We will be saying WOW THIS IS BETTER THAN I HAVE

EVER DREAMED - wish I invested more

    1. And there is going to be people who come up to you – I say I am here because of You / Because you gave !!!



10 "He who is faithful in what is least is faithful also in much; and he who is unjust in what is least is unjust also in much.

11 "Therefore if you have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true riches?

  1. Now I know that many of you desire to really be used by the Lord / you want to be used in a great way . That is a good thing
  1. But notice what Jesus is saying here - If you are faithful in what is least – you will be rewarded w/ true riches
  1. That which is Least is money –WHY? Because money is common to everyone / everyone has access to it !!
  1. In fact if you make 15,000 dollars a yr. – between ages of 20-60 you will have made ½ a million dollars
  1. If your annual income is $30,000 a yr. Made between 20-60 guess what

you have made over 1 million dollars

D) So Jesus says that If you are faithful in how you use money / rewarded

  1. w/ True Riches – Spiritual MINISTRY & RESPONSIBILITY
  1. D.L. Moody once said "I can tell more about a man’s spirituality from his checkbook / than I can from his prayer book"
  1. See anyone can write flowery prayers / anyone can recite wordy prayers –
  1. Where your Treasure is your heart will be there also / So sometimes our what & when we give can me a true Barometer to where were at.


So if you are faithful in that which is least – you will be entrusted w/ greater riches / that which money can’t buy .

  1. People often say I want to do more for the Lord – Good place to start is are you already doing what the Lord asks
  2. People who are unfaithful in the way that they use money will also be unfaithful in the way that they use true riches
  3. So Giving RELEASES YOU IN MINISTRY / Shows you can be entrusted w/ Greater RESPONSIBILITY



  1. "And if you have not been faithful in what is another man's, who will give you what is your own?
  1. What does it mean that we have not been faithful in that which was another mans ? / What I have is mine isn’t it ? / Wrong !!!
  1. LISTEN What I have is the Lord’s – He has made me a Steward of all that He has given to me

B) So the real question "How much of my time and abilities and monies can I afford to give to God?"

  1. THAT is NOT the way to look at it: "How much of what God has given to me do I DARE to use for myself?"

So all I have is the Lords I am just the steward / & of that which he has given to me the Lord asks that I give back to Him the First fruits

A) Prov. 3 9 Honor the LORD with your possessions, And with the firstfruits of all your increase;

  1. The First fruits – means – tithe / or a tenth in scripture – used in that way throughout the O.T.
  2. The Lord says if you are not faithful in what I have given to you to use for me / how will you be entrusted w/ what is your own
  3. But the Lord also promises that if you are faithful in what He has given you will be greatly blessed Mal. 3

8 "Will a man rob God? Yet you have robbed Me!/ But you say, 'In what way have we robbed You?' In tithes and offerings.

  1. The nation was holding back from the Lord – their first fruits & their special offering – that which was the Lords in the First Place
  2. Now this is a Heavy thought that is being stated here that if I am not giving the tithe I am actually robbing God / it is His money
  3. Now I doubt very seriously that there is anyone here who would even think about reaching into the offering basket & taking money out
  4. 1) And putting it into your own pocket – That is stealing

  5. None of us would do that – but the fact is that if I don’t tithe I am doing just that / I am using that which is God’s for my own Pleasure
  1. When I do that in Reality I am ROBBING GOD

Listen God DEMANDS THE TITHE – 10% / And he DESIRES THE OFFERING - Anything given over & above that 10%

  1. Now Some of you – might be thinking wait Rob / tithing is a part of the Law & we are no longer under the Law /
  2. So we are really not required to give a Tenth / or to give at all
  3. STUDY YOUR BIBLE MORE / See Tithing is first seen before the Law

Gen. 14 Abe after the Battle – Kings / Melch. Gave him a tithe of all

Abe meets Melch. & gave him a tithe – a tenth of all that he had / 500 yrs or so before the Law was even given / Tithing Precedes the Law

  1. True it is in the Law & it is AFTER THE LAW
  2. Luke 11 Jesus rebukes the Pharisees because although they paid their tithes / gave of the first fruits of their spices /
  1. They neglected Love & Justice
  1. Jesus said the First you ought to do / ( other words it is good that you are tithing ) but you shouldn’t have left the others undone
  1. good you are tithing – Jesus commends it – but shouldn’t neglect love & justice
  1. So Jesus commends tithing after the Law /
  1. And Paul –also instructed the Corinthians to Bring their firstfruits (Tenth of Increase) into the storehouse on the first day of the week


So the Principle of tithing is seen BEFORE THE LAW / In the LAW /


  1. To say that it is not applicable is to not fully understand the full counsel of God or early Church History
  2. B) Notice the result of not tithing v. 9 You are cursed with a curse, For

    you have robbed Me, Even this whole nation.


