PSALM 57 I Will Awaken The Dawn


Intro: The Bible tells us that the men & women of the OT were people of Like Passions -  Meaning they struggled w/ the same things that we do

A) Their lives are given to us – not as EXCEPTIONS of some super Christians

1)   But really as examples that we can relate to & learn from their struggles as well as their VICTORIES


B) We can be encouraged when we see how the Lord got them thru their trials

1)    We can learn from their lapses of faith / their poor decisions so as to not make the same mistakes that they made


C) We can learn from the steps that led to their down fall as well as the steps that led to their VICTORIES


And of all the men & women of the OT that we have the opportunity to learn from – David stands out in a very unique way

A)Because we get the opportunity to see him in SO many settings / many facets & many colors


B) Consider Joseph for a minute – I love Joseph – but I can’t relate to Joseph

1)   It is like the guy was perfect – What we are given over a 20 yr. period of the guys life is snapshots – Photo Album


C) Behind each photo is a short story – Where Joseph always does the right thing

1)   Despite horrendous difficulties – we never see him down / Rebellious / He never complains


D) Was Joseph perfect – Absolutely Not!!! Did he ever get discouraged?

1)    He had to get discouraged at times – the guy was Human !!!! We just don’t get to see that part of his life !!!


With David on the other hand – We get the whole story – We are given more detail into his life, for one – but we also get to see his heart Psalms

A)In 1& 2 Samuel we see the snapshots – the stories – but when you add the Psalms the photo Album becomes a book


B) We get to see David in times of strength & in times of weakness / Highs like when he killed Goliath / Lows Adultery & Murder

1)    And we get to see the inner most part of his heart in his Anguish over sin/  to His faith TRUSTING GOD FOR VICTORY


C) We see the heart soul/ faith & discouragement of this man who was deemed a man after God’s own heart

1)    We see in David someone that we can RELATE TO who struggled w/ fear & doubt


D) We see in David someone that we can LEARN FROM who rose above the trials thru faith & trust in the Lord

1)   We see in David someone that we can be INSPIRED BY who rebounded from his failures thru the grace & mercy of God


E) We see in David someone that we can GLEAN FROM  – concerning how to avoid sin / what can be the causes of some of our struggles

1)   That is why I love the study of David – We get to see the heart – Especially as we consider the Psalms – focus tonight attention Psa 57


                                           READ V.1-11


The setting of this Psalm takes place after Ch.24 looked at on Sunday when David spared Saul’s life – not going to touch the Lord’s anointed

A)Cuts a piece of Saul’s Robe – and Confronts Saul afterward – Saul is convicted & goes home – David goes back to EnGedi


B) Next day / that night – David – writes this Psalm

1)    The Psalm Divides into 2 parts – David considers the Calamities that thronged him  2nd David considers the confidence which thrilled him

1st Calamities-  Plural – Calamity speaks of a Disaster/ How he viewed his present situation /  What were the Calamities in David’s life –

A)Hunted by Saul / v.4 & v.6


4   My soul is among lions;

     I lie among the sons of men

     Who are set on fire,

     Whose teeth are spears and arrows,

     And their tongue a sharp sword.


6   They have prepared a net for my steps;

     My soul is bowed down;

     They have dug a pit before me;

     Into the midst of it they themselves have fallen.


B) David says – Saul & his boys are like a bunch of lions out to get him

1)   Teeth are spears & arrows – tongue is a Sharp sword / net

    prepared for his feet


Bb) I have to admit I felt a bit like that at last night's meeting

1)   Expecting opposition – it is a given – people don’t like Change


C) Called one group – off of Osborne – arrange a meeting – lady warned me you are walking into a Snake Pit

1)   Sensed that from some of the people who came last night


D) I was so nervous – Hid behind the Bible – ( This was different – first impression to people who didn’t care all that much)

1)   But the Lord reminded me yesterday morning – I am w/ you


Heavy Concept to think about – He is w/ us / Work / Store /

A)Learning on Sunday night Manifestations of the HS = the shinning forth – Lord shine forth from my life today


B) He did that last night – Jeff Dorman – The Lord shinning forth thru Jeff just began to diffuse the situation – AMAZING


C) David finds refuge in the midst of the Calamities – Where? IN GOD

     1st In His Mercy

1)   this is a recurring theme of David’s in the Psalms that he asked God to deal w/ him not on the Basis of David’s performance – But God’s mercy


D) Over 100 times in the Psalms David references the Mercy of God


Psa.23 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me All the days of my life;


Psa. 5 According to Your mercy remember me,


Psa 32:10 10  Many sorrows shall be to the wicked;

     But he who trusts in the LORD, mercy shall surround him.


Psa.100 His mercy is everlasting,

Psa.103 Abounding in Mercy – Overflowing  

Psa. 106 His mercy endures forever / New every morn


So David Cries Be merciful to me, oh God be merciful to me !!!

