Hebrews 2:5-18

               The Recovery of Mans Lost Destiny 


INTRO: Have you ever been on an adventure?  Interesting question:

A.)    Adventure films big business; bring out a part of us we long for:    to do the Radical – Watch guys 30ft waves – Crazy – Could be me


B) In fact most of us guys in our younger days had our share of being Robin Hood / John Wayne the 3 Musketeers /


C) Adventure:  People long for it; seek after it- $300.00 jump out of a plane w/ a parachute


D) Started thinking: Have I ever been on an adventure? Disneyland

1.) Some Friends I have Driven with/ I work w/ Howard

     2.)     Moved to start a Church w/ 2 small kids – crazy & Adventure

     3)Yugo during war - conference - adventure


Then it hit me - life is really an adventure! / Marriage;   Kids

A.)    Consider two def. adventure:  1st - A hazardous undertaking!        Good description of life without the Lord


B) Hazardous undertaking - moves in circles - ends up in bondage;  ends                  up in emptiness - can't find satisfaction.  Not lasting

          1)      left to own demise - hazardous


C)     2nd:That which is Exciting sometimes suspenseful or unusual                    Great definition of life with the Lord

     1.)     Exciting - unpredictable - can't put God in a box!

          True He often works in mysterious ways!


D) Exciting walking with Him - see what He will do next!                         Learning, growing - trusting -  our leader

1)   Either way you slice it- it is an adventure; without Lord

      hazardous undertaking brings headaches heartache - frustration!

A.) But Yielded to Him following Him - exciting; unusual, suspenseful

     1.)     The Great Adventure Vs Bad Adventure!


B)One of themes of book of Hebrews - writer encouraging listeners.  Encouraging us - realize the life you have in Christ.

1)   See the blessings and the benefits of being Christian & experience in

  Its fullness – This Great Salvation Jesus has Provided


C) Review Ch 1- Superiority of Christ – over Prophets : Final Word

1)   Superiority over the Angels –

2)   Ch.2:1-4  First Exhortation – Give more earnest Heed – Hold the Mind so that don’t Drift or Neglect so great a Salvation


D) So after this urgent appeal in 1-4 the writer  returns to his discussion of angels, as an intro to  teaching about Christ Recovery of Mans lost Destiny

Read V.5-8


Left off talking about Christ Rule in Ch. 1 Forever / Heveans & earth are going to perish – but He Remains – on the Throne

A)But He has not put the world to come in Subjection to Angels –


B) The Angels – Ch.1:14 Those ministering Spirits sent forth to minister to those who will inherit Salvation-

1) are not in the  Plan for the rulership of the world to come !!!


C) Subject translates the Greek hupotassoô, primarily a term that referred to arranging soldiers in order under a commander.

1)    It also came to be used for any system of administration.


D) Angels played a primary role in God’s dealing w/ men in this world

  Messengers / Workers / Protectors / Carry out … Judgment


E) But they are not going to be involved in that way in the next God will not turn over the administration of the world to come to angels.

 1)Right Reserved for The Church Amazing don’t comprehend But Believe

So the Angels present superiority over men is temporary – but that is not the way it is right now – v.6-8 tell us why

A)The writer quotes from Psa.8 & lays out – God’s  Glorious original intention for man & then mans dismal Demise


B) Psa. 8 was written by David – in view of the Heavens – starry night – harp - completely astonished at God’s intention for man

  1) 3 When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers,

    The moon and the stars, which You have ordained,

4  What is man that You are mindful of him,

    And the son of man that You visit him?


C) Mindful = To Remember to notice in a caring way –

1)   Mindful of Taxes are due soon – doesn’t warm my heart


D) Mindful of my Buddy Greg O. -  Remember ponder caring way

1)    God is Mindful of you in that way – Not a Bad reminder of a problem but a Good reminder of Loving Heart


What a Glorious reminder to this beleagured Church & anyone else who would feel insignificant : You are not to God / Hairs / thoughts

A)He see You / His heart goes out to You /  loves you / interested in every aspect of your life right now –



1)   Talking w/ a group of men – Lordship / divide lives categories /

     compartments -   Don’t believe he really cares


How do we Know that : Follow the Thought

A)v.7 Made a little lower than the Angels – Man is bound by space & time – Angels are not – move freely between earth & Heaven .


B) But Man was crowned w/ Glory & Honor – Put over God’s creation

Man was made in the image of God –

  1) given dominion over the earth ALL THINGS were subject to Him

C) But now we don’t see all things put under him – Why ? The Fall / man forfeited  - Put this in Human terms

 1)– Put Business in hands of Assistant – Loses everything – Home to Your Son – Trashed / Shambles


D) That is an Accurate Picture – Because of Sin – this world is a MESS


What  happened to Adam after he had sinned? First, there was murder within his own family.

