2 Sam 7- When God Says No !!


Intro: One of the most DISCOURAGING words in the English language is the word No!!/ most of the time we don’t like to Hear it

A.)Kids hate it – mommy ice cream – no

     Taking  Little kids to store can be real trial { they want everything! NO!!


B.) A Young man expresses heart to young woman – asks if she feels the same    way – she says   no – heartbreaking{ No is a Hard word to hear!


C.)And it doesn’t get any easier in the Christian life because – we can approach God about things - A dream / a desire/ A hope / Make a request

1.)He too will at times answer no


D.) Been said God answers our prayers in 3 ways / yes rejoice. 

Wait Ok  still hope – often the waiting answer is jus met by silence

1.)We want direction  go?  Silence.  He is saying wait – stand still

That is hard but I can deal with it


But The toughest ANSWER is when God says no

A.)But I think sometimes He has more to teach us from His denials than from His permissions


B.)Well here in 2 Sam 7, We see an episode in the life of David where God says  - no! Read v. 1-3


C.)Things were going well for David – the nation was at rest – no war – enemies had backed off

 1) David’s new palace was built – when something began to stir in his heart


D.)Why should I dwell in this palaceWhen the Ark Which  = God Presence – dwells in a tent – I will make a house for God



So David goes to his friend Nathan the prophet and shares his vision – this is the first mention of Nathan in the bible

A.)Nathan – thinks it is a wonderful idea and tells David  do all that is in YOUR heart- God is w/ YOU


B.)Nathan’s reply was a reasonable one – but the problem was Nathan didn’t consult God- He didn’t Pray { easy mistake to make

1.)Something might seem like a great idea to you and from a practical sense it makes all the sense in the world


C) But maybe it is not God’s will for you / Now what we need to be concerned about  is God’s best

1)   Not what seems best to us – But what is Best in God’s eyes !!!!!

Property – 12 acres


D)Ministry volunteers – pray – seek the Lord – don’t respond to a need. You need to Know that your are called


Nathan makes a mistake here by not praying with David about his desire – but that night  God corrects it!  V.4 – 7

1 Chron 17:3-4 – more clear  3But it happened that night that the word of God came to Nathan, saying, 4“Go and tell My servant David, ‘Thus says the LORD: “You shall not build Me a house to dwell in


A)What a hard answer this would be for the king to hear – His dream shattered – When God said no


B.) And what is really interesting is: – at this time God didn’t give David an explanation of why? God just said – no


C.) It would years later that God revealed the reason why! – 1 Chron 22:8

    David had shed too much Blood – too many Wars {Temple place of peace


D)But initially God just said no David , I don’t want you to build me a house


Now, was God saying it was wrong for David to want to do this? No

A.)Years later Solomon – 2 Chron 6:7-9 –7Now it was in the heart of my father David to build a £temple for the name of the LORD God of Israel. 8But the LORD said to my father David, ‘Whereas it was in your heart to build a temple for My name, you did well in that it was in your heart. 9Nevertheless you shall not build the temple, but your son who will come from your body, he shall build the temple for My name.’       You did  well that it was in your heart


B.) So it wasn’t wrong But in God’s word to Nathan /reveals  not necessary/ See God cannot be contained in a building – He envelopes the universe

1.)The church is not a building – the church is a body – people


C.)Building can merely be a place where the body gathers together to praise the Lord – meet with God – learn about God

1.)And to encourage each other in God – A place TO get stirred up to go into the world and shine for God


D.) But God had a plan for this temple – Important in the prophetic picture – sore spot in Israel now!


So here we find David at this place where he wants to do something for God / he thinks it is a great thing – But God says no!

A.)But then God says – listen to what I am going to do for you! V.8-17


B.)David goes to Nathan and says this is what I want to do for God – Nathan says cool -

1)But then God says no –but tell David this is what I am going to do for him!


C.)God’s response to David is known as the Davidic Covenant

1)   Simply states that God was going to establish David’s kingdom forever


D.)Though it has direct application to David’s son Solomon who would build the temple

1) It has a far-reaching application to Jesus who would come from David’s lineage – his seed/  Thru Jesus God  will establish an everlasting kingdom!

WE are waiting for the return of Christ getting closer – signs of the times{ Look at temple – Destroyed – What sign of coming …age!!!

A.)Now The family of David did rule over Israel for more than 400 years – but was eventually removed for evil deeds


B.)Sad commentary – in book of Kings concerning the descendents of David: So and so did not follow in the ways of King David

1.)So David’s family was eventually removed from ruling


C.)But Isaiah 11:1-2 – declared that out of the stump of David, God would raise up new branch that would reign forever and ever!

1)   That Stump is Jesus – Coming Back – set up His Kingdom – Everlasting Kingdom – He will Reign forever & ever {  Hold up ? Salvation



Now we can Learn important lesson from this: This is so like God – we say God, I want to do something for you – He might say no

A.)But then He says – I will do something even better for you


B.)Now He might not tell you at first – but if you are patient and continue to seek Him – it will be revealed

1.)Sue and Denise


C.)Has God told you No recently? What has been your response? Mad? Sulking? Turned back on God?

