Rev. 13 :1-18 A Counterfeit Oneness


Intro: There is a lot of interest these days on the subject of Prophecy

( News Week Mag. / Title : )

A)   According to this most recent Newsweek poll they found that 40% of the adults in the U.S. believe the world will one day end


18% of those polled said they believed that Jesus would return to the earth during their life time !!!!!


B)   As we move closer to the yr. 2,000 & enter into a new Millennium people are wondering : things like – Is this going to be it

1)                 Is the Anti-Christ alive on the Earth / Will the potential Y2K Crisis usher in the mark of the Beast & is it already set up


A)   We are going to discover the answer to some of those questions in our study today in Rev.13 – A COUNTERFEIT ONENESS



Satan is a Master at Counterfeit – in fact Whatever we have that is true / You can always be sure that Satan is going to have a Counterfeit version of it

A)   For instance we have a REAL GOSPEL – Admit sinner  Repent & Believe Turn from your sin / turn to Christ –


B)   But Satan has a Counterfeit Gospel – an easy Believism that says you can believe in whatever of who ever you want – Just believe in something

1)                 The Key is to be sincere – live however you want to live & you will eventually end up in Heaven


A)   And with that False gospel comes a False hope – Report also revealed that roughly 68% of Americans believe that they will go to heaven when they die / while only 3% of those polled thought they would go to hell


D) But what are those believes founded in – Is it based on the Counterfeit – Satan’s Lie ?  

In the last days Satan is going to Create a Counterfeit Oneness that is going to Consist of a One World Govt. system

A)   A One World Religious System / and a One world Economic System


B) All of which is going to be headed up by his Counterfeit Messiah who is called the AntiChrist or the Beast   - read about these things here in Rev.13

                               READ V.1-18



Now this is a riveting Chapter – Divide into 3 sections

 1st Anti- Christ Political System / 2nd the AntiChrist Religious System /  3rd Monetary System


1st AntiChrist Political System :  Depicted by this beast rising up out of the Sea –

A)   Now it is easy to wonder  as you read about this beast coming up out

        of the Sea – what is this ?     Visions of Godzilla vs. Rodan


B)   Of course John is using symbolism here / and he is using symbols that are

     familiar to the student of the Bible especially O.T.

1)                 We have seen these creatures before in the book of Daniel Ch.7


C)  In fact if you want to have a good understanding of the book of Rev. it is necessary to be familiar w/ the Book of Daniel


D) We learn in Dan. Ch. 7 that the beast that Dan. Saw represented 4 great world empires . The first beast which was like a lion – Babylon

1)               The 2nd Beast like a bear represented the Medo Persian empire that followed Babylon / which was Later replaced by the Leopard –Greece


C)  Which spoke of the swiftness of Alexander the Great in his conquering of the Known world at the time

1)               The 4th Beast w/ its 10 horns & seven heads we pointed out last week is identifiable as the Roman empire –


All of these are Drawn upon to show how the Antichrist is going to combine the features of these Prominent empires of the past

A)The lion-like ferocity of Babylon, the crushing bear-like power of Medo-Persia, and the swiftness of the Grecian leopard,


A)   All combined &  appearing in the last days in a restored form of the Roman Empire.

1)                 That will consist of a 10 nation Confederacy – which is what the 10 horns represent


A)   Now Some people today think this confederacy could be the Current EEC

European Economic Community – currently 15 nations

1)                 Might whittle down to 10 or might be a Confederation similar to this


A)   The fact that the beast comes out of the Sea is proof of this – the Sea is used symbolically in scripture to speak of the nations

1) This World leader is going to arise up out of the European nations & gain World acceptance & Dominance in a relatively short period of time



Remember back to the Bush administration – one of the Buzz words during the end of his Administration was a NEW WORLD ORDER

A)    We don’t hear about that much any more – at least not in those words but it hasn’t died -  Jan.1 1999 – unveiled the U.S. of Europe


B)    Eurodollar – A new Common currency in Europe that will be fully in place by the Yr. 2002 when all other European currency obsolete

1)                 This Unification of Europe in this way & this move to a Common

Currency is just one of many examples -  New World order still on move


A)    So this beast that arises up out of the Sea speaks of this New World empire that is going to be set up in the tribulation period

1) Who’s leader is going to be the Anti-Christ



Notice in V.2  that the Dragon whom we identified in Ch.12 to be Satan gives power to the beast – (This man – Energized by Satan himself )

A)   But then we see an interesting twist in v. 3 when it says that the AntiChrist was mortally wounded but miraculously recovers


B)   I think that this suggest that there is going to be an assignation attempt on his life that will appear to be successful

1)                 But some how he is going to Miraculously recover at which point the world we are told in v.3 is going to Marvel & follow the beast


A)   Imagine the reaction : They will see this assignation attempt replayed over & over on T.V. – thinking there is no way he could have survived

1)                 But when he does – they will claim it to be a Miracle & will follow after him by the Masses


A)   Just think what the reaction would have been like had – JFK – survived – the assignation attempt that took his life

1) We are told in v. 4 that at this point :  the world is going to worship the Dragon who gives his authority to the beast & they will worship the beast


B)   What has been Satan’s goal all along – it has been to be worshipped !!!