A)By the time we come to chapter 6, God is sending a flood to destroy all mankind but one family. Man  had lost his crown/ Sinful & slave of sin


C) Not only that, but the animal kingdom was now subservient to man only out of fear, no longer out of affection / much of it can’t be tamed at all.


D) The ground which originally produced good things naturally and abundantly for man to have for the taking.

1)    Now it produces thorns, weeds, and other harmful things naturally and abundantly. – No Problem growing weeds ( Thank Adam)


E) Whatever good things man now gets from the earth comes only by tiresome effort. -    the earth itself knows its condition.  It Groans


Every day we read and hear of the distress of nations, of famines of Disasters 

A)But God did not intend it to be this way; and it will continue this way only for a little while, Longer  in God’s timetable.


B) So that Someday, in the world to come, when the kingdom comes, hospitals will be closed, doctors will be out of business,

1)    The crops and the trees will no longer be infested


C)And  the ravenous nature of wild animals (and of human beings) will be changed. redeemed man—will reign. But we don’t see that Now

  1)– v.8 ends word of Despair – v.9 Brings a word of Hope  Read v.9,10

We see Jesus / It is Jesus to the Rescue

Q. Murray : Blessed is the man who knows to look away from all that he finds in himself of imperfection & failure to look up & behold all of the perfection & glory he finds in JESUS


Note 4 Pictures of our Lord / His ministry of Recovery & Restoration


A) 1st REDEEMER We see Jesus who was made a little lower than the AngelsHe became a man – bound by time & Space – Lowered Himself


B) Purpose : Suffer & Taste Death for everyone

1)   Taste = to fully partake / not a nibble / little drink -


C) Tasted of the Brutality of death – Crucifixion worst way to die / His crown of Honor became a CROWN OF THORNS 

     1) Tasted of the Bitterness  of death – Separation


D) Who was it for ? EVERYONE – but only those who believe become recipients



V.10 For it was fitting for Him,( God the Father)  for whom are all things, and through whom are all things,

A)Fitting is interesting = it was consistent w/ His Whole Being / Fit Him



B) It was consistent w/ His Character & Wisdom :

1)    The cross was a masterpiece of wisdom. God solved the problem which no human or angelic mind could have solved. – man’s lostness


C) What He did was also consistent with His holiness, for God showed on the cross His hatred for sin.



D)It was consistent with His power & Justice  being the greatest display of power ever manifested.

1) Christ endured for a few hours what will take an eternity for unrepentant sinners to endure.


E) It was consistent with His love, in that He loved the world so much that He gave His only Son for its redemption.


F) Finally, what He did was consistent with His grace, because by God’s GRACE  Christ’s sacrifice was substitutionary.

1)    The work of salvation was totally consistent with God’s nature. It was entirely fitting for Him to have done what He did.


What was fitting for the Father was equally fitting for the Son.

A)Christ’s suffering humiliation for the sake of man’s salvation was consistent with His loving and gracious nature./ Came to Seek & save……


B) It was a perfect Fit – for Him – Made perfect thru suffering –

1)   Not Perfect Morally – but MINISTERALLY – discuss how in v.14-18


C) So He could be our Perfect Leader & Minister !!!!

1)   Perfect Fits for us – The only coat that does


D) Coat of the Law too tight – squeezes makes you feel uncomfortable – the Longer you try to wear it the more uncomfortable it gets/ Like Pants

1)   Coat of  Liberalism – Too loose – doesn’t look right – can’t move / Pants always falling off


E) Christ Coat of Righteousness – Fits just right – Tailor made


2nd Captain of Salvation = Pioneer – One who Blazes a trail –

A)Christ paved the way / He was the Way / He made the way


B) He is the Pioneer /Medicine be the First : he is our Leader : A leader must walk in the Path his followers have to Go/Jesus did/ became man / tasted

C) A leader must be followed : His followers must walk in the path in which he walks

1)    Jesus came & was made like us – but we must now come & be made like Him


D) His suffering & death are not only for substitution and atonement / but it also calls us to fellowship & conformity

1)   Death to self – Jn.12 – key to bearing fruit


Also a leader must care for His followers – He doesn’t say follow me all who can – He watches over everyone –strongest to the weakest

A)With a great deal of Sympathy / faithfulness –


B) Perfect Leader :  Where is He leading us ?

