Acts 2:42-47

Anchored and Moving Forward in Unity (Part 2)


I love the story of Dick and Rick Hoyt – It is an amazing story of perseverance, dedication and the will to continue.

A)Definitely in life – but also in all those races together.


B)Amazing inspiration – The Hoyts Continue… their story is an inspiration to pp around the world


Now I have never ran a marathon – ½ marathon – partial marathon –

A)Don’t like to run – my hip – not supposed to run long distances – no problem


B)Not a good swimmer – like a Rock – sink


C)I like to Bike – but not 112 miles they ride in a Marathon – No thank you!


D)I admire those who do it – Dick Hoyt – pulling / pushing / riding extra weight of his son – Wow!


But this is what I have been told – never experienced it – but told – As you just continue

A)There comes a point – in the process – where something happens – 2nd wind –


B)Becomes Fun – becomes a Joy

1)This is what I have discovered – life in the Lord is that way too –

Trials are never fun – but in the midst of them

A)If we Don’t quit – continue – press on – you experience not a 2nd wind – but the Holy Spirit.


B)You find the Lord by His grace gives you what you need  TO CONTINUE !


C)Team Hoyt is an inspirational story


Inspirational stories in this room – Your lives

A)Illness – live in pain – By the grace of God you continue – each day – one day at a time.


B)Lost your job / home/ sell a car or two – completely down size –

1)By the grace of God – Stability from his word – you continue.


C)Marriage troubles: Found yourself – at a place never ever dreamed or imagined –

1)By the grace of God with your eyes on Jesus

You Continued….. God is working


D)Death of a loved one – By the grace of God – clinging to Jesus as He clings to you

1)You Continue.


F)What do we do when we as a Church family encounter times of difficulty –

By God’s grace… We Continue


The idea of continuing is one of the marks we see of the early Church in the book of Acts

A)We’ve seen it already in V. 14 of Chapter 1 “They continued with one accord in prayer and supplication.”   Unity


B)Our text this morning gives us insight into 4 priorities  that they continued steadfastly in


C)Four priorities that they constantly gave themselves too.


D) These four priorities would shape who they would become as the body of Christ.

1)How they would face adversity – how they would endure trials –


2)These 4 priorities would be the staples they would adhere to in order to carry out their mission.



E)These 4 Priorities marked the early Church and these 4 priorities have marked this Church from the very beginning of it’s inception to this day.

1)This is what we are going to continue in – as we move forward as a Church family – What is next


RDV.41 -47




We left off last time Peter’s sermon – 3,000 saved

First Harvest Crusade – Amazing start

A)Then we are told in V. 42 – what it would take to keep this group together and strong


B) “And they continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers.”


C)The Phrase continued steadfastly speaks of two main things.  Devotion and commitment.

1)They were continually devoting themselves to….


D)Wuest “they were giving constant attention to….”


E)Amplified Bible: “And they steadfastly persevered, devoting themselves constantly to the instruction and fellowship of the apostles, to the breaking of bread [including the Lord's Supper] and prayers.”


So they were devoting themselves Constantly to four Priorities:  #1 The Apostles Doctrine or teachings.

A) The early church didn’t just dabble in the Word, folks. They devoured it


B)V.46 They continued daily in the temple and from house to house –

1)It was a day to day reality not a once a week routine.


C)These brand new babes in the Lord – couldn’t get enough of the word.

Joshua 1:8 “This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.”

                                Down loaded in my life.

Jon Courson: “A Bible that’s falling apart usually belongs to a person who isn’t.”


A)If you’re wearing out your Bible because you’re continuing steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine, you will be prosperous and successful. That’s a promise.


B)So for that reason here at CCV we have always made the study of God’s word – Priority.

1)Worship is important – activities have their place


C)But on any given night of the week – The word is going to be taught.

1)Focus in Children’s ministry – Youth etc


D)So we are going to Continue to give ourselves corporately & you individually to the word.


E)Church model for growth – today – Short sermons

Short services – get them in get them out.

1)Fast food 1970 6 billion –  Americans spend over $110 billion on fast food more than they spend on movies, books, magazines, newspapers, videos, and recorded music combined.