1)                 Here he is going to get on a wide spread scale what he has been craving  all along!!!


So there is going to be wide spread acceptance & allegiance for the Anti-Christ after this event – He is going to be on the talk show circuit

A)   He will be on Larry King Live / Oprah / 20/20 – notice in v.5 it says that he is going to speak great things


B)   He is going to have some great ideas / Been said that this man is going to have the Charisma of a JFK / Oratorical skills of a Winston Churchill

1)           / the Determination of a Joseph Stalin / the Vision of a Carl Marx / the respectability of a Ghandi

The Military Prowess of a Douglas MacArthur & the Charm of a Will Rogers

The World is going to be won over by his Charm & his Ideas

A)   He will come on the scene during some economically troubling times most likely induced by the Rapture of the Church


B)   From which The World is going to be in Chaos & Confusion – he is going to have some answers

1)                 he will come preaching a gospel of TOLERANCE how the world is going to need to BAN TOGETHER


A)   He is going to present some bold economic moves – and is going to be used to Bring about a Global peace plan / that will be short lived

1)                 See Once he gets himself into a Place of Power his true colors are going to be revealed – War & Conquest / Domination


In 2 Thess. 2:8 he is called the Lawless one – because he will oppose every law of God . He will be a Blood thirsty World leader who will make

A)   Adolf Hitler / Joseph Stalin / Mussolini / Mao Se Tsung look like  light weights in comparison


B)   It is interesting when you look back Historically to when a Dictator would take over a nation – it was rarely done w/ Brute force

1)Instead Dictators usually come to economically troubled nations / at a time when a nation is weak, vulnerable economically & very imperishable


C)   Ex. When Rome First rose to Power the nations around the Romans were in dire straights – the Romans showed kindness & Benevolence

1)                 They got their foot in the door to the point where they eventually conquered their surrounding countries – demanded Emperor worship



When Hitler came into power in Germany / the nation was in dire economic straights

A)   Inflation was so bad that 1,000’s of people were starving on the Streets / the communist were starting Riots


B)   Then Adolph Hitler appeared on the scene – a seeming voice of Authority in the midst of Chaos –

1)                 He told Germany they were a people of Destiny/He Promised to return the nation to Glory


A)    That Germany would rule the World / under the Banner of the third Reich W/ Hitler as its head!!! – They bought into – the Lie


But Hitler was very sly at first – He came w/ words of peace – he said that he wouldn’t be a threat to the Jews or the Christians

A)   He met w/ the Church leaders in Germany – ( State run Churches – Pastors are paid by the Govt.


B)   The Pastors  were concerned about – this new form of Govt. under Hitler would there be any Provision for them ?

1)                 Hitler met w/ them – to ensure them that they would be taken care of

They liked his Charisma / Charm / Economic plans


A)    One bold Pastor asked him – what  about the Soul of Germany to which Hitler simple replied : The soul of Germany now you leave that to me

1)                 And they did – THE REST IS HISTORY !!!!


A)   Synagogues were burned to the ground / but so were Churches that didn’t support Hitler’s views 

1)                 And Swastikas replaced Crosses in the Churches that did follow him


My Point is that Hitler came w/ overtures of Peace & Promises of Prosperity & glory / He had Flare / Charisma / Master Deceiver

But once in Power – he set out on his rampage to Eliminate the Jewish nation  ( the Anti-Christ will come in similar Fashion)


B) We are told inv.7 that he is going to make war against the Saints

   ( those who come to Christ during the trib. –Most will be Killed)

1)                           Already told in Ch.7 that those killed were a great Multitude which no man could number

A)    Today the Church is pausing to Remember – Persecuted Bros/Sis

1)             Presently 200-250million Christians in the World who are suffering 

   some sort of Persecution –( Many are in risk of their lives)


B)    Every year world wide 160,000 Christians are Killed for their Faith – their refusal to deny Christ !!!!

1)                 In Sudan – one of the Hardest places to be a Christian – 1.9 Million believers have lost their lives over the yrs


C)    Despite their Persecution – their one request of us – Pray for us !!!!

