Exodus 28:30-43 The Priestly Ministry

Intro: The writer of the book of Heb. Exhorts us in Ch.3 to Consider – to fix our Gaze upon – Jesus our High Priest

A) Look at Him / Look to Him / study about Him !!! That is what we have been doing here in this study

B) We have been studying about the Garmentry of the High Priest in the O.T

  1. Considering what He wore – noting that this is an illustration for us of the Nature & Character of Jesus our High Priest

C) We saw in our study last time that the High Priest was to wear an Ephod

  1. Ephod was a symbol of Authority – spoke to us of Jesus as the Authoritative one !!

D) But He also wore a girdle –v.8 – Authority that was marked by that of being a servant – Picture of Jesus as the SERVING ONE

Then we noted that the High priest was to wear a Breastplate – on this breastplate were 12 gems – each of the 12 tribes of Israel

A) Those 12 gems were on that Breastplate that covered the heart of the High Priest – the people were on his heart

B) Spoke of Jesus our High Priest being the LOVING ONE – His people are always on His heart – Gems in His eyes !!!!

C) Tonight we are picking up in v.30 –

So the H.P. wore this breastplate – that had 12 stones – but notice in v.16 it was doubled – forming like a bag –

A) Placed inside were these two stones – called the Urim & Thummin

B) The names mean Urim = Lights / Thummin = perfections – in the Sept. Manifestations & truth

C) These two stones were used to give the people direction – to discover the mind of the Lord on certain matters – Breastplate of Judgement / Direction

  1. How they were used is a bit uncertain – seemed Lots

D)When the people had a question of needed certain direction sometimes come to Priest – He would use these stones – Each stone Diff. meaning

  1. Reach into the Breastplate & pull out a stone – the Urim meant one thing & the Thummin meant another

E) Exactly how this worked we are not sure – scriptures are vague


We are not in need of such devises today because the Lord has given to us the complete Word of God - & the H.S.

A)The two work hand in hand to give us guidance & direction

B) The Urim & the Thummin – placed there in the Breastplate on the heart of the High priest – speaks to us of Jesus – the DIRECTING ONE

C) Like Israel our goal is to Know the Mind & the Heart of God

  1. To do that we simply need to look at the words & the Life of Jesus our High priest in the Gospels

D) Allow His spirit to minister to us thru the word – what is God’s heart and mind as it is displayed for us in the life of Christ

  1. Personally think imperative to constantly – be studying a gospel – Looking at Jesus / Listening to Jesus

Heb.3:1 1God, who at various times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets, 2has in these last days spoken to us by His Son,

Col.2:3 in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.

So if want to know wisdom – find direction seen in Christ –

Next is the Robe of the Ephod - Blue in color.... Heaven

A)It went from BENEATH the neck to below the knees-

B) The BLUE Robe speaks of Jesus the HEAVENLY ONE

1) This is a KEY to the ministry of Jesus

John 13: 3Jesus, knowing that the Father had given all things into His hands, and that He had come from God and was going to God, 4rose from supper and laid aside His garments, took a towel and girded Himself.

C)Jesus knew that he had come from God, and going to God; - He served

1) He was aware of His Mission – Jesus movie - He Knew & Consequently was able to live His life w/ Heaven in View

D)The life and ministry of Jesus centered on the ETERNAL perspective

He encouraged His followers to have the same outlook

Matt. 6:19-20 Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal:

J.S. Eternity When we are consumed with the reality of Heaven, Christ is free to Consume us on earth. When we realize that final gain is there and then we are free to live for Him here and Now

Jesus KNEW heaven... So He could live a life DETACHED and UNCLUTTERED from the hassles and anxieties of this present world

A)Jesus has told us that we are to be HEAVENLY minded

Col. 3:2 Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.

The Word for mind that Paul uses in v.2 – speaks of the actual Content of ones thoughts not just the thinking Process

In other words – Paul is suggesting that our Minds need to be reprogrammed

C) Think of it in this way – I have a computer / but the use of my computer is going to depend upon the Software programs in my Computer

1)My son has a Program that allows him to do Graphics & make pictures

D)But if I want to do a Budget that program is not going to do me any good

  1. I need a different kind of program – spread sheet / Quicken something

like that

E)So A Change is needed to accommodate the desired outcome

That is exactly what Paul is saying here

  1. We need to program our minds towards the things above so that all the

output of our lives reflects Heaven

This is even seen in TYPE in the Old Testament

Num. 15: 38"Speak to the children of Israel: Tell them to make tassels on the corners of their garments throughout their generations, and to put a blue thread in the tassels of the corners.

A)They were to have the color of heaven as a part of ALL of their garments to remind them that they are a heavenly people

B) Oh how we need to be a people who keep Heaven in View

  1. This life is Short – Believe that

C) Heaven isn’t that far away !!!