1)Staff and leadership – resisted that model – trying to create something that looks a little more like this

#2 They continued in Fellowship.  2 fellas same ship

A)Interesting greek word – Koinonia


B)The word literally means to Share in common.

1)Partnership - Communion – communication.


C) Broad word – Gather at some ones house to watch the Charger game – or Super bowl

1)Have Koinonia – sharing in common our love for football.


D)But that is not going to do anything for me spiritually –

 “A relationship between individuals through active participation in a common mission.”


The Koinonia they experienced was in their sharing in common their NEED for the LORD!

A)So Church – listen – we love what is happening in the court yard – fun see sharing / hanging


B)But can I encourage you: if you are not already – don’t be afraid to ask each other – how doing

1)How pray – What did you get from the message today.


C)Where are you reading?  One year Bible plan


D)That is fellowship guys – talking sports politics

Glen Beck – fine –

1)Not spiritual fellowship  { watch for new Pp

I don’t need fellowship I have been saved 14 yrs I am as strong as a redwood tree.

A)There is something interesting about red wood trees – almost always in groves – Interlocking root

System is their strength.


B)We need fellowship – Home groups –

1)Men’s and women’s studies


C) Get connected – Radical times – busy pressure –

1) Working harder than ever -  Little boy who got tired of watching his dad bring work home – from work – all nite – why … done … slower class


D)Busy – we forsake fellowship - no lone ranger Christians.


D)I love spontaneous gatherings – Men – book


Drafting – Riding close behind another rider


Running – Group – Marathon – Contagious energy



#3 They continued in the breaking of bread.

A)Most commentators and Bible teachers agree that this is in reference to sharing of communion.


B) The Celebrating of the Lord’s supper.

1)A meal – that ended with communion

        Something they did daily.

C)It seems they saw the importance of constantly bring their focus back to the Cross

1)constantly being reminded that the price was paid.


D)Constantly being reminded that the work was done.

1)So important to these Jewish believers who were prone to Law mentality – perform to be accepted


2)FOCUS ON THE CROSS! Not do but Done


Some think – Wait you will run the risk of communion becoming a ritual – losing it’s power

A)Well I agree that can happen – but it shouldn’t happen – HEART THING


B)  But the cross is the great equalizer -

1)All the same at the cross


C)Humility at the Cross – None deserve it !


D)Cross is a great reminder – Saved from- Hell

1)Saved for – Heaven


E)Saved to be a part of a Family. 

Created to live in Community – Creation – not good


Ee) Church family - Not perfect – dysfunctional – but growing loving learning


F)Cross puts that all in perspective.

Conviction of late – We need to do this more often than just once a month on Wed.

A)More on Sundays – Home groups –


#4 They continued in prayer.

A)Prayer mark of dependency.


B) Praying Church: - problem – pray

1)Peter in jail – Pray – Persecution – pray

Not stop but boldness


C)We have to be praying Church!


Many opportunities to join in prayer throughout the week. {Home groups – prayer

A)Even if you can’t make it to one of those prayer meetings – please be praying.


B)If 1,000 of us are praying constantly for this Church. – Powerful thing!


Result:  V.43 Sense of reverence and Awe in their community.  Wonders and signs.

A)Evidence – God was moving


V. 44-46  There was unity and sharing!

A)Communal living by necessity.


B)We don’t do that today – but we could end up back there. { doesn’t phase me – here is why?

1)Love this about you as a Church – give/share

C)Open homes for fire victims – boom

1)Clothes food – more than we can handle

2)Dresses for camp Pendleton – Racks full


This past week – I had a few pp say to me – Pastor Rob – I wish – we had known how bad finances were

A)I hate talking – about it – complicated –


B)I know I need to do it more – Promise to do that

1)We need to share in common that responsibility.


V. 46-47 There was simplicity and Joy.


V. 47 The Lord added to the Church.




A)Something happens when the world sees a bunch of people living for a purpose


B)United together – despite their great diversity.



So Guys gals we continue –


Jesus continued


Luke 9:51

“Now it came to pass, when the time had come for Him to be received up, that He steadfastly set His face to go to Jerusalem