Heb.11:8-22 The Faith of the Patriarchs


Intro: "True faith is deaf to doubt , dumb to discouragement blind to impossibility/ no matter what the circumstances it sees the promised success.

A) Heb. 11 Hall of faith .....men & women who exercised faith

     in the Lord / tough circumstances, trials & situations


B) The life of faith has some specific ingredients that are pointed out in the passage before us - reflected in life of Abraham

1) Abraham is a composite of God's pattern of faith/ He reveals in totality the true faith life, and the ingredients that constitute it!


C) Paul uses Abraham as an example of SAVING FAITH  in Romans 4 / Abe was Justified by Faith -

1)     Abe believed in the Lord – God accounted it for Righteousness / Abe was saved the same way as we are – Believing in the word of the Lord


D) James uses Abraham as an Example of WORKING FAITH – James 2 / True saving faith will be evidenced by works / by actions

1)   Not saved by our works but our faith is a faith that works


E) But here in Hebrews the writer outlines for us some Characteristics of the LIFE OF FAITH – evidenced here in the life of Abe


Tonight I want us to Note 4 Characteristics of this life of Faith that Abe is an example of : Promise / Patience, Perception, Proof

A)End tonight by making a few Comments about Isaac / Jacob / Joseph


B) 1st PROMISE of Faith : Gen 12:1-3

1Now the LORD had said to Abram:“Get out of your country, From your family And from your father’s house, To a land that I will show you.2 I will make you a great nation; I will bless you And make your name great; And you shall be a blessing.3I will bless those who bless you,

And I will curse him who curses you; And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”

4So Abram departed as the LORD had spoken to him,

 and Lot went with him. And Abram was seventy-five years old when he departed from Haran.

C) Abe’s story begins in Gen.12 living in Ur of the Chaldeas / nice place Luxurious place / when God calls him to leave

     1) Go to this land that God was going to show him


D)God directed Abe to do only one thing LEAVE – in turn God would do 8 wonderful things for Abe – 8 = # of New Beginnings

     1) His Faith was based upon these promises that God had given to Him


E) 8 Blessings were promised to Abe – but in order for him to experience any of it – He had to step out of His Comfort Zone

1)   Same w/ us – God given us certain promises only realized as we step out in Faith – Trusting in the Word of God



In v.8 - we read that Abraham obeyed when he was called - left Ur  to   go to place God would show him!

A)This is amazing to me - Wasn't given a place just a direction - He didn't know where going!  Just left.


B) Jan  1989 –God calling us to leave Vista – waited for Direction/ July Oregon / 2yrs later – Silverton

1)    It was a step of faith – but at least we knew where we were going to live/ Stewarts { Baja / house/ Church}


C) Imagine packing everything up – heading off / just in a direction –

1)   That is what Abe did – AMAZING - People must have thought he was nuts!


D) Plus - part of deal the Lord said - make him a great nation, from seed nations will be blessed!

  1) Problem?  Abraham is in his 75 and Sarah is in her 65 - no children!

     Not the age to start a big journey; let alone a family!




Abraham had no game plan!  Just a promise and a direction!

A.)    God called him - he believed the promise - believed God was     faithful to deliver and he went!


B) Saying "I believe it when I see it" / But The  Life of faith, life of believer - is    "Believe it (step out) then you'll see it!"


C) Step out – Trust in the Lord / His word – watch what happens

1)   Wives in Submission – Watch husbands – take leadership


D) Witnessing : Power of the word – Believe it share – watch


I was fortunate to be a part of the First CC mission trip to Eastern Europe/ Trip I will never forget

A.)    Sports background!  Like game plan - Brian busy -on the plane - game plan?  Where going?  Where staying? Who's picking us up?


B)Not the way I like to operate/ Get there; 8 people - 20 pieces luggage and band equipment -         all crammed into WV van!

     1.)     On way going - almost got lost; ran out of gas - arrive in / middle of

          night - split up - no one spoke English


C) Beginning to wonder if ever see my family again

1)   God blew our minds!