  3. Haggai Ch. 1:6, 9 describes what this curse was

6 "You have sown much, and bring in little; You eat, but do not have enough; You drink, but you are not filled with drink; You clothe yourselves, but no one is warm; And he who earns wages, Earns wages to put into a bag with holes."

"You looked for much, but indeed it came to little; and when you brought it home, I blew it away. Why?" says the LORD of hosts. "Because of My house that is in ruins, while every one of you runs to his own house.

Listen to the way the Living Bible reads : You put your money into pockets filled w/ holes/ Ever feel that way ? Holes in pockets

Now watch what the Lord says next – Mal. 3:10

10 Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, That there may be food in My house, And try Me now in this," Says the LORD of hosts, "If I will not open for you the windows of heaven And pour out for you such blessing That there will not be room enough to receive it.

  1. Now Check this out the Lord says – TEST ME – only place in the entire Bible where the Lord says – TEST ME / put me to the TEST
  2. Bring your tithes into the Storehouse / Storehouse is the Place of congregational meeting / Place of meeting & dispersing
  1. Same idea that Paul was referring to in 1 Cor. 16
  1. Now Why does the Lord want us to Bring it into the Storehouse ? I don’t get any credit when I give here at CCV
  1. There is no momentos/ no Plagues / not a part of 100 dollar club / not going to put picture on the wall or name in the Bulletin

D) I am not going to get a letter from the President / NOTHING

No one Knows / no one sees / I am giving to the Lord in total anonymity

  1. That is the tithe – first day into the storehouse – firstfruits of your increase – tenth of your increase
  1. The offering is another story /giving above & beyond – wherever you want
  1. But the tithe is the Lord’s first day into the storehouse where no credit given except from the IRS


So the Lord says prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.

  1. Prove me & watch what happens – watch how I take care of your needs
  1. See we can never out give God – so God says watch how I open up the windows of Heaven & Bless you
  1. I can personally attest that this is true / Tithe God comes through check for 1000 dollars / houses /
  1. Honor God w/ your Finances God will bless
  1. Have to admit that there were times in Or. That it was hard / Church was small – I was a little more familiar w/ Finances
  1. Times I knew that we didn’t have the money to pay rent / salaries & bills – so tempted not give
  1. What if you knew that – Your company was going under / couldn’t afford to pay you this week – tempted not to give
  1. Here is what is amazing – as we gave / God always came through / never missed a payment / never missed a meal

Radical Principle – God says – test me / Prove me & watch me open the windows of heaven to provide for you

  1. This ref. To the windows of heaven is really speaking about miraculous provision

B) The Lord says watch how I will miraculously Provide – So Giving Rewards .. eternity / Releases you ministry/ Replenishes you financially

Lastly it RESHAPES YOU Internally V. 13 13 No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

Giving reshapes you

  1. Not God’s way of raising funds / doesn’t need it / but it is his way of raising kids /
  2. See God knows that we are selfish by nature / covetous / but he wants to make us more like Him / He is a GIVER
  3. So as we give / Cheerfully – God loves a Cheerful giver / giving as an act of worship – Love / becoming a little more like Him
  1. Now that idea of Giving Cheerfully doesn’t get you off the hook
  1. Some people use it as a scape goat I just can’t give because I can’t do it cheerfully
  1. That just reveals that you need to grow up / Lord Change me / trust you


"If God is our Master, then money will be our servant, and we will use our resources in the will of God. But if God is not our Master, then we will become the servants of money, and money is a terrible master! We will start wasting our lives instead of investing them, & we will one day find ourselves "friendless" as we enter the gates of glory".

Can’t serve God & Mammon – We cannot love or serve two masters, anymore than we can walk in two directions at one time.

  1. If we choose to serve money, then we cannot serve God. If we choose to serve God, then we will not serve money.
  2. Abe /Melch / & Sodom / Protection


V.14 And the Pharisees also, who were covetous, heard all these things: and they derided him.