Daniel 1:1-21  Daring to Believe  


Last week we began our Study in the book of Daniel.


A) Introduced to an amazing Young man


Recap on the setting: RD V1-7 605BC – Neb leads the Babylonian forces against the Assyrians and the Egyptians – Battle of Caremesh


B) In the midst of that invades Jerusalem – Takes captive – 75 youth of the Best and the brightest -  His goal to Indoctrinate them into the ways and thinking of Babylon


Still Satan’s plan today

A) Satan knows that the real wealth of a nation is not its silver and its gold – the wealth is its youth –


B) Still Satan’s plan today – He is after our youth


C) V.4 When it says that they were to teach them the language and the Literature of the Chaldeans - - that has religious overtones to it


D) There were tremendous things for these young men to learn in BabylonMore advanced in Science, Architecture, medicine, astronomy – than what these young men experienced in Jerusalem


E) But they were to learn the Language and the ways of the Chaldeans which is not education it is indoctrination

Nothing has changed in Babylon since that day:

A) Our Culture is set up in such a way that it is not really there to inform you – but rather it is there to form you


B) In our places of learning today there is as much indoctrination going on as there is education.


C) Indoctrination is there to move you away from the things that you hold dear.

1) And Primarily to move you away from the truth – Especially God’s truth.


D) that is what indoctrination is about: There is a lot of that going on in Colleges & Univ. across America


Listen to this list of Classes offered at the following learning institutions – this is what your dollar is paying for Parents

A) These are classes currently being offered or that have been offered in the recent past


·        University of California at Berkley: Male Sexuality

·        Columbia: Sorcery and Magic

·        Dartmouth: Queer theory and queer text

·        Yale: Intro to gay and lesbian societies

·        Corneal: Gay fiction

·        Princeton: Sexuality, bodies, desires and modern times

·        Brown Univ.: Unnatural acts an intro into gay and lesbian Lit.

·        Iowa U: Elvis as Anthology

·        Standford: Homosexuals, Heretics, witches and werewolves

·        Wesleyan: Pornography and the writings of prostitutes

·        Indiana U: Star trek as religion

·        Michigan U: Crossing erotic boundaries

·        UCLA: Lesbian and Gay lit before Stonewall – and after Stonewall

·        UCLA: Queer Musicology “sexual difference and  gender identities in music

·        University of Pennsylvania’s Adultery Novels

·        John Hopkins: Mail order brides


People understand when Colleges and Universities start offering those kind of classes – that is indoctrination

A)It is Satanic in origin -  and what is really scary is now those type of things are being taught in Public and now High Schools, middle schools and even some elementary schools –


Aa) Where the students don’t have a choice to take those classes as an elective – that is indoctrination


B) There is an Satanic agenda behind those type of studies that is to undermine the truth of God’s word

1) Satan and his forces are getting aggressive –


C) We are in a Battle.


That was also Neb’s plan in Babylon – Indoctrination and allurement

A) V.5 Tells us that Neb’s plan also involved bringing these young men into the Palace – exposed to the best of the best


B) Eat the kings delicacies and exposed to the kings wine – For 3 yrs they would be living large

1) Exposed to the finest things that Babylon had to offer – because he wants them to get hooked


C) Often why a Drug dealer will give some kids drugs the first time for free – once they experience that high – then he has them hooked

1) Now they are addicted -  and then he owns them.


D) That is what Neb is going for here:  


We left off last time in v.8 where we read that Daniel purposed in his heart not to defile himself by eating the Kings delicacies nor drink his wine

A) The word Defile means that this was a religious conviction


B) Not a personal thing – Vegetarian or Lactose tolerant


C) This was about Daniels walk with God – and this is where he draws the line.

1) Change his name – no problem He knew Who He was –

2) Learn about Babylonian culture – and Language and religion

1) That was Ok – He was grounded in the truth.


D) He knew who the real God was!


But ask him to do something that would result in Sin – something that would affect his relationship with God.  NO WAY!

A) What was the big deal about the food – 2 things – 1st  The king would no doubt serve food that was unclean according to the Law of Moses


B) 2nd In Babylon the food and feast were directly connected to the worship of their false Gods –

1) For both of those reasons – To participate in eating the food would be a defilement of his walk with God.


C) That is where Daniel draws the line –Good example to follow

1) Where do you draw the line – what do you say yes to and what do you say no to.


D) Is it sin – Will it defile your relationship w/ God? – and if it is not sin will it weigh you down – Hebrews 12 Lay aside the weight & sin


For the rest of the evening I want us to consider how Daniel made this stand and what it resulted in.

A) How did this young man 14 – make such a powerful decision.

