Daniel 7:1-14 The
Four Beasts
Tonight we are going to have some fun!
A) Prophecy is always fun and this is an incredible Vision that Daniel has!
B) As a teacher I rarely bring up controversial things contrasted opinions.
1) I find that it confuses people takes too long to go thru the various opinions
C) So I study the various opinions so I know the different view points
1) I usually teach the one that I think makes the most sense.
D) Then if someone has a differing opinion at least I know where they are coming from.
Tonight we are looking at a passage, where there is a largely accepted traditional view
A) Which I have to admit I believe is right
B) But there is a newer more modern view that I think is worth looking at. {Intriguing
C) The thing I like about this controversy is that it doesnt change the overall focus of the text and its application for today.
D) So tonight we are going to have some fun with this
I hope that you are up for that First we will look at the traditional interpretation!
A) Consider some of the problems pp have with it
B) Then we will look at the more modern interpretation and the problems I have with that
C) Then we will tie it all together and go home
Daniel 7:1
In the first
year of Belshazzar king of
That first line gives us the time frame of this dream and vision going backwards here.
A) First year of Belshazzar King of
B) So this takes us back in time before Daniel ch. 5
Belshazzar is the grandson of
The year was probably 553
B.C., fourteen years before the fall of
Nabo/nidus, the
actual king of
Nebuchadnezzar had died in 562 B.C., nine years before Belshazzar began to reign,
A) SO it is clear that the event of chapter 7 occurred chronologically between chapters 4 and 5 of Daniel.
RD V. 2-8
B) Now the traditional
widely accepted view of this dream or vision is that it is speaking of the same
thing as
C) Recall Chapter 2
Statue: 4 Parts A head of gold Chest of Silver
1) Waist of Bronze
2) Legs of Iron and feet part Iron part Clay.
So the dream had to do with 4 Kingdoms world Dominance
B) After
C) Another Kingdom
D) History tells us that is exactly what happened
So most Bible scholars believe that these 4 beasts are another picture of the same thing. More detail
A) Chapter 2 the 4 kingdoms are seen from mans perspective
B) Valuable and strong Metals
C) Chapter 7 seen from Gods perspective as 4 grotesque beasts coming out of the Sea
1) Godzilla vs Rodan
D) That view says ch.7 is looking at the same thing from Gods perspective & w/ greater detail
The Critics of this view ask why the repetition ?
A) But that is actually common practice with God when it comes to visions and prophecy
B) Joseph: two dreams depicting his family bowing down to him Sheaths Sun/moon/ stars
C) In Revelation Seal and trumpet Judgments are given Then stops goes back fills in details before getting to the bowl judgments
D) So it is not unusual for God to do that at all.
E) Here he depicts these empires revealing aspects of their glory as well as their collapse!
1) Each one there is added
details from
So lets consider the traditional interpretation of this first 4 beast coming up out the sea
A) Sea could = Med Predominant ocean in the Middle East
B) OR it could refer to Humanity itself
1) Gentile nations Rev 13 & 17 Isaiah 17 the sea is a reference to the nations raging
2) Political unrest like today!
The first beast is described as being like a lion with eagles' wings.
A) This would accurately represent the Babylonian Empire, since the winged lion represents supreme authority, power, and swiftness.
B) It is written by Walvoord that, "Winged lions guarded the gates of the royal palaces of the Babylonians."
1) Favorite image
Again critics of this view say the image looks more like a Dragon than a lion I disagree
C) In spite of the power indicated in the symbolism of the lion with eagles wings,
1) Daniel in his vision sees the wings plucked and the lion made to stand upon his feet as a man, with a mans heart given to it.
This is most commonly interpreted as the symbolic representation of
A) That is when he was humbled before God and made to realize that, even though he was a great ruler, he was only a man.
B) His lion-like character, or royal power, was his only at Gods pleasure.
1) His power was stripped from him -
C) Which is a new detail that hadnt happened yet in Ch. 2
D) And Although Daniel in
this vision does not dwell on the fall of
1) The decline of
2nd Beast - The Bear The meaning seems to be that the second empire will be powerful like a bear, ferocious (Is 13:17-18), but less majestic, less swift, and less glorious
A) A Bear is larger than a Lion and the Medo‑Persian Empire was larger {See Maps }
B) So Medo-Persia
was larger than
C) The three
ribs in the mouth it probably represents the three greatest nations
or empires they conquered,
Why is the bear raised up on one side?
A) In the depiction of the large statue in Daniel 2 the two arms clearly indicates the combination of Medes and Persians; empires coming together.
B) Most believe that the bear is raised up on one side depicting what was true historically of the rise of the Persians to greater power than the Medes.
Daniel in describing the vision next depicts a third beast differing from either of the two preceding animals.
A) The third is like a leopard, has four wings on its back, and has four heads.
B) The third beast is
commonly identified as the empire of
1) The only thing said about this beast is that dominion was given to it.
C) The leopard in contrast to the lion, the first beast, is less grand and majestic, known for its swiftness and speed!
