Daniel 6:1-28  In the Lion’s Den


Up to this point in our Study of Daniel the Story has centered around the man and HIS God

A) Each Chapter – movie in and of itself – incredible stories – God’s faithfulness


B) After New Year get back to this study takes a really Different focus – Daniel’s visions

1) Very prophetic – Backbone of Bible Prophecy


C) We are going to take detailed look at these prophecies -  Daniel 9 several weeks on Sun am


D) Daniel 7&8 are very intriguing as are the visions of Ch.10-12 - 


Tonight we see another remarkable story in the life of Daniel

A) Daniel Ch.6 picks up where Ch.5 left off


Aa) You recall in our last study in Daniel 5 which was 3 weeks ago {Wed’s are hard this time of yr gaps


B) There in Daniel 5 we saw the end of the Babylonian empire –

1) Neb’s grandson Belshazzar party


C) God wrote on the wall – You have been weighed in the balances found wanting – Kingdom is divided and given to the Medes and Persians –

D) V.30 That very night!


31 And Darius the Mede received the kingdom, being about sixty-two years old.


Here we are introduced to Darius! Bit of a Mystery

A) There is not a lot of secular history written about Cyrus – the Persian


B) There are 4-5 Darius’ in history but all of them came after this time.

1) None mentioned this early


C) So at present there are no archeological records of a Darius who took the city of Babylon under Cyrus


However some Scholars do see a connection in the person Gabaru.

A) Gambaro was one of the best general in Cyrus’ army –


B) After the initial invasion into Babylon by Cyrus – Gabaru led the Persian forces into the capital city.


C) Gabaru was born in 601 BC – and we know that the time of the fall of Babylon to the Persians was in 539BC – which would make Gabaru 62 yrs old


D) So some think that Gabaru is the one being mentioned here and that he was given the title Darius which simply means – the one who holds the Scepter

E) King Cyrus set up Gaburu to role over the Province of Babylon under the title Darius

1) Now Archeology might discover a Darius but – until then Gabaru is a good possibility


RD V.1 -2

Now as we make our way thru this chapter – 5 captions about Daniel.

Favored, Framed, Faithful, Fed, Freed!


1st Favored – Daniel was given the Preeminent spot among the Governors! Top Governor

A) This was a smart move by Darius –


B) Not uncommon to use leaders of the conquered pp in GOVT positions

1) They knew the pp and customs and as long as they were watched – it worked fine


C) Daniel would have been a safe choice to be the leader of this group because although he was very familiar with all the ways and customs of Babylon

1) He had no real allegiance to Babylon


D) His heart was still in Jerusalem!

1) His allegiance was toward God



A) Citizens of the USA – Citizens of Heaven

B) We make the most of our time here in the USA by remembering that we are citizens of Heaven


C) It has been said that some Christians are so heavenly minded they are no earthly good.

1) In other words there are some Christians who are content to just sit around and wait for the rapture


D) They live isolated lives – trying their best to not mingle with the World – hunker down and wait


E)Other go so far as to act irresponsible – Charge Credit cards and get in debt!

1) Hey it doesn’t matter Jesus is coming back soon!


Both positions are an improper view of our Dual Citizenship!

A) Really not any earthly good until you are heavenly minded.


Aa) Jesus taught that we are to be in the world but not of it.


B) In other words we are to integrate into society but not allow societies morals and concepts to integrate into us.


C) Jesus said that we were to be doing His business until He comes.    

1) In other words the Business of the Kingdom

2) Serving as Ambassadors and Shinning as lights.

Daniel is a great example of that! He is living for God in this very pagan place! – Given Favor in their eyes.

A) He is carrying out his duties and responsibilities

Flourishing in the work place impacting pp


B) But at the same time never compromising his morals his faith his beliefs

1) He is this great witness for God and the whole time has many great opportunities to be used by God


Daniel 6:3  “Then this Daniel distinguished himself above the governors and satraps, because an excellent spirit was in him; and the king gave thought to setting him over the whole realm.”


C) What a great description of Daniel – Excellent Spirit –


D) Some people naturally have this by way of their personality – great to be around

1) The rest of us can pray that by the grace of God – excellent spirit about us


E) It also has to do with His Character – Excellent Character!


The other Leaders were Jealous of Daniel: his position and his Spirit, too happy for them!

