2009 Spiritual Warfare Series, Part 9

Ephesians 6:18

The Weapon of Prayer


Tonight we come to the conclusion of our series on the subject of Spiritual warfare.

A) Tonight we are going to discuss the most unique weapon in our spiritual arsenal – Prayer.


B) So unique that there is not an equivalent picture of it in the Armor of the Roman Soldier

1) Recall Paul inspired by the HS – draws from the Armor of the Roman Soldier to describe the Armor of the believer – Symbolic pictures


C) But there is no piece of the Roman Soldiers armor that Paul could relate to the weapon of Prayer


Prayer plays a big part in the application of the Armor that God has given us.

A) Tonight – do a quick review – describing – how the different pieces of the armor function in the battle


B) Tying in this very important aspect of Prayer


C) Finish by noting what Paul says here specifically about prayer.


Read the text –


Spiritual Battle: Not flesh and blood

Satan and his Demons

God wants us to stand – and to take ground!

A) I was reading something today by Ray Stedman – made a comment – I hadn’t thought about before


B) Centered around – Peter’s confession that Jesus was the Christ – the Messiah –


C) Jesus responds - Matthew 16:18 

And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock {Confession} I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.


We hear that and we so often focus on the word prevail – Hell is not going to be able to overcome the truth of who Jesus is

A) Which is true – but it ignores the word gates – gates are for defending


B) Hell is not going to be able to stop the spread of the gospel and the building of the Church.


C) My point is the armor isn’t just for being on the defensive –

1) We stand and we take ground in the power of JC and the weapons and armor – provided


Attack comes many forms – Doubt Discouragement Distraction

A) First piece of Armor – Belt of truth - 


B) Belt of truth is overall truth found in Scripture

C) It is about who I am in Christ 


D) All the other pieces of our Armor are connected to truth!


Not drawing upon Feelings / popular opinion /

A) Girded - ready – not tripped up


B) What keeps me moving forward not tripped up is knowing the truth

1) Knowing that the absolute truth of life is found in God and his word


C) Last week we talked about the Sword of the Spirit which is the word of God

1) Word Specific – Rhema - specific words to the specific situations


D) I am drawing from that treasure Chest of the truth – to call upon the word that speaks to the situation.


E) Actually speaking that word -


V. 16 Above all taking the Shield of faith

A) It is by faith that I apply that word


B) Shield covered the whole man –

1) Trust in Christ – His faithfulness that covers me


C) Faith applies truth – Rhema word

Connection between Faith and Prayer:

“Faith is reliance on the direct activity of God in human life.


 Prayer is the request for that activity; faith is the expectation that God will do it.” Stedman


These two things link together.


Area of attack – Condemnation:


A) Breastplate of righteousness -  Draw upon the truth that Jesus – makes me righteous


B) 2 Cor 5:21  “For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.”


C) Romans 8 No condemnation


D) So I embrace that by faith and I pray it into my life in that moment –

1) Praying calling upon God to help me stand in that truth.


Area of attack – Confusion! Doubt

A) Not right with God – God is not with me


B) Take out my sword – draw upon that treasure Chest of truth - 


Romans 5:1

Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ,


Confused, anxious, doubting

Philippians  4:6-7

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; 7 and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.


So I call upon those truths I take out my sword and in faith – speak those realities – again praying them into my life. –

A) Lord thank you for the peace I have in Christ


B) Lord I am giving you this situation!


So faith draws upon the truth – Breaks out that Rhema word – that speaks to the situation

A) Speaks against the area to which I am being attacked


B) The word is embraced by faith – It is applied thru Prayer – and stood upon by faith


C) That is how we use the armor –


Seven things this passage teaches us about prayer!

#1 v.18 - Prayer is to be a lifestyle:  (praying always)           

A) 1Thes 5:17 "pray without ceasing?”   What does that mean?  


B) - Can't expect to spend every moment - praying: work / things to do –


C) So what does it mean? Tickle in the throat

1) It means to live in constant communion w/ the Lord! Keeping in touch / always aware of His presence


D) On going conversation:

1) My prayer life – changed dramatically


Set prayer times: - Prayer days


Praying always



A) Elijah Distinguished the Still small Voice from wind / fire ..