#1 An Unnatural strength:

A) This didn’t happen because Daniel was a superboy


B) Purposed in his heart = pull together: This is the idea Daniel drew from something inside of him and made a Stand


C) He drew from everything that as a young man he had been taught about Jehovah God –

1) Everything He by faith had embraced to be true about His God – and that became the source of His supernatural strength


D) 1 John 5:4-5“And this is the victory that has overcome the world — our faith. 5 Who is he who overcomes the world, but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?”


E) Hebrew 11:6 “But without faith it is impossible to please God, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.


His faith in a Holy mighty God was His source of Strength

A) Same as David – on a Human level David was no match for Goliath – but David wasn’t trusting in Human strength – but Divine - 



B) The Source of Daniel’s strength came from what His faith in God

1) – that is what He drew from


C) Similar idea stated for us –  2 Peter 1:3-4

3 as His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue, 4 by which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.



Peter is telling us that when we get saved God has given to us everything we need to rise above the Culture and live a life of godliness

A) Made us partakers of a Divine nature – power and resources that are based on exceeding great and precious promises.


B) God gives that to us through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and the truth of the word of God


C) We have to learn as believers to draw from what God has given to us and placed with in us. To stand upon His grace –


D) Which is why Peter continues  V.5


5 But also for this very reason, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue, to virtue knowledge, 6 to knowledge self-control, to self-control perseverance, to perseverance godliness, 7 to godliness brotherly kindness, and to brotherly kindness love. 8 For if these things are yours and abound, you will be neither barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. 9 For he who lacks these things is shortsighted, even to blindness, and has forgotten that he was cleansed from his old sins.


A) But this is what we need to understand – we are not adding to our faith from anything outside of God – or His word

1) Not apart from God – His virtue – He called us by glory and virtue


B) I am simply drawing upon what God has already placed into by bank account

1) The rest of the things mentioned here correlate to the fruit of the Spirit that Paul laid out in Galatians 5


C)These are all things that God has placed in us by His spirit – So adding to our faith – is simply building upon what God has placed in us


D) Think of it this way: Building a house – God lays a foundation – but he also supplies all of the bricks and Mortar to build – just sitting there

1) You are supplying that foundation with what He has already provided

That is the picture the scripture is painting here about Daniel when it says he purposed in his heart –

A) He was drawing upon in faith everything He believed to be true about Jehovah – His deliverance – His Care- His holiness


B) What is amazing though is Daniel does this without the Knowledge of Jesus as we know it

1) Without the indwelling of the Spirit as we know it.


C) So Daniel drew from an unnatural strength – that resulted #2 in an Unashamed Boldness


This was a bold request that Daniel made – because in it he was made against the most powerful King on earth at that time.

A) Daniels faith was in the King of Kings


B) Daniel made this request because he was not ashamed of his God


C) Just think how easy it would have been for Daniel to think that God had let him – down.   

1) He lost everything! Parents, home, culture, siblings


D) But Daniel was not ashamed of His God - 




I witness a lot of pp who sing praises – when things are going good and who get so mad at God when things are going bad

A) I wonder how many professed Christians were cursing God after Monday’s market collapse?


B) It would have been easy for Daniel to be embarrassed – in the eyes of the Babylonians –their gods had just defeated the Israelite God

1) Took the temple treasures from Jerusalem and put them into the temple of their God Marduk


C) But V.2 tells us – Daniel saw the big picture – God gave Jerusalem into the hand of Neb


A person who sees the big picture – a person who believes that God is Sovereign – their faith will not be shaken.


Psalm 119: 46 says “I will speak of your testimonies also before Kings and I will not be ashamed.” 


Daniel had that kind of character that stands fearlessly and boldly before Kings, before rulers,

A) And speaks the truth that undaunted spirit of complete and utter commitment to God. 


Jeremiah called it being valiant for the truth. 

Ezekiel said it was like setting your face like flint. 

1 Chronicles 12:8 says it's "setting your face like a lion." 

One Commentator put it this way:  “He has a holy fearless courage that knows no shame, he is glad to bear the name of God, he is glad to stand for the word of God and he is glad to obey God's word no matter who he's talking too.” 


So Daniel relying upon and unnatural strength results in an unashamed boldness – that results in a #3 unearthly protection V.9

9 Now God had brought Daniel into the favor and goodwill of the chief of the eunuchs.


A) The natural thing we think when we are faced with making a godly stand – is if I do that I am going to take a lot of heat from men

1) But from God you will be under a lot of protection.


B) Proverb 16:7 says when a man's ways please the Lord, he makes even his enemies to be at peace with him. 


C) Daniel wasn’t about to compromise to gain something with men and lose something with God.

Professor John Walvoord makes this observation about V.9 The King James Version implies that this predated his request. It is more probable that it occurred at the time the request was given, as brought out by the literal rendering of the Hebrew, “God gave Daniel favour” and so forth.