A) They start plotting to take him down – looking dirt


  RD V.4-5

Amazing nothing could be said about his work ethic his character his integrity, his loyalty, pp dealings 

A) So they are going to target his religion


B) How wonderful to be that predictable – they know that there is one sure area where Daniel is not going to bend


C) The place where he is always consistent – His relationship with God


D) There is a standard of holiness that He lives by – that they know is unbending

1) He is not going to compromise no way –


E) IN their minds they say – It is the only thing we can use against him


So they set their trap!  2nd Framed.    RD V.6-9

A) In the law of the Medes and Persians once the King signed something it couldn’t be changed even by him.


B) Neb was an Absolute Monarch – Change his mind daily – Medo Persia was different


C) King’s law could not be altered – Although God was about to alter it!



Now think about what they are doing here.

A) They are seeking to take the power that has been given to them to serve the people


B) They want to take that power and use it to take away the rights of pp to worship freely

1) Imagine that


C) Guess what there are those in our GOVT seeking to do the same


Prayer and the Bible out of Schools – out of GOVT buildings – remove Ten Commandments

A) They take the principles that our founding fathers wrote to secure the freedom of worship


B) Twist it like a pretzel to make it say something completely different – to take from the very pp and principles it was written to protect


C) Today those seeking to pass legislation to call Homosexuality a Sin – Hate Speech


D) And if some of them get their way – it will be against the law to really teach the Bible

1) At least literally


E) So the Decree is made – Pray to anyone else but Darius – Lions Den



Daniel hears about the law and what does he do?

A) Protest – picket – I will just pray to myself – Nope


B) Daniel does what he has always Done – He prays!

3rd Faithful


“Now when Daniel knew that the writing was signed, he went home. And in his upper room, with his windows open {lit already opened} toward Jerusalem,


C) Daniel was a man who lived with his windows open toward heaven.

1) It says toward Jerusalem – but Daniel was not praying to Jerusalem – but the God of Jerusalem


When King Solomon dedicated the temple – he made this statement!  1 Kings 8:46-49

“When your people sin against you and You become angry with them and deliver them to the enemy, and they take them captive to the land of the enemy, far or near; 47 yet when they come to themselves in the land where they were carried captive, and repent, and make supplication to You in the land of those who took them captive, saying, 'We have sinned and done wrong, we have committed wickedness'; 48 and when they return to You with all their heart and with all their soul in the land of their enemies who led them away captive, and pray to You toward their land which You gave to their fathers, the city which You have chosen and the temple which I have built for Your name: 49 then hear in heaven Your dwelling place their prayer and their supplication.

Jerusalem has been leveled for 70yrs now – temple is Gone – but Daniel still prays toward the God of Jerusalem – God’s promise to hear!


He knelt down on his knees three times that day, and prayed and gave thanks before his God, as was his custom since early days. “


 I like that Phrase as was his custom since his early days.

A) Here we see that Prayer was a part of His daily routine.


B) James 5:16 Declares that the “the effective fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.”


C) M Luther “Prayer is a strong wall and fortress of the Church: It is a godly Christian’s weapon.”


D) Jesus declared Luke 18 that “men ought always to  pray and not lose heart.”


Daniel Prayed 3 times a day probably in conjunction with the morning – midday and evening sacrifices

A) More than a routine – Lifestyle – Some pp workout


B) Some pp eat a lot – Daniel based his lifestyle on Prayer {Busy man busy position

No wonder he was so in tune to God! Daniel was always talking to him – always listening

A) Prayer is a two way conversation – Prayer walks


B) Pray one way – listen on the way back!


Notice Daniel’s posture in Prayer!  Knelt down

A) Humbled his heart!


Kneeling: Humble heart = “God resist the proud but gives Grace to the Humble” 1 Peter 5:5


 “Man is at his highest & greatest when upon his knees he comes face to face w/ God” Martin Lloyd Jones

A) Having said that God isn’t hung up on the position of our bodies -  Hard to kneel  distraction


B) He is most interested in the posture of our hearts


C) But every now and then – I find it very beneficial to Kneel!

1) Express that Humility physically – Lifting hands

Clapping – standing – Prostrate


D) Those expressions are there for a reason.



Notice one more thing here about Daniel’s prayer – says – He gave thanks! 