D) Now when we go on trips although we do make travel arrangements & accommodations / we don’t necessarily plan all activities –

     1) Lets go see what opens up – Start on the street – watch what God does



Now there were 2 Characteristics that marked the fact that Abe was living by the Promises of God 

A)1st v.9 They dwelt in TENTS -Abraham became a pilgrim and sojourner in a foreign land


B) God said lead you to this land – wasn’t going to set up permanent housing until he arrived

  1) So He and his descendants for close to 200 years - dwelt in tents / those Tents characterized their attitude toward the world!


C) This world or wherever they were was not their home/ Camping / not house on wheels

1)   I enjoy tent camping for about 4,5 days – Old - boxes and suitcases

Once lived out of suitcases 3 weeks – imagine 30 yrs


D) Why did they do that ? V.10 They were living with heaven in view!  "Looking for a city with     foundations -  - builder maker was God!


We are called as Christians to live with the same mindset - pilgrims and sojourners - heaven is our home!

A.)    Not overly attached to this place!- Living for eternity!


B.)    Romans 12:2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be    transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove          what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

     1.)     Lit. - don't let the world squeeze you into it's mold


C.) The mold that this world seeks to conform us to is a mentality that says to live for that which is temporal

     1.)     That which is going to fade away!  That which is primarily meant to

           please self


D.)    Don't be conformed to this world!  See beyond this past the temporal to the eternal

     1.)     Not seeking to please self - But the Lord!



2nd  thing -  marked them in pilgrimage was - built altars

A.)    Wherever they went - altars!  Revealed not just their desire to     follow the Lord but their devotion to the Lord!

B.)The Altar was used for worship - want to live for the next life - with heaven in view - be worshiper

1.) Worship gets my eyes off of this place Sees the Lord – Heavenly   

     perspective – Tonight – Worship / today – put aside


C) That is why As often as possible - enter into holiest - be before the                   Lord! Focus will change - language will change!


D) Listen person living by sight - be a complainer!  a lot going wrong here

1.) Person living by faith with eternity in view will be a worshiper!

       Focus is on the Lord


So first we see the Promise of Faith – Faith in the promises of God


Note 2ndly - Patience of Faith - Patience must accompany true faith!

Always a gap between Promise & the Performance

A.)    V.10 - says they waited for a city ...


B) 25 yr gap between – Promise & performance – Never made it to that city

    1) Why were they able to have patience? V.11 - Answer - they judged Him faithful who promised!    Just believed God would come through on Promise!


C) Sarah’s faith in the Promise of God actually Gave her the strength bear that Child – Isa. 40 those who wait …. Shall renew strength ….. not faint

     1) What promise are you holding on to?  Don’t grow weary in waiting


D) Know this - our Lord is faithful!   His time frame is different!

  1) Encouraged by the hearts of many of you concerning building thing


Now here is what A person can be waiting but not showing patience!

A)My son - classic example - always asking


B)Some people - waiting but not patient - freaking out, worried, their stressed..  Trying take matters into my own hands

   1)  That's not patience - not faith!/ 

The type of faith that waits on God in patience is that which          carries on - perseveres!  & Fruit is born out of that perseverance!

A.)    The bee has been aptly described as "busy". Consider to produce one pound of honey, the bee must  visit 56,000 clover heads. since each head has 60 flower tubes, a total of 3,360,000 visits are necessary to give us that pound of honey for the breakfast table.

 Meanwhile, that worker bee has flown the equivalent of three times around the world.


To produce one tablespoon of honey for our toast, the little bee makes 4,200 trips to flowers  ( Think you have been persevering)


Leonardo! Da Vinci worked on "The Last Supper" for 10 years, often so      absorbed he forgot to eat for whole days.

B) How many blessings are not discovered because people quit to soon / people give up


It is said that Thomas Edison the famous inventor made thousands of           trials before he got his celebrated   electric light to operate.

One day, a workman to whom he had given a task said, "Mr. Edison, it cannot be done."


"How often have you tried? "About two thousand times.  " Edison responded, "Go back and try two thousand times more; you have only found that there are two thousand ways in which it cannot be done."


 This is the same man who also said, "Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration."


In Western Africa, it was fourteen years before  convert was received into the church. In East Africa, ten; in New Zealand, nine years before one baptism  in Tahiti, it was sixteen years before the first harvest.