    His PURPOSE : Bring Many sons to Glory


A letter came from Health and Human Services to a resident of Greenville County, South Carolina: "Your food stamps will be stopped, effective March 1st, because we received notice that you passed away. May God bless you. You may re-apply if your circumstances change."


C) Jesus our perfect leader – never loses track of us !!!! Perfect Plan


Although the threads of my life have often seemed knotted, I know, by faith, that on the other side of the embroidery there is a crown.

Corrie Ten Boom                      TURN  2 Cor. 5


Change and decay are enemies that most people fear. ...

A)When we are young, change is a treat; but as we grow older, change becomes a threat.


B)But when Jesus Christ is in control of your life, you don’t need to fear change or decay. ...

1) When you are part of eternity, the decay of the material only hastens the perfecting of the spiritual, if you walk by faith in Christ.

C) We sometimes say that such & such was glorious – taste

1)    A time of Worship/ sunset / special things God does – give us a glimpse of what is to Come –


D) And what is to come is what Matters most


Leighton Ford gives this insight  : When our son Sandy died at the age of 21, a missionary who had overseen his work as a summer missionary in France wrote us a letter, and he said, "I was stunned--21. So many gifts to use. I thought, What a waste." Then he said, "Leighton, I realize we are so earthbound. Sandy's highest service has only begun."


Murray : My brethren do you understand what it means that the father in leading you to glory has made Jesus the leader of our salvation. It means that Jesus is responsible for you .So take Him & trust Him as your leader!!The great need in one who follows a leader, is a tender & teachable spirit. Rejoice that you have such a leader Himself made perfect in meekness & submission thru suffering, that He might bring you as surely to the glory of the father



3rd Picture – He is our Brother v.11, He is not ashamed of you

A)Many of you might be ashamed of / embarrassed by – Husband / your kids – I don’t Know Him / who’s kids are those ?


B) Jesus never does that w/ You !!!  ONENESS


C) Go from bondage to blessing: being lost to being lead - from fallen to part of His family Not ashamed of us - but loves us


D) Mephbosheth and David -crippled no use - yet made part of family!





The Writer gives quotes 3 O.T. Passages to Magnify Christ acceptance of Us

A)The First is from Psa.22 – Recognizes Messianic I will declare Your name to My brethren;In the midst of the assembly I will praise You.


B) Psalm that begins w/ a Cry of Desolation/ Ends w/ Proclamation of coming Victory – I will declare …. I will praise

1)        Encouragement to these suffering saints to see their current suffering in light of Coming glory


 The next 2 are from Isa. 8 – first is from v.17 I will put my trust in Him A)This is an incredible statement coming from the lips of the Messiah – illustrating His equality w/ His brethren –


B) Jesus puts Himself on our Level – example to us – Trusting in His Father


C)3rdIsa. 8:18 “Here am I and the children whom God has given Me.

1)     These words originally referred to the Prophet Isa. Looking at his own sons seeing them linked to him in service to God


D) Applied to Christ – Picture He takes us out of the Dung pile cleanses us Presents us before His Father as His Workmanship – created for … works  


  So Jesus is the Captain of Salvation – Author – Beginning

Bringing many sons to glory – Finisher – Ending

Currently Sanctifying us – Middle


4th He is a Merciful & faithful High Priest v.14-18 How ?

A)v.14 He became like us – took on flesh & blood – Merciful


B) 2nd He did what we couldn’t doDestroyed our greatest enemy v.14,15

1)      A little boy and his father were driving down a country road on a beautiful spring afternoon. Suddenly out of nowhere a bumblebee flew in the car window. Since the little boy was deathly allergic to bee stings, he Freaked out – SCREAM

. But the father quickly reached out, grabbed the bee, squeezed it in his hand, and then released it. But as soon as he let it go, the young son became frantic once again as it buzzed by the little boy. His father saw his panic-stricken face. Once again the father reached out his hand, but this time he pointed to his hand. There still stuck in his skin was the stinger of the bee.


"Do you see this?" he said. "You don't need to be afraid anymore. I've taken the sting for you."


A) Christ message to Us -We do not need to be afraid of death anymore. Christ faced death for us. And by His victory, we are saved from sin. Christ has taken the sting! First Corinthians 15:22 asks: "Where, oh death, is your sting?"


3rd Aid us – v.16 Not to angels but to the Seed of Abe – Seed of Abe = those who are of the faith

 A)Runs to their need to provide strength


B) Now I read this – gets me radically EXCITED : Know where I am going

1)   I know How I am going to get there – CAPTAIN


C) I know –Help in the Meantime – Merciful & faithful High Priest


D) Relax & enjoy the Adventure -  Don’t know immediate future … future


E) What happens now is prep for eternity