A) Urgency or the Intensity of the  need suggests the repetition of the cry,

          Mercy is not getting what you do deserve –


B) Even when David is doing the right thing – he spared Saul – he cries out to the Lord for mercy –

     1) David’s heart – Cut Saul's coat / Cut Saul's throat


C) David cries out for  MERCY Rightfully so – Our God is a God of mercy -  


D) Has an abundance to give – it is right that we go to Him for mercy –

1)   Gas station for Gas – Expect it



2nd David finds refuge in God’s Presence the Shadow of the Lords wings

A)Imagine the baby Chick for a moment – how safe & secure he is under the shelter of the mother hens wings


B) The only way that Danger is going to get to that little bird is it is going to have to pass thru momma

1)   David finds that same refuge in the Lord


CHS Not in the cave alone would he hide, but in the cleft of the Rock of ages. As the little birds find ample shelter beneath the parental wing, even so would the fugitive place himself beneath the secure protection of the divine power. Blessed be God, our calamities are matters of time, but our safety is a matter of eternity. When we are under the divine shadow, the passing over of trouble cannot harm us; the hawk flies across the sky, but this is no evil to the chicks when they are safely nestling beneath the hen.


God covers us under the Shadow of His wings

C) Here is the sad thing however – Jesus said concerning Jerusalem in the face of their coming Calamity –

  1) that He wanted to gather them in like a Mother hen – her Chicks but they were not willing


D) I wonder how often the Lord would say the same thing for us!!!

1)    Rob I wanted to be your refuge / but you wouldn’t come to me / you wouldn’t allow me to gather you in !!!


E) Instead running here / there / everywhere !!!!!!


So David finds his refuge in God’s Presence / under his wings / In God’s mercy – God was going to deal w/ David on that Basis

A)Mercy not getting what you do deserve / Grace – Getting what you don’t deserve – that is the basis upon which I want God to deal w/ me


B) Now let’s consider the means thru which David found his refuge in the Lord – 3 things Faith / Prayer / Praise

C) 1st Faith Be merciful to me ….. For my Soul trust in You


Note the varying condition of the same heart, at the Same time V.1, 4, 6, 7. My soul trusteth in thee. My soul is among lions. My soul is bowed down. My heart is fixed.


D) All Stemmed from the fact that David put his trust – his reliance in the Lord –

1)   Not trusting in himself – his men


E) How can the Lord be unmerciful to a trustful soul? Our faith does not deserve mercy, but it always wins it from the sovereign grace of God

1)   when it is sincere, as in this case where the soul of the man believed.



2nd Thru Prayer – v.2 David cries out to the Lord / I wll cry out – not I did or I might / I will   GOD MOST HIGH

A)God loves for us to cry out to him –( I don’t )  Spirit in us  cries Abba –


B) We exercise by faith that Spirit of Adoption where by we cry out to God


C) Note the confidence w/ which David cries out – to God who performs all things – All /

1)   Whatsoever the Lord takes in hand he will accomplish; his past mercies

     are guarantees for the future,


v.3 Who sends from Heaven & save me!!!! Treasure house of Supplies

A)Costco guy – warehouse thing – so much stuff – but sometimes they are out & have to order


B) God has a warehouse of Blessings – supplies for every need – never runs out !!!!



C) Note David mentions the name God or the personal pronoun for God over 20 times in this Psalm – Magnifies the personal aspect of God

1)   Salvation was to open door for personal relationship



3rd Way that David found God to be His refuge was thru Praise v. 5

5Be exalted, O God, above the heavens; Let Your glory be above all the earth.


A)In the middle of talking about his calamities David breaks forth into Praise

   Let your glory be above the heavens

1)    That is what happens when our heart is able to see God in the mist of our trials


5Be exalted, O God, above the heavens

B) The heavens cannot contain the glory of God – So incredible so majestic

1)   William Booth – Motive for Evangelism – Dangle over hell – 60 sec

2)   I different motivation- See the glory of God –


C) You don’t want to miss this


V.7-9  Heart Steadfast – FIXED

A)One would have thought he would have said, “My heart is fluttered;” Not Fixed = calm, firm, Fastened  happy, resolute, established.


B)When the central axle is secure, the whole wheel is right.


C)The “heart is the Center of our Being & the main thing required in all acts of devotion;

1)    not the mind merely, but the will, the conscience, the affections, which draw the mind after them:





My heart is fixed      The objects upon which it is fixed.

1.  Upon God. The Lord Most High /. God of mercy

2.  Upon his word. The truth

3.  Upon his salvation.

4.  Upon heaven.


When is it FIXED v.8 I will awake early,”

A)Literally, “I will awake the dawn,” a bold figure of poetry, as if the writer had said—The morning shall not awake me to praise; but in my songs I will anticipate the dawn.


B)“I will sing and give praise. Vocally and instrumentally will I celebrate Your  worship.


Verse 10,11

A)Right up from man’s lowliness to heaven’s loftiness mercy reaches. Imagination fails to guess the height of heaven, and even thus the riches of mercy exceed our highest thoughts.


The mercy of God reaches to the heavens

I.  As a throne, God is exalted in our eyes by his mercy. It is high as the heavens, over–topping the greatest sin, and highest thought of man.


II. As a ladder. By mercy we ascend from earth to heaven.      It is wide as the far–reaching sky, compassing men of all ages, countries, classes, etc.


III.    As a rainbow. Present and past mercies argue exemption for the saints from the wrath of heaven.      It is deep. Everything of God is proportionate; this, therefore, is deep in abiding foundation, and infinite wisdom.


IV.    As a mountain. Its base is on the earth though its summit is lost in clouds. The influence of the cross towers to the heaven of heavens. Who can tell the glory of the summit of this mountain, whose base is blazing  with glory!