Revelation Ch.8.1-13 Four Terrible Trumpets


Intro: Here in Matt. 24: 12  "And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold.


A)   Jesus here is talking about one of the leading indicators that we are living in the last days is that the Love of many will grow cold

1)                 The Love in mention  here is the Love for the Lord - 


A)   What causes this loss of Passion & affection for the Lord ?

1)                 Answer is  Lawlessness which is  a rejection of the Will of God in Society – resulting in rampant wickedness


A)   That Acceleration of wickedness Jesus says is even going to have an

       effect on those who are in the Church !!!! – Resulting in

1)                 Carnality – Compromise WE ARE SEEING THAT – RIGHT NOW !!


A)   I have been observing  a Massive amount of Compromise & Carnality in the Church in the last 2 Yrs like I have never seen before

1)                 I hear the same thing in talking to Christian leaders & Pastors across the U.S. -  ( Seeing the same things )


A)   Families breaking up – ( Husband committing adultery / wives committing adultery ) – Once solid couples ( Engaged in Sin )

1)                 People involved in ministry – people who have been involved in solid churches for Yrs.


We are experiencing  an onslaught of pastors – who are leaving their wives – because of affairs – ( been asked to step down )

A)   But who are turning around & marrying their secretaries or whoever it was they engaged in adultery w/ & seeking to Start new Ministries




C)   Why is this kind of thing happening ? -  It is a Fulfillment of what Jesus declared would be a major sign that we are in the last days



A)   Be alert be on guard – be aware – Not a time to be MESSING AROUND

1)                 Not a time to be flirting w/ sin!!!! -  Even thinking about it – I plead w/ you today / STOP it is not worth it !!!!!!!



That is one of the reasons why I am glad that we are studying the book of Revelation -  ( as Difficult as this section is – the Trib- not fun)

A)   It is necessary - & essential considering the times that we are Living in & my prayer is that if you are PLAYING AROUND W/ SIN


B)   If you are Flirting w/ TEMPTATION – if you have DROPPED YOUR GUARD in any way –

1)                 My Prayer is that as we work through this portion of Scripture that it will Literally SCARE THE HELL OUT OF YOU !!!!!


A)   Now I don’t mean that in a Profane way at all – Listen when I say that this is the reason –

1)                 Hell is a real place – I don’t want anyone here to end up there


A)   I want all of you to come to a place where you see the ends times scenario so clearly

1)                 That you would seek to stay  far away from anything That could come into your Life – that would not be God’s Best for You


A)   Stay as far away from anything that would have the Potential of destroying your walk w/ God

1)                 INSTEAD – You would SEEK & DESIRE to walk as Close to the Lord as you Possibly can !!!!


So if these studies – Scare you into walking w/ God – following Him & forsaking sin & the World – PRAISE GOD !!!!!!

A)  Now some of you are thinking – Man that is a Heavy introduction -  well it is nothing in comparison to what the Lord – lays out for us here


Set Scene:  Ch. 5 Scroll – Ch. 6 Seals – opens 6 – Ch. 7 Pause – 144,000 & Martyrs of the Tribulation – Ch. 8 picks up the Chronology –7th seal

8:1  When He opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour.


A)   Here we see a Unique Response to the opening of this 7th Seal – something that Heaven hasn’t experienced Before – SILENCE

1)                 It was so riveting that although – John probably didn’t have a time piece ( not wearing his Timex ) He some how keeps Track – 30min


A)    Up to this point – John has heard a Lot of Noise in Heaven  Ch.4: 5  from the throne proceeded lightnings, thunderings, and voices.

1) Ch.4: 8  The 4 living creatures, who do not rest day or night, saying: "Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, Who was  is and is to come!"


B)    4:11 twenty-four elders are Singing / Ch. 5: Strong Angel Proclaiming w/ a LOUD VOICE Who is worthy …… ANGELS PRAISING

1)                 Every time we have seen the Heavenly seen is this book it has been filled w/ a lot of Commotion / Action & Praise !!!!!


A)   But Now there is this OMINOUS / SILENCE !!!!!

One Bible commentator – suggested that the very fact there was silence in Heaven for ½ hour – indicates there must not be any women there


E) That is what He said – I’m just reporting what He said !!!!!





Most of you have Heard the Hallelujah Chorus of Handle’s Messiah – the most powerful & moving musical composition ever written

A)   During the London Premiere of the Messiah in 1743, King George II was seated in his seat as the Hallelujah chorus was being performed


B)  As the First of the Hallelujah’s were being Sung – the King was so

     Deeply moved

1)                           That He spontaneously rose to His feet & stood for the remainder of the Performance his eyes glistening w/ EMOTION


C)  The rest of the Audience seeing the King standing Reverently as the Chorus continued to Build in power & force – also rose to its feet

1)                 Those of you familiar w/ that Great Song – Know how it Builds to a Climax H…….H….. ( Then the Orchestra & Choir suddenly Stops )


C) And there is this thundering Silence Full of Awe & Intense Anticipation– the Chorus still ringing in your Ears – ( Well that is the Idea here )


Heaven is Worshipping – 4 living Creatures – Holy / Elders Worthy / Angels Praising – Trib Saints Praying – (  Suddenly Silence )   Why ?