1)                 Families spit up / Daughters at 10 Raped – married off / Sons slaves


D)    Horrible injustice – But is really Alarming is the Persecution against the Christians & Jews under the reign of Anti-Christ will be the worst




Now something else that is interesting is that Despite his Hatred against the Christians & Jews/ there is going to be a Spiritual side to his Empire

A) Now the 2nd thing that we want to note about this Counterfeit Oneness is that the Kingdom of the AntiChrist is going to have a Spiritual side to it as well


B)Note in v. 5 it says that he is going to speak great things & Blasphemies  against God / Anti= against or instead of


A)   I don’t think that the Blasphemies  mentioned there are Cursings against God – but more of a Message Propagated in the Original Lie

1)                 Satan told Eve that if She ate of the Forbidden Fruit that she would become like God – she would become a Deity / she  would be godlike


A)   It is amazing today how that message is spreading : Indications that Satan is on the move seeking to get his religious system in place

1)                 We noted in our last study how Satan knows that his time is short – consequently he is stepping up his efforts to Deceive & Destroy


A)   The Shortness of time MOTIVATES him to action –

1) Question :  But how does it affect us ? Are we as stirred to great a love as   he is to hatred?


E)    He is never half hearted in his efforts / are we in ours ?

1)                 Are we as anxious to SAVE as he is to destroy?  Are we as Anxious to spread the truth as he is to propagate his lies ?



If you haven’t noticed There is a growing interest TODAY  in spiritual MATTERS

A)    Some of the recent books on the N.Y. Times best sellers list have been books about such things as The soul / Angels / the after life


B)    Unfortunately most of these books espouse the age old lie of Satan – that you can be a god – or you need to discover the divinity w/ in you


C)    Oprah Winfrey who only has to recommend a book & it automatically becomes a best seller – recently recommended a book

      Discover the Power w/ in You -   In the book the Author says


Jesus did not come to teach how divine he was but to teach us that divinity is with in us . To  Claim that he was god would be pure egotism on his part . There couldn’t possibly be one way to god – there are many diverse paths leading to what we call God -  ( Gospel according to Oprah )


Called New age – really it is an Old lie – You can be god – discover the god w/ in.


In another best selling book called Conversations w/ god – author says that God spoke to him & said –



Listen to your feelings – (trust the force Luke)  Listen to your highest thoughts pay attention to your feelings & your experiences even though they might be different from what you have been taught or read in books –forget the words /  words are the least reliable prevailer of truth


God supposedly told this guy these things that totally contradict the Bible  – he writes a book & it becomes a best seller –

A)   Do you see the Pattern in this New age Mysticism & all this talk about Tolerance & Relativism ( Doesn’t matter what you believe ….)


B)   This is the Lie that is going to be spreading in the Last days – as the Anti-Christ sets up a System of Worship that will sound really good



V.11 – We are introduced to his spiritual front man – Another beast that appears on the Scene : Called the False Prophet in Rev.16 &19

A)  He two horns like a Lamb – speaks of the fact that he is going to seem meek & gentle but he is going to speak w/ the Authority of the Dragon

                He is a Dangerous fraud / a Dragon in Sheep’s Clothing


B) In v.12 we are told that  He is going to do some pretty impressive miracles that will give some Credence to his claims

1)                 In which he leads the World in their Worship or their Exaltation of the first beast who was wounded


C)This has been called Satan’s Unholy Trinity – Trinity = Father Son & H.S. – H.S. job is to point people to Christ – Glorify Christ

1)                 In this Unholy – trinity you have the Dragon /the AntiChrist & the False Prophet – false Prophets Job is to point people to AntiChrist.


D)We are told in v.14 & 15 that he makes some type of Image of the beast & some how – gives life to it – when people see it -  cheer / Exalt / Worship

 He uses miracles to do this – which should be a word of caution for us


The reason I mention this is because Satan – I believe has the power to do certain miracles –

A)   And at the hands of this false prophet those on the earth at this time are going to see some pretty impressive miracles


B)   That is why we must always be careful to not get caught up in looking for miracles & following after signs & wonders

1)                 Jesus said it was an evil & adulterous Nation that seeks after a Sign


A)   Instead we need to Know what the Bible says & not be so concerned about whether we get a shiver up our spine

1) Or the burning in the Bosom as the Mormons say – I can get that burning in the bosom & else where from too much Albertos

                       Spaghetti billboard in Louisiana



So the AntiChrist is going to establish a World Political center that is going to consist of a revival of the old Roman empire – 10 nation

A)   He is going to establish a One world religious system


B)   That is going to be headed up by this false Prophet who will use miracles to insight the world into the worship the Beast –



3rd Aspect of this Counterfeit Oneness that we want to Discuss is this one world Monetary system that the AntiChrist is going to set up

A)   A system were everyone is going to receive a mark in their right hand or

     on their forehead – won’t be able to buy or sell w/ out that mark


B) He is going to Institute a CASHLESS SOCIETY !!!!!!