B) How I’m convinced he cultivated a Prayer life w/ God


#2 V.18 We are to Pray w/ all prayer!  "Pray w/ all prayer -  supplication"

A) Different types of prayer mentioned in the Bible:

          1) Pray - conversing w/ God simply talking

          2) Supplication - coming to God w/ our needs

          3) PETITION - make a request

          4) Praise and thanksgiving - express gratitude - worship

          5) CONFESSION - confess sins

          6) Intercession - praying - making request for others


So #2 - Pray w/ all prayer: don't just - make request - learn to talk w/ God!  Realize the power of interceding for others

A) Moses needed an Aaron and a Hur to hold up his hands


B)  Job found out that interceding for others can bring victory      to his own life

Job 42:10  “And the Lord restored Job's losses when he prayed for his friends.”


#3 - Pray in the Spirit

A) Common interpretation of this - pray in tongues!  Now I believe praying in the spirit can involve speaking in tongues


B) But don't believe that is primary interpretation here! Here is Why


Cc) 1st of all turn 1 Cor 14:5 - "I wish you all spoke w/ tongues -        implication: some didn't –


C)  So if this meant simply to pray in tongues – that would mean that some believers would be under equipped for the Battle.


D)  The 2nd Reason is that in the same ch.v.4  Paul explains that the only person who benefits from tongues is speaker / unless – interpretation


E) Now My spirit prays and I am edified!  Tongues - speaking to God!

1) It is gift that enables us to express Worship to God in such a way     never could humanly


So what does it mean to Pray the Spirit – I think – same thing it means to Walk in the Spirit – Not suggesting walk in tongues

A) To Pray in the spirit is to pray according to the Spirit


B) It is developing sensitivity to the spirit / know how to Pray


C) Pray in line w/ the Spirit of God – What is revealed in Scripture – I know {According to truth


Prayers in Scripture:  Praying today for CCV – Colossians - Col 1:9-14  Turn and read to them


A) So that you might have a worthy walk that pleases God – and is fruitful


B) Strengthened by God’s glorious power

1) In order to be patient longsuffering and full of Joy

C) Having hearts full of thankfulness!


Praying in the spirit is praying according to the word

A) I am praying in the Spirit when I pray for someone to get saved


There is nothing quite as wonderful as being led and empowered by the spirit in prayer

A)  Your heart is impassioned; mind is clear; thoughts flow freely and you can literally pray for hours - seems like moments


B) Spend time asking the Lord to lead you before beginning your prayer time

This kind of prayer can be a great adventure and faith builder!


Oswald Sanders, former director of the China Inland Mission, said this in regards to spirit led prayer –

"The very fact that God lays a burden of prayer on our hearts and keeps us praying is evidence that He purposes to grant the answer." Oswald Sanders


#4 - Pray being watchful

A) Being watchful speaks of being alert! 


Aa) Know what is going on around you/ See what is happening / Aware of the Battle


B) Nehemiah - people were victorious because they watched and prayed

2 Cor 2:11 - Not to be ignorant of devils devices!  Be alert - watch out - keep on guard!


C) Bible is filled w/ exhortations to watch and pray!

Mark 13:33 - end times / Lord's coming - watch and pray as key to victory over the world


D) Mark 14:38 - In garden: watch and pray lest you enter into    temptation: spirit willing flesh is weak!


Key to victory over the flesh - and temptation!



Leads to #5: Pray with all perseverance!

A) Prayer at times can be work –


B) There is a need to keep praying – being persistent

1) Persistence is commended


C) Friend – at Midnight Luke 11


D) Keep on asking – seeking – knocking 


Understand - when we pray God always answers –

3 ways ... Yes,  No,  or Wait!

A) Waiting part that perseverance comes in! 


B) God is working something into me!


C) So I Pray - God says wait - or doesn't answer - so keep seeking Him (now your getting the idea Rob)

"Prayer is not getting man's will done in heaven but God's will done on earth"


D) Put it another way Persevering in prayer is not twisting God's arm to get our way; but His way of getting His will done in us

1) Teaching us to depend upon Him


Can you imagine How shallow we would be if God answered all our prayers the moment we asked


B.)God would become our Cosmic Genie - our heavenly vending machine: And that's the only time - see us! 


C) Sad case w/ many today!

Only come when have they have need or something we want


D) God loves us so much – Desires Fellowship - knows what is best for us - Rob haven't seen you in a while - stick around!


#6 Pray for others!  Importance of intercession

A) Realize the power of interceding for others


B) Joshua needed Moses praying on the hill

1) Moses needed an Aaron and a Hur to hold up his hands


C) Job found out that interceding for others can bring victory      to his own life

Job 42:10  “And the Lord restored Job's losses when he prayed for his friends.”


Lastly #7 Pray for your Pastors - v.19 - pray for me

A) Pray for the leadership here at Calvary


B) Pray at meals - bless Calvary Chapel