As Young puts it, “The sequence of ideas is historical.” The word “favour” (Heb. hesed) means kindness or good will. The translation “tender love” (Heb. rahami‚) is a plural intended to denote deep sympathy.

Walvoord concludes - It is clear that God intervened on Daniel’s part in preparing the way for his request.

D) This was an unearthly protection: God moved on the heart of Asphenaz


But even though Asphenaz really liked Daniel and his 3 friends – He feared the King more – V. 10 And the chief of the eunuchs said to Daniel, "I fear my lord the king, who has appointed your food and drink. For why should he see your faces looking worse than the young men who are your age? Then you would endanger my head before the king."


A) Ashkenazi is thinking about his head – Neb was not a nice guy.


B) But that doesn’t stop Daniel - #4 He has an unhindered persistence.


C)At this point it could have been easy for Daniel to go to his buddies and say Hey we tried – they are not budget –

1) We are going to just have to eat of the Kings food and God is just going to have to understand.

D) He could have found 100 ways to rationalize the situation and give into the pressure – but that is not what He does.


But Daniel is unhindered in his persistence – and looks for another option

11 So Daniel said to the steward whom the chief of the eunuchs had set over Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah, 12 "Please test your servants for ten days, and let them give us vegetables to eat and water to drink. 13 Then let our appearance be examined before you, and the appearance of the young men who eat the portion of the king's delicacies; and as you see fit, so deal with your servants." 14 So he consented with them in this matter, and tested them ten days.


A) Test: ten days – Daniel is believing that God was going to honor his stand and so he says – let’s do a test


B) Daniel believes in the faithfulness of God – I know that God doesn’t want me to sin – so here is a test


C) Singles: Unhindered in your persistence -  Don’t compromise – God is faithful – don’t settle for a non Christian or lukewarm believer


Here we see a wonderful spiritual principle. 

 Sin produces doubt, fear, questioning, hesitancy.  Righteousness produces confidence and security. 

And Daniel in a sense is saying "I'll put my life on the line because I believe that if I obey God he will honor that obedience." 

A) The point is Daniel says if I obey God and do not violate the laws and take the highest spiritual position, I believe God will honor that. 


Chosen to Cheat – Men with their Jobs –


Reasonable test – God will honor that by allowing you to be more productive


Daniels Unnatural strength that led to an unashamed boldness, and an unearthly protection

That resulted in him having an unhindered persistence – ultimately resulted in #5 Un-measurable blessing.


15 And at the end of ten days their features appeared better and fatter in flesh than all the young men who ate the portion of the king's delicacies. 16 Thus the steward took away their portion of delicacies and the wine that they were to drink, and gave them vegetables.


Fatter- That is why I don’t like Vegies – make you fatter – Biblical


You're thinking of four little plump teenagers, no, the term has to do with being full, healthy. 

It has to do with being filled out and proportioned appropriately.  Having strength. 

In other words: They didn't suffer from the substitute food at all. 

A) They benefited, why?  Because vegetables are better than the other stuff? 


B) No because God's direct intervention made this possible.


Now the overseer probably loved this because he continued to withhold their food – probably feasting on it himself

A) If anyone was getting fat literally it was probably that guy and his family-

Bringing home the kings food every night


B) See the continuation of God’s un-measurable blessing –


17 As for these four young men, God gave them knowledge and skill in all literature and wisdom; and Daniel had understanding in all visions and dreams.


18 Now at the end of the days, [17 now] when the king had said that they should be brought in, the chief of the eunuchs brought them in before Nebuchadnezzar. 19 Then the king interviewed them, and among them all none was found like Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah; therefore they served before the king. 20 And in all matters of wisdom and understanding about which the king examined them, he found them ten times better than all the magicians and astrologers who were in all his realm.

Ten times more wise; this is going to cause a lot of Jealousy and grieve amongst the “wise men” of Babylon

A) These 4 are going to have targets on their back –


B) Think about how it would go over if President Bush or the new Prez announced – Chief advisors were 4 17 year olds

1) Condi, Hilary – berserk



21 Thus Daniel continued until the first year of King Cyrus.

A) Chapter 1 ends with this little sub note – God’s blessing upon Daniel runs through 4 Kings – Neb goes – Daniel still there – Belshazzar goes

Darius Goes - 


B) Daniel continues to be God’s man in this important place for 70yrs

1) Because of the Stand He took at 14 – God honored it


Now this is what I want you to see – here is this guy who could have said my life is over – captivity – taken from family – Horrible

A) But instead he realized – w/ God nothing happens by accident – God had a plan – God was working –


B) God had given him special & Unique giftings that would be used in Babylon in a way that was far superior to how used in Israel


C) What is God doing in your life – What has changed ?

1) Purpose tonight to no matter what to follow Him