C)Such an idea seemed impossible even Ludicrous – 70 yrs ago – but now / the advances in Modern day technology –

1)                 It is not even possible but probable & the acceptance of such an idea is rapidly growing Every single year !!!  For several reasons

The banking industry has been pushing hard for a Cashless Society for many yrs – Why?

A)   Every Check cost the bank between 35 to 60 cents to process / but Electronic transactions only cost the bank ONE CENT


B)   That is why banks have a real interest in seeing us move solely to an Electronic funds transfer system


C)   So do Small Business owners who lose Millions every yr. From employees who steal from the till


D)   The IRS is also pushing for a Cashless Society because the Govt. loses an estimated One Trillion dollars a year  in taxes / in Underground economy

1)                 Those who pay their employees under the Table – (  Eliminate Cash & that wouldn’t be possible anymore )



Law enforcement agencies are Pushing for this Why? Eliminate Cash & you Eliminate bank robberies / Store hold ups /

A)   And most importantly – you render a death blow to the Drug dealing Business – which consist purely of Cash for drugs exchanges


B)   So there are a lot of good reasons to go to a Cashless Society & the recent Bio Computer Chip technology has made it very possible

1) Chips in pets & Cows  / Push for Chips in kids /  Armed forces personal – MARC CARD – what if lost or stolen -   under the skin


C)   This Micro Chip would have all the information that any one would ever want to know about you - & through a Massive computer system

1)                 Would be able to keep track of people where ever they go !!!!





So it is clear to see that Satan is Preparing the world for the Arrival of this Counterfeit Oneness that will come about in the trib.

A)   The political players are being put into place – Spiritually speaking the Message is being spread


B)    And Economically the Technology is in place for us to move into a Cashless Society


C)    Which leads me back to a question that we posed in the beginning of this message : Is the ANTI-CHRIST alive today – if so can we figure out who

1)                 I think the answer to that question is Yes – he is alive – but I don’t think that we are to be concerned or trying to figure out who he is


A)    Listen we are no where in Scripture told to be looking for the AntiChrist instead we are told in Luke 21:28

28  "Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near."


B)    We are not to be looking for the Coming of Anti-Christ but the coming of JESUS CHRIST



In fact we are told in 2 Thess. 2:6,7 that the AntiChrist is being restrained right now –

A)   That he cannot be revealed until that which restrains is removed – what is restraining him?


B) It is the Presence of the Church in the World today –which means he is going to officially come on the scene until the rapture of the Church happens

1)                           What is the RAPTURE?  - Nut shell ……


C)So how can a person know if they are going to be taken / how can they

     know if they are ready ?   v.8

1)                           Is your name written in the Lambs book of life


If your name is written is the Book of life you will be ready for the rapture /

A)   But if your name is not written in the Lambs book of life you will not be ready for the rapture – you will go through the TRIB.


B)   Which I assure you is going to be HELL ON EARTH !!!!

1)                 Do you know that Your name right now is written in the book of life


A)   The Bible says that if your name is not written in the book of life you are going to have to stand before God at the GWT –Judgement

1) And any one who’s name is not written in the Lambs book of life is going to be CAST INTO THE LAKE OF FIRE – tormented for Eternity


Well how can I know if my name is written in the Book of Life?

A)   Simple : By putting your Faith & Trust in Jesus Christ relying solely upon his Sacrificial death on the Cross – basis for your Forgiveness


B)   Admitting that you are a Sinner / that You have Broken God’s laws & that your sin has separated you from God

1)                 And that it is only through putting your faith in Christ death on the Cross that Your sins can be Forgiven / guilt removed / relationship w/ God


A)   That it is not based upon your goodness / your sincerity / your religiosity / but upon the death of Jesus in your Place

1)                 Slain from before the Foundation of the World – See God Knew that Man was going to Blow it  - ( He Provided a Plan )


A)   I get my name written in the Lambs book of life when I put my faith in God’s Plan of Salvation – found in His Son

1)                 Have you received Christ – Is your name in the Book of Life – Are you sure ?

Rom.10: 9  that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.

10  For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

John 20: 31  but these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name.


A)    Are You sure ?


B)    Maybe You have walked away from the Lord – not sure where you stand today -  ( Prodigal son senses – Come Home )