D) Speaks of the swiftness
with which Alexander the Great & Greece conquered most of the
civilized world all the way from
E) The lightning character of his conquests is without precedent in the ancient world.
Now it is a well established fact of history that Alexander had four principal successors.
A) Which seems to be depicted by the 4 heads of this beast.
B) Again a further detail not given to us in Daniel Ch.2
C) It seems here in Daniel 7 the focus is on showing these Kingdoms in their latter stages.
E) Medo- Persia when the Persian part of it seemed to take center stage and focus
Which is the reason I believe when we come to the 4th
beast Which represents
A) All the view points
agree on that but there is no sign here of ancient
B) Notice the fourth beast - one that was far different - more dreadful, terrifying, and strong - than the previous three beasts.
C) This was
They were ruthless conquerors, killing and selling into slavery those who
opposed them.
1) But the vision of this
beast has not yet been completely fulfilled.
The vision goes right to the future aspect of
A) 10 horns to leaders from which one horn comes
Aa) Now we saw a glimpse of this in Ch. 2 10 toes
1) That was depicting a
future aspect of the
1)10 horns from which a little horn emerges
C) How do we know the Anti
Christ comes out of
Antichrist is going to emerge out of a Revived
A) 10 horns little horn talking horn crazy vision
B) This little horn is pompous and powerful He uproots 3 of the 10 horns
1) Solidifying his power
So that is the traditional conservative view of that passage. -- Repeat of ch.2 w/ greater detail
A) But there are some who take a more modern day view Ray Stedman { Intriguing view cool
B) The Lion with Eagles wings
1) Eagles wings speaks of its
alliance with the
C) The Bear is
D) The Leopard
1) Islam growing in Power in the world today
E) Not possible after Ezekiel 38 explain
F) But others like Joel Rosenberg Dead Heat
Arab leaders
Reasons they take issue with the traditional interpretation.
A) Look at v.7 again - Notice the word before.
B) This Aramaic word (2:4-ch.7 Aramaic) before is used 42 times in the OT Ezra 4 times / Daniel 38
1) Never is it speaking of in succession to.
C) It is always used in relation to something being in the same presence as something else. V. 10,13, 20
So the argument is this: In the V.7 the other beast are seen to be in the Sea at the same time as the 4th beast
A) Or to put it another way: The other 3 beast seem to be contemporaries of the 4th beast
B) Nations that are existing at the same time as the 4th beast
C) Those who adopt this view like to point to Revelation 13 to further support their claim
Revelation 13:1-2
Then I stood on the sand of the sea. And I saw a beast rising up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and on his horns ten crowns, and on his heads a blasphemous name. 2 Now the beast which I saw was like a leopard, his feet were like the feet of a bear, and his mouth like the mouth of a lion.
Here in Johns vision it seems that the first 3 beast have been amalgamated into the 4th beast.
A) They have joined with the 4th Kingdom
B) Now I do believe that
there is going to be a globalism that is
part of the
1) The world coming together like never before under one banner
C)I think we are seeing signs of a move in that direction even now in things like the North American trade agreement involving America, Mexico, Canada
D) As well as in the growing # of nations joining the European Union
E) From that Globalism connection 10 leaders are going to emerge Then from the 10 will come one
So what do we do with this information in light of the traditional or popular view?
A) First of all I dont think that because all 4 beasts are in the sea at the same time in Daniels vision doesnt mean there cant be a succession
B) See it is a Vision! - He is seeing a scene involving 4 nations 4 world empires same scene one ocean
1) Not 4 different scenes
C) In the same way in
Not 4 different statues But One with 4 parts
1) Clearly and historically speaks of a succession
D) The first 4 beast are before the 4th because it is a vision!
E) I also believe that Rev 13 can be easily understood as meaning the last world empire will contain Characteristic traits of these 4 previous empires
Another problem that those who take a Modern day view of these nations sight is in V. 11,12 read again
A) They say look the Kingdom of the Anti Christ is destroyed but the other 3 are allowed to remain
B) John Walvoord I think explains this well by pointing out that this is a statement of Contrast
1) Emphasizing the FORCE thru which the MESSIAH is going to destroy Antichrist kingdom
C) When
D) They werent completely destroyed!
1) But when Jesus returns He is going to completely Destroy the Kingdom of the Anti Christ
E) That is the point that He is making here!
So I personally still hold to the traditional view although I like the idea of the Modern day view
A) Really doesnt matter because either way the 4th beast represents the revival of the Roman Empire
B) From which the Anti Christ comes
C) Good news is { Jesus wins
The message of this prophecy
is really quite simple and may be summed up this way. Before the
These kingdoms go from bad to worse. Arrogant, boastful, and even blasphemous kings will reign over the nations, opposing God and oppressing His saints. All of this is by divine design.
During times of oppression, it may appear the saints are being defeated and that Gods kingdom is but wishful thinking.
When the sin and oppression of evil men reaches a predetermined point, God will remove them and establish His promised eternal kingdom. Then the saints will receive the kingdom which will never end.
John Walvoord