A)   Actually We are not Sure – but I have a Suggestion:  It is the Lull before the Storm ( Things are about to get really Intense )


B)    The idea communicated here is that when the Judgements that are about to Happen become visible as the 7th seal is broken & the scroll unrolled

1)                 All of Heaven is reduced to Silence in anticipation of the Grim destruction they see written on the Scroll


Earl Palmer, in his comm. on Rev.  "It communicates in a dramatic way the full & awesome authority of God. Everything must wait for his kingly move."


A)    LETS SEE WHAT HAPPENS NEXT – Following the half hr. of Silence


2       And I saw the seven angels who stand before God, and to them were given seven trumpets.

A)   Notice the use of the Definite Article – THE SEVEN ANGELS – these were not just any old angels – ( they seemed to be Unique group )


B) A set apart Group – been called the PRESCENSE ANGELS-

B     1) the verb stand is in the Present tense which indicates they were in the Presence of God & had been there for some time


C)There are several scriptures that give us the idea that there is some sort of

      ranking of Angels ( Michael the Arch Angel )

1)                 This group seems to be a very High ranking Group -  Gabriel was  

      probably in this group


D)  Luke 1:19 Appeared to Zacharias - The angel identifies himself as "Gabriel, who stands in the presence of God,"



As John watched – each one of these Angels were given a Trumpet in Preparation for the Trumpet Judgements that were to follow

A)   Trumpets are the most significant Musical instruments in the Bible

They are associated w/ many different events


B)    Numbers 10 Example :Used to  Gather the people; Announce War; / Announce Special Events.

1)                 These Trumpets are ANNOUNCING WAR !!!!   v.3-4


3  Then another angel, having a golden censer, came and stood at the altar. He was given much incense, that he should offer it with the prayers of all the saints upon the golden altar which was before the throne.

4       And the smoke of the incense, with the prayers of the saints, ascended before God from the angel's hand.


Now before the judgements are delivered – our attention is directed toward the Altar of Incense in heaven

A)   Noted already that the Tab. – ( Which by the way is the Longest portion of scripture given to any one subject at one time in the Bible)

B)   The Lord spends – 16 chapters in the Book of Exodus – explaining how this tent – was to be Built what Materials used Etc.

1)                 REASON IS TWO FOLD -  See as we get there shortly – Incredible Symbolic Picture of Jesus (  But also – Rough layout of Heaven)


A)   Two compartments – Holy Place / and Holy of Holies / VEIL

1)                 Before the VEIL  was the altar of Incense – the Priest would take this golden Censer – censer is a container in which incense is burned


A)   Take the Censer & put it on the Altar – represented the Prayers of God’s people

1)                 Here in Rev. Another Angel does the same – Another = another of the same Kind – Like the seven w/ the trumpets ( Presence Angel)


Note this incense is offered w/ the Prayers of the Saints – this gives us some neat insight into how God views our Prayers

A)   Psa. 141: 2  Let my prayer be set before You as incense,


B)   So often we can find ourselves – feeling like our Prayers – are not penetrating the Ceiling -  Falling to the ground

1)                 Be encouraged by this Picture !


A)   Our prayers being like Incense pictures two things ( One – smoke rising doesn’t sit still – ascending ) Children of Israel outside the Tab.

1)                 He hears our Prayers


A)   We have call waiting on our Phone – My wife –never uses it !!!!

1)                 God doesn’t need Call waiting – All of us praying at once – He is tuned in !!!!! ( Like smoke ascending)



2nd -  Incense (present day pou-pourie!) our Prayers come to God like  a Bouquet of flowers w/a note!  ( that is His view )

A)  Guys like that note in your lunch box from your wife w/ the perfume on it


B)  Guys in the service – Letter from your Wife – her perfume – You can’t wait to get those letters

1) That is how the Lord views our Prayers !!!!!


C) Sometimes I look at notes, phone messages, telephone calls as, “Oh another to do item....not God!

1)                 He sees each as a perfumed love letter, as a rose w/a note, as a military man overseas anxiously awaiting the mail!


D)Sometimes we picture God as being too busy to listen I don’t want to bother Him w/ this / NOT SO / He isn’t too Busy

           1)But  too often it is us who are TOO BUSY TO PRAY /  HE IS tuned

              in anxiously awaiting your Prayer – Our prayers like Incense !!!  