  1. So heavenly minded no earthly good – You won’t be any real earthly good until – you are heavenly minded

D) Everything you are doing right now in light of eternity –

  1. Viewing those around you in light of eternity

E) Early Church lived for Heaven – Jesus return – but He didn’t – but I guarantee you – they are not disappointed !!!!! V. 33-35

At the bottom of this blue robe was to be pomegranates and bells in alternating order

A) When the priest went into the Tab. / when the H.P. went into the Holy of Holies – the People Knew that He was still alive – heard the Bells -Jingling

B) As long as the High priest was jingling, the people knew that the High Priest was alive

1) But if they were quiet for a long time , they knew that he was dead

That he went in defiled or with an unacceptable offering

C) Idea that Josephus talks about – Rope on Angle –

This speaks to us of CHrist the living one

A)The Pomegranates speak of Fruit – We don’t see Jesus alive on the earth today – He is in Heaven

B) But We do see – Jesus alive in His People – How – Fruit of the Spirit that Emulates from Believers lives

  1. Love of God has been shed abroad in our hearts by the H.S.

C) Jesus said – Know that You are my disciples How ? By your love – that is the mark of the person alive in Christ – Christ is alive in them

  1. Not wowing people w/ your Bible Knowledge – not impressing people w/ Your spiritual gifts – them seeing the LOVE OF CHRIST in your life

D) Interesting that some commentators – think the Bells represent the Gifts of the spirit – Pomeg. The fruit…. – ( the latter is obvious )

  1. Bells & Pomegr. Were perfectly spaced together around the robe – signifying the perfect Blending of the gifts & the fruit in the Life of Jesus

E) Tie in w/ Paul – 1 Cor. 13 – Have all the gifts & talents in the world but if you don’t have love – you don’t have anything

  1. Not sure that is what this is suggesting but we know it to be true

None the less – Christ the Living One – Lives in his People / Fruit

Next Turban / Mitre - Holiness to the Lord v.36-39

A)When the H. Priest was doing work there was that constant reminder upon his head that he was to have a Holy life

B) That was His Calling / it was His Pledge / HOLINESS

  1. Song – what we Long for / what we need

C) It was on His forehead – symbolizing that it was to be on His Mind

NOTE: There are 4 LIVING CREATURES before the throne of God

Rev. 4:8 And the four beasts had each of them six wings about him; and they were full of eyes within: and they rest not day and night, saying, Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come.

A)They are SUPERIOR creatures

1) They look upon God and proclaim HOLY, HOLY, HOLY

Every time they look at Him they say HOLY, HOLY, HOLY

B)They aren’t dumb, and they could fly off to anywhere in cosmos and view any object in the cosmos

1)But they choose to fasten their gaze upon the ONLY ONE in the Cosmos that is PERFECT and PURE..... HOLY

C) The MORE you see Him and understand Him the more you do the same


So this MITRE speaks of Christ the Holy One

A)The Word Holy speaks of that which is Whole – Perfect / Complete

B) So often we get the wrong idea about Holiness – We see it as Pharisectical / Legalistic / Prudish

  1. But at the Core of its meaning – That which is Complete & Whole

C) Sin erodes / sin destroys / sin takes away – But Holiness Adds

D) Jesus was completely Holy – He was radically Holy & yet people flocked to Him – why? They were Drawn to Wholeness of his life

If you want to be really happy – the key is to be Holy – How ?

A)Avoid things that are going to taint – just avoid it – You know what you are going to discover – You don’t miss it at all

B) Here is what we so often do – Wrestle – I don’t know if I should watch that show or go to that place or do that thing –

  1. So & so says it is ok – someone else says that it is fine – I have liberty in Christ – but I also feeling this apprehension in my heart

C) Listen to that feeling – You will not be disappointed –

  1. 9 times out of 10 that I resist that – afterwards – I feel like why did I do that / that was so stupid -

D) Pursue Holiness – Pursue those things that are going to bring about a Wholeness in Your heart –

1) Amy & Britney Spears – Not I can’t I don’t want to


Holiness means I want my life to be as whole as I possibly can – Make that your goal – won’t be disappointed

A)I guarantee that when you get to heaven you will not be saying Man I wished I went to that concert / watched that miniseries / hung out that place

B) NO WAY – You will be saying – Lord I am so glad that I made it my priority to seek you / to draw near to you /

In this heavy entertainment culture that we live in – many Christians have separated their lives in this way

A)I go to Church for – Spiritual growth & Development / need to / good for me my family /