William Carey labored seven years before the first Hindu convert was baptized.  

In Burma, Judson toiled for seven years before he had one, he wrote this letter to his sending church in England

I Beg the churches to have patience. If a ship were here to carry me to any part of the world, I would not leave my field. Tell the brethren success is as certain as the promise of a faithful God can make it."


Emerson - " A man is a hero - not because he is braver than     anyone else, but because he is brave for 10 minutes longer


C.)    These heroes of faith - lived as pilgrims in this life. eye on heaven! Heart for God /        Patience in His promises!


Here's neat thing - Abraham and Sarah's patience wore out - their faith faltered - you know story   1st Egypt

A.) 2nd Hagar - Ishmael's born – God doesn’t mention that / this side of Calvary -  Heb 6 Abe patiently endured………..


B.) All the Patriarchs had their moments of failure / but they never gave up on the Lord & He never gave up on them

   1) In NT.. God forgives and forgets!


Move to talk about the Perception of Faith – v.13-16

A) Spent a whole Sunday on this section 2 Sundays ago – make a few quick observations


B) Perception  deals w/ Vision how things are being viewed &

     how that directly affects my life , way I  walk / live / worship!


"Vision that looks inward becomes duty. Vision that looks

outward becomes aspiration. Vision that looks upward becomes faith."


C) Abe’s eyes were on the Lord / & that affected his perception of everything else

 We Noted 5 things concerning the Perception of their faith 

A)1st V13 Faith sees the promises afar off!  It is the vision to see what is up ahead!   It is to factor God into the equation 


2ndly Not only sees .......; but is assured of them!

A) Assurance = Confident

     1) Abe was 100yrs old Sarah was 90  Rom.4:21 " He was fully

          persuaded that what promised he was able to perform!"


3rd They embraced them !

A) Embrace is not talking about a cold formal reception / but a

     warm hearty welcome .EMBRACE!

     1)  Away from Denise / handshake?


4TH They confessed they were strangers & Pilgrims

A) Their confession was evidenced by their lifestyle – Randy & Janet


5th V15 They didn't look back ! In fact it says they didn’t even call to mind the old days / life / if did reason to return 

A) Evidence that confession was real / they didn't look back from where they came !/ Didn’t think about / didn’t talk about


B) Hand to the plow – no looking back


C) Promise / Patience / Perception


4th Characteristic Abe’s Life of Faith  Proof of Faith : Faith is always tested

A)The test came for Abe after his beloved Isaac was born & He was somewhere in the age of 18 God said Sacrifice


B) Purpose was to test Abe’s Love for the Lord – How much He feared God

  1) God Knew – what He would do – God knew Abe’s heart / He wanted Abe to see His heart


C) God knows us inside & out – But at times He will put our faith to the test so that we can see our hearts – Encouraged by our strength /

1)   Or see the areas where we still need to grow


D) I can’t believe how I made it thru that


The insight that we gain here Concerning Abe’s Obedience & the evidence of his faith is really interesting

A)Basically we are told in v. 19 that Abe was willing to offer up Isaac because he believed that should he follow thru / God would raise him


B) Abe had grown so much in his ability to trust in the word of God – He just believed that – If God has me do this / He will change it

  1) Because thru the seed of Isaac the world was going to be blessed the Messiah was going to come


C) In fact – Gen 22 interesting insight 3So Abraham rose early in the morning and saddled his donkey, and took two of his young men with him, and Isaac his son; and he split the wood for the burnt offering, and arose and went to the place of which God had told him. 4Then on the third day Abraham lifted his eyes and saw the place afar off. 5And Abraham said to his young men, “Stay here with the donkey; the £lad and I will go yonder and worship, and we will come back to you.”



The Main pt. In mentioning Isaac Jacob & Joseph here is that – They blessed their kids & Joseph instructed concerning his bones based on the belief that God was going to lead them to this Promised land

A)They acted on faith – concerning the Promises of God even in their dying day


B) That was faith -   Couldn’t see it –

C) Writing a will that – Aaron my son would be the groundskeeper of the New Church building –

Believing in the Promise of God –