A)   But notice what this Angel does next v.5


5  Then the angel took the censer, filled it with fire from the altar, and threw it to the earth. And there were noises, thunderings, lightnings, and an earthquake.


After the Incense is burned up – after the Prayers are heard – he takes the censer – picks up a Burning coal  And threw it to the earth !!!!!

A)    The Judgement is Beginning again – the Silence is over – the Lull is done


The world will not come to the altar for forgiveness, so the altar comes to the world w/judgment.


a)    This also gives the Idea that – the Judgement that follows is the answer to the Prayers of the saints – what Prayer ? Thy kingdom Come ….. done


B) So this Angel throws the Fiery coal to the earth  resulting in thunderings, lightnings, and an earthquake.


READ V.6-13


Now one question that always comes up w/ the book of Rev. is – are these things Literal or are they Figurative & Symbolic

A)   For instance – when we read about these types of things happening many see a comparison to what we Know about Nuclear Explosions


B)   See when a Nuclear Warhead is Detonated it brings about Immediate fire storms – Walls of Fire traveling 250mph – sweep across the Land

1)                 Destroying everything in its path –


A)   So some read this & How it says that 1/3 of the Trees & the Green Grass were Burned up & suggest this is the result of a Nuclear explosion


B)   Several yrs ago – when some above ground Nuclear test were being done on one of the Bikini Islands in the South Pacific

1)                 Island was completely blown up & a lot of the water surrounding the Island was thrust into the air – 1000’s of feet


A)   When it reached that atmosphere it Froze – and came back down in the Form of Large Hail stones ( so we see a Comparisons)



I Prefer to look at this Literally – Like the Plagues of Egypt – God Striking the Earth !!!!!

A)    However – I do believe that w/ the great earthquake & the hail & fire happening – ( very possible – could cause Nuclear explosions


B)    Nuclear Plants to be destroyed  Massive Nuclear Fallout / Just think what an  Earthquake – 11.0 – would do?


Also Interesting to note that as these  1st four Trumpets are Blown we see that the Earth is Pulverized in 4 Distinct areas

A) 1st against Land / 2nd Saltwater or Oceans / 3rd Fresh water /

       4th The heavens sun & Moon stars



B)1st trumpet  - hail and fire followed, mingled with blood And a third of

     the trees were burned up, and all green grass was burned up.


C) Hail & fire are frequently associated in scripture w/ Divine Judgement


Gen.19: 24  Then the LORD rained brimstone and fire on Sodom and Gomorrah, from the LORD out of the heavens.


Ex.9: 23  And Moses stretched out his rod toward heaven; and the LORD sent thunder and hail, and fire darted to the ground. And the LORD rained hail on the land of Egypt.


A)   From a Scientific stand point – an earth quake – the size of 8.5 would trigger world wide Volcanic eruptions

1)                 Resulting in vast quantities of Blood red in Appearance Flaming Lava- that would affect the Atmosphere


A)   Causing Violent thunderstorms to occur- producing Large Hail


B)   One commentator – noted that the Hail & fire mingled w/ Blood – the Blood probably indicating a great number of people Killed


C)   However this happens – INCREDIBLE SIGHT – Ice & Fire Balls descending upon the Earth –

1)                 1st Earthquake – Attention – 2nd of 3 major earthquakes / Lightning thunder – ( people looking up – Bombs away


RESULT -  a third of the trees were burned up, and all green grass was burned up.

A). One can well imagine how this would affect not only the balance of nature, but also the food supply.


B) “fruit trees”; and the destruction of pasture lands would devastate the meat and milk industries.


2nd Trumpet - And something like a great mountain burning with fire was thrown into the sea, and a third of the sea became blood.

A)   1st it is ice & fire coming from the sky -  as people are watching all of a sudden what looks like a flaming Mountain – descends on them


B)   Mt. Palamor – Mt. Everest – This no doubt would be the result of a Giant Meteorite


C) Result : a third of the sea became blood. And a third of the living creatures in the sea died, and a third of the ships were destroyed.

1)                           This will be an ecological and an economic disaster of

      unprecedented proportions.


A)   Considering that the oceans occupy about three fourths of the earth’s surface, you can imagine the extent of this judgment.

1)                 Also interesting to note that the Atlantic Ocean makes up 1/3 of the world’s oceans –


A)   Been said that 1/3 of the ships afloat today are in that region

1)                 Might be a Ref to the Atlantic Possibly being - destroyed)



3rd Trumpet - a great star fell from heaven, burning like a torch, it fell on a 3rd  of the rivers/ on the springs of water. The name of the star is Wormwood.

A)   God’s wrath next reaches inland and touches the rivers and fountains of water making the fresh water taste bitter like wormwood.


B)   The National Geographic Society lists about 100 principal rivers in the world, ranging in length from the Amazon (4,000 miles long) to the Rio de la Plata (150 miles long).