A) 90 yrs old – stupid law another King – I would be complaining – Daniel giving thx –

            “I’m going to the Lion’s den”


Think about this 3 times a day Daniel is thanking God for things in his life.

A) Could that be part of the reason for his excellent spirit?


B) Imagine what your outlook would be like – if you paused 3 times a day to give thanks


C) I have started a list – as often as I can each day – pause to just thank the Lord for certain things in my life.


Godly Parents / Wife / Kids


Godly Mentors

Pastor Chuck – Brian / Richard /Jon Courson.


Godly Friends – Howard Eddie Steve, Joe, Dave Mike Dunn Allen R. Brian N. Sandy A. Rob V.

Jason D


This Church body – Our School -/ Jess teachers


I started to cry – so much to be thankful for.


Daniel’s Faithfulness in Prayer is what gets him in trouble they have their evidence Rd V. 11-15


Is there a place for Civil Disobedience?

A) Paul & Peter both wrote – that we were to obey the GOVT

B) Obey those in authority over us. – And yet both of them were Martyred for not doing so.


C) There is a lot that goes on today under the banner of civil disobedience that grieves God

1) Blowing up abortion clinics or shooting doctors who perform abortions – not right


D)But when the GOVT says – you can no longer go to Church or read your Bible or pray or teach your Children about God –


There is a higher law that supersedes the laws of man – that is the law of God


           Render unto Caesar ….. to God … God’s!


4th Daniel is Fed.                    RD V.16-17

 A) Note that Phrase the purpose concerning Daniel might not be changed.


B) But this is what they didn’t realize this was God’s purpose.


C) Why does God give us these stories?

1) Give Children’s ministry workers …cool talk about?


Listen God records this story for the same reason he records David and Goliath – facing some big obstacle

A) Same reason he records the story of the parting of the red sea – Boxed in see no way out

B) Same reason he records Elijah getting fed by Ravens –

1) Or the walls of Jericho coming down


C) See in each of those TRUE STORIES God’s desire is not to take us on some archeological dig or intellectual exercise


D) But in each case God is seeking to stir up faith in our hearts


SO that when we find ourselves facing our Giant – we can run at it like David did toward Goliath Knowing that the Battle belongs to the Lord

A) When we are boxed in – we can cry out to God for deliverance –


B)The stories stretched over time are meant to remind us that God is the same yesterday today and forever – trust Him


C) When we find ourselves in the midst of our lions den –We can Know – He is my deliverer!


Interesting that in many of the Psalms David describes the enemy as a lion


1 Peter 5:8

“Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.”

May meaning he needs permission – he is on a leash.

A) But there are lions – there are storms God allows us to go through them because he has a purpose.


C) Storms of Correction – Jonah

     Storms of instruction – Disciples

     Storms of Glorification- Daniel



5th Freed!          RD V.18-20

A) This becomes the central question in all of our lives is your God able to deliver you.


B) Depends on who your God is?

1) Money – Look at America

2) Sex Pleasure look at Hollywood

3) Power – Look at Politics


C) Jesus is your God – He can and will deliver you

1) From the Lions or thru the Lions Den


21 Then Daniel said to the king,"O king, live forever! 22 My God sent His angel and shut the lions' mouths, so that they have not hurt me, because I was found innocent before Him; and also, O king, I have done no wrong before you."


I love this God not only closed the mouth of the lions but – he sent an Angel to keep Daniel company all night

A) What a cool conversation that must have been


B) God is so good – He takes care of everything.


C) Daniel’s testimony is growing – So is yours

1) Lions den right now – ok – God is working


Daniel says I was found innocent – amazing thing

A) Because of the blood of Jesus applied to our lives – more innocent than Daniel in God’s eyes


B) Critics – they stuffed the lions – they were too full – really? Watch what happens next


RD V.23-24


Why Families? – It was the Law of the Medes and the Persians – couldn’t be altered

A) Crime worthy of death – your whole family was punished – no one seeking revenge


B) Biblical principle whole family affected – whole family saved


C) Kids and Church – pick up on your attitudes


Now there is no mention of Daniels family being thrown into the Lion’s den –

A) No record of him having a family – remember he was made a Eunuch –


B) 90 yrs old – Serving God – great example for Single pp.


RD V25-28    

                      God is glorified