1.)Listen He has your best interest at heart


D.) Like David, he wants to radically bless your life – plans for you – that will blow your mind     1 Cor 2:9

9But as it is written:

     “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard,

    Nor have entered into the heart of man

     The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.



So God says David – this is what I am going to do for you – establish throne forever – notice David’s reaction: v.18-29

Note 4 things – be done!


#1 – David just sat down – blown away!

A.)David goes & sits before the Lord – and just sits still in amazement !!!

1.)It’s a good thing to be awe struck by God’s presence / Wow!


G.K. Chesterton The world is not lacking in wonders, but in a sense of wonder.


B) V.18 – Who am I?  David thought about his life / his back ground / his family- they weren’t anything special –

     1) And David’s reaction is – Who am I Lord – David’s estimation of

         himself only MAGNIFIES THE GRACE & GREATNESS OF God !


C) True Principle – If I think of myself rightly - a frail and insignificant creature, a sinner, a great and persistent sinner;

1)    at best, a very imperfect Christian; proved to be to many circumstances to number –


D) When I realize that I am deserving of nothing from God – it only proves to magnify his GOODNESS & GRACE to me

1)   And if Salvation was the only blessing I ever received from God it is more than enough – and way more than I deserve


E) But He doesn’t just save us / He blesses us w/ His presence / He gives us the hope of eternal life / Heaven / Service /

1)   Takes care of us / watches over us / Communes w/ us / Allows us to be part of a Family of believers – On & on – Great blessings of God !!





V.19 – David says – Is this the manner of man – is this the way man deals with each other?

A)Indeed not – peculiar – men don’t extend blessings for no apparent reason


B)But so like God who in His grace – gives even the most unworthy people the greatest of his blessings and the reality of His presence!

 1) Ever look at your life – wow?  God you have blessed me so much!!!


Has God recently said no to you?  Before you turn away – before bitterness or resentment has a chance to creep into your heart

A.)Sit down before the Lord and consider his blessings to you


B.)Salvation / capacity to know Him / hope of heaven

     so first David sat down



#2 – He praises God! V.22-24   

A.)v.22 There is none like you Lord!!!!!-


B) One man described the Vastness & the Greatness of God in this way

More sky than man can see,

 More seas than he can sail,

 More sun than he can bear to watch,

 More stars than he can scale.

 More breath than he can breathe,

 More yield than he can sow,

 More grace than he can comprehend,

 More love than he can know.


C)Worship is language – love!   

If worship is just one thing we do, everything becomes mundane. If worship is the one thing we do, everything takes on eternal significance.




David says who is like you Lord & Who is like the People of God !!

A)Israel was God’s special people – now in Christ the Church is too

     IN Christ there is Neither Jew or Gentile – One Body


B) Sometimes kids can have the tendency to look at other kids who are richer / or have a parent who is just a great guy

     1) And they can think – I wish I was him or her I wish I had their Dad


C) Good friend growing up – No Dad – So Competitive – compete w/ me used to really make me mad – I understand now – Why

1) My dad was the closet thing he Had to the real thing


D) God intended Israel to have a similar affect on the other nations around them – They would See His dealings w/ Israel & desire to know their God


E) God wants the Church today to have a Contagious affect on the World around it – CONTAGIOUS AFFECT

     1) Sees the Peace / Satisfaction / Contentment / Strength in the mist of the   

         Storm & all the other results of God’s Grace in our lives


So David Worships God – Who is like you & who is like your People


#3 – He believes the promise: v.25-29 – Let it be so!

A.)Not promise keepers but promise believers  / Promises of God


B)David is not just blown away by the Promise of God but wants to walk in them

Susanna Wesley God's promises are sealed to us, but not dated.



#4 – David couldn’t build the temple but He does what he can

  Turn 1 Chron 29:2-3



1Furthermore King David said to all the assembly: “My son Solomon, whom alone God has chosen, is young and inexperienced; and the work is great, because the temple is not for man but for the LORD God. 2Now for the house of my God I have prepared with all my might: gold for things to be made of gold, silver for things of silver, bronze for things of bronze, iron for things of iron, wood for things of wood, onyx stones, stones to be set, glistening stones of various colors, all kinds of precious stones, and marble slabs in abundance. 3Moreover, because I have set my affection on the house of my God, I have given to the house of my God, over and above all that I have prepared for the holy house, my own special treasure of gold and silver:


A.)     David drew up plans and gathered materials



When God says no – you can’t go – you can’t build – encourage you to do what you can

A.)If you cannot build you can gather materials – help finance


B.)Can’t go – but you can send someone else

1.)cant’ do it – you can pray – you can encourage



God’s Denials can result in some incredible Blessings

A.)It all depends however on whether at the time when God says no – how you react – will you sulk or will you seek?


B)If you seek you will find – God is right there with blessings such as you have never experienced before!