C)  The U.S. Geological Survey reports thirty large rivers in the United States, beginning with the  Mississippi (3,710 miles long).

1)                One third of these rivers, and their sources, will become so bitterly polluted that drinking their water could produce death.

Now some have commented that – the name Wormwood in Russian is Chernobyl –

A)    Above ground testing of Nuclear weapons have been banned in recent yrs because of the discovery of Strontium 90 – in fresh water


B)    So once again we see the similarities ( Also seen in 4th trumpet )


12  Then the fourth angel sounded: And a third of the sun was struck, a third of the moon, and a third of the stars, so that a third of them were darkened. A third of the day did not shine, and likewise the night.

A)    Scientist in talking about the Fallout of a Nuclear Holocaust – describe what they call a Nuclear winter –


B)    Where the earth’s light would be significantly darkened – causing –the temperature to drop significantly around the world

1)                 For instance here on the West Coast – They suggest that the High temperature would be 15 Degrees ( Much cooler at night & in Winter)


A)    So if You are planning on being here – Invest in warm clothes


D) Imagine the devastation to crops & animal life that such cold

B      temperatures would cause -   ( Mass Starvation)

1)               Oregon haze / Alaska – suicide



Also worth noting that many of the Judgements in this book are similar to the Plagues that Hit Egypt –

A)   We have noted in our study on Wed. nights that those Plagues were not Random – hits ( Attack on the Egyptian gods)


B)    Nile to Blood – they worshipped the Nile – sacrifice their first Born – god of the Nile would bless them –( God saying Don’t worship a river)

   1)Most of their Plagues were connected w/ the gods that they worshipped


C)    I think we see that same similarity here in these 1st 4 trumpet Judgements

What do people worship today ? – The Planet / The Stars / the Animals in the Ocean 

A) Worship mother earth / Save a Whale / Spotted Owl Hug a tree

       5 yrs in Prison for destroying an Eagles egg – nothing unborn


B) God judges man in these same Areas


13     And I looked, and I heard an angel flying through the midst of heaven, saying with a loud voice, "Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth, because of the remaining blasts of the trumpet of the three angels who are about to sound!"


A) As man is reeling from these blows the angel brings no comfort!!


B) WHAT A CONTRAST to the MANY TIMES that God sent His           messenger with the words: FEAR NOT


C)When God was demonstrating His perfect love for by sending His    only begotten Son His message to the shepherds was

1)                  "Fear Not.....          Peace On Earth... "


D) But-  For the world that would have nothing to do with God's           Love..... His Mercy..... His Life.....

1) There will be no glad tidings


 E)  There can only be woe proclaimed upon them/ BECAUSE they could have had life, but they rejected it

1) BECAUSE they could have had mercy  but they refused it


F) For them there remains only judgement and woe and it will be           worse than  anything they have yet seen ( Ch.9 – All Hell Breaks lose )

1)                           What heaven doesn’t do / Hell Finishes –


In closing – note 4 affects that Judgement has on our Lives / We can experience judgment now – to a degree -

First of all, judgments frighten us. They are intended to. They are sent to arrest our attention. They chill our blood.

A) They alarm us. They scare the living daylights out of us. That is the first effect of judgment. It arouses fear.


2nd Then, because it terrifies us, judgment also sobers us.

A)      C. S. Lewis well said  that judgment is "God's megaphone to reach a deaf world."


B)      Sobering affect on people they began to see what is really important." That is also what judgments do. They help us reassess our lives.

1)                   They change our priorities.


A)    3rd  judgments correct us. judgment strips away our illusions. It restores us to reality. They force us to face unpleasant facts about ourselves.



And fourth, judgment humbles us. We begin to see that we are really not in control. We do not run everything about our lives.

A)    We are not autonomous creatures.


B)    We are not little gods, capable of making anything we want to of ourselves, as the media keeps trying to tell us.

1)                 This fact will become a Rude awakening for many in the trib

      They are not in charge/ don’t have it together !!!


A)    San Francisco . Earthquake – Fires Old couple saved all money life’s saving paper sacks under bed –

1)                 We were preparing for a rainy day – never envisioned a fiery night



But here is the thing that we need to remember in talking about this in studying this portion of scripture ( the Trib)

A)    God isn’t looking forward to this  Either ( His attitude isn’t - I can’t wait  to Blast them !!!!!)  Listen to what Peter says 2 Pet.3

7  But the heavens and the earth which are now preserved by the same word, are reserved for fire until the day of judgment & perdition of ungodly men.

8  But, beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

9  The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.

10  But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up.

11  Therefore, since all these things will be dissolved, what manner of persons ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness,

12  looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be dissolved, being on fire, and the elements will melt with fervent heat?

13  Nevertheless we, according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells.

14  Therefore, beloved, looking forward to these things, be diligent to be found by Him in peace, without spot and blameless;