B) But to have fun – well I ride motor cycles / or go here do such & such

C) I hope you have fun in fellowship – enjoy being in the house of the Lord

  1. Enjoy being around God’s people / Grand time at beach Sunday

D) Fri – friends over – potluck – fellowship / worship – Rich time

  1. Guys morning coffee – fellowship - sharing – sitting at Star Bucks

E) The world needs to see us – true Fellowship – rich deep

Move on to consider Aaron & His sons V.40-43

Aaron’ had 4 sons at this time- Nadab and Abihu, Eliab and Ithabar

These four were in the priesthood

A)Aaron was the high priest and his sons serving along side of him

They wore garments that were different from Aaron

B)No Mitre w/ the golden plate, No Ephod w/ breastplate and Urimn and Thummin

C) But they did have 4 distinctive articles of clothing


NOTE: Aaron’s sons REPRESENT us- There is only ONE high priest..... JESUS

A)But we who are the Son’s of God... Because of our relationship to Jesus... we have been placed in the priesthood- Divinely Clothed

B)NOTICE their garments

1st Coats - Speak of our righteousness& our salvation in Christ

A) Psa.132:9 Let Your priests be clothed with righteousness,

Psa 132:16 I will also clothe her priests with salvation,

And her saints shall shout aloud for joy.




Isa. 61:10 I will greatly rejoice in the LORD, My soul shall be joyful in my God; For He has clothed me with the garments of salvation,

He has covered me with the robe of righteousness,

B)When we come to minister before the Lord we don’t come in a Righteous of our own

  1. But a Righteousness that has been imputed to us – thru Christ

C) Father sees us in His Son – His Righteousness covers us Like a Robe


2ND Girdle In the Priest case It was a sachet.... a big belt that tied in front A) Men wore robes and thus they needed to be GIRDED UP to free him up to run or work

B) The Girdle speaks of Freedom for service Speaks of SERVICE and USEFULNESS

John 8:32 And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

C) Jesus has set us free –From the bondage of sin and Knowing our Place in Him – gives us Confidence to serve ( Amazed God likes to use us )

Word study on the word Gird – find it is linked to 3 things

A)Work – or our service / walk – not being tripped up / war – spiritual battle

B) See the Lord wants us to be free to work – walk / war – so he exhort us in 1 Peter 1:13

13Therefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and rest your hope fully upon the grace that is to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ; 14as obedient children, not conforming yourselves to the former lusts, as in your ignorance; 15but as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, 16because it is written, "Be holy, for I am holy."

C) Gird up the Loins of the mind – No Loose thoughts

To Gird up the loins of your mind" simply means, "Pull your thoughts together! Gather your thoughts together unto the Lord

Now here is what is interesting to me – we have been set free by Christ His work on the Cross / Robed in His Righteousness

A)Free to serve the Lord – be used by Him

B) Yet we are exhorted in scripture to take an active part in keeping our selves free from entanglement – in order to stay free / effective

  1. Gird up the loins … lay aside the weights

C) Doesn’t Just happen – We are to be active

1) IF we are to be USEFUL, we can NOT afford to let our thoughts wander into places that they shouldn’t be

D)We will TRIP over those wandering thoughts

3rd –Turban – Head covering - NOT the big mitre... little hats

A)Exodus 28:40 - And you shall make hats for them, for glory and beauty.

B) Psa.90:16-17 Let Your work appear to Your servants, And Your glory to their children.

17 And let the beauty of the LORD our God be upon us, And establish the work of our hands for us;

C) A sign of submission- It is beautiful to the Lord when his People are Living in Submission to Him

1) An orthodox Jewish male will ALWAYS have his head covered when the scriptures are being read

D) Now Paul says that we who are in Christ are free / we can pray w/ heads uncovered

  1. Doesn’t mean that we come to God w/ a Cockiness – but a freedom & a Liberty

Submission in Prayer is not giving God orders – But Prayer is reporting for duty Submitting to his Will

A) – Why Pray ? Have not because ask not / amiss

B) Jesus prayer - Not my will ….

4.) Linen trousers - like boxer shorts that covered up mans nakedness

A)Linen speaks of righteousness... But these were HIDDEN.. not outwardly visible

B)They speak of a RIGHTEOUSNESS that is necessary if we are to be effective- EVEN areas that are hidden from others

C) So often we are concerned about Reputations / But God is concerned w/ our Characters

  1. Reputation is what other people think that I am / but Character is what I really am / what God sees

D) Outwardly a person can have a great reputation – but not really true – living a Lie

See Character is seen by what you do when no one else is around

A)Business – cable box in hotel - Charlie Story

B) Reputation is what I do when others are watching – trying to make an impression / cultivate an opinion

  1. But Character is what I do when no one else is around only God

C) Listen the Bible says that Heb 4 all things are naked and open to the eyes of Him to whom we must give account.

1) Numbers 23:32 Sin will find you out

D)Luke 12 Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy. 2For there is nothing covered that will not be revealed, nor hidden that will not be known.

Now here is the thing we need to see before we go – v.43 If the priest didn’t wear these a garments they would die

A)They wouldn’t survive the Ministry

B) How many men women have been eliminated from ministry because they were living w/ secret sin

C) How many families – destroyed – because of people being so concerned about the outward image / Rep. – but Hiding secret sins

  1. I will tell you this - talked to too many who have gone threw this – line up 100’s – all say- It wasn’t worth it !!!!