Daniel 10:1- 11:1
Prayer and Spiritual Warfare
Alan Redpath: The Christian life is not a playground it is a
sooner we understand that the better off we are going to be!
A) We
are in a war! There is an enemy-
B) But praise be to God
that the Bible declares that in
C) Well Daniel Ch.10 brings
us front and center into that conflict
1) As well as the victory
that is ours in the Lord.
Now before we
begin looking at this Chapter, we need to understand that this is the last of
the four visions that were given to Daniel by God.
this last vision covers the last 3 chapters of Daniel, chapters 10-12, and they
cover a time frame from Cyrus through the second coming of Jesus Christ.
three chapters can be broken down as follows.
A) In
Daniel chapter 10 through
We get a behind the scenes
look at spiritual warfare.
A) Daniel
11:2-35 deals with the immediate future from the time of Cyrus through the
B) Then,
C) That is the time period
of the great tribulation up to the second coming of Jesus Christ.
D) And
RD V.1-3
date in this first verse is very significant.
A) This word or vision came to
Daniel in the third year of Cyrus king of
B) That
meant it came right at the time the prophet Jeremiah had predicted when the
seventy years during which the people of
C) Here
is what is significant about that: Cyrus gave the Israelites permission to go
Home -But only about 45k out of several hundred thousand actually left.
majority were content to stay in their captivity
A) They had it good under
the Persians they were allowed to open businesses
B) They went from being sheep keepers to
shop Keepers and they were content
C) Problem is they were
still in captivity
1) The blessing of God was
waiting for them back in
Ironic The same
thing happens to believers who compromise in sin Pretty soon they are back in
bondage but some become
comfortable in their bondage. Blinded
was the case with many of the Israelites and it broke Daniels heart/ that is
why he is mourning AND fasting!
A) Daniel was way too old
close to 90 now to make this journey but he knew that is what God wanted for
his pp.
B) For 70yrs now his body had been in
1) It grieved him that so
few of his countrymen felt the same way. Lord break
our hearts
breaks yours
C) Settled to be comfortable
in captivity.
1) Problem with Prodigals
Lord Pig pen
RD V.4-6
the Bible tells us that a Broken and contrite heart God will not turn away
A) The next thing we see is
God appearing to Daniel in a Radical way.
B) Daniel has an amazing
encounter Heavenly being
1) Seeing Jesus in His
C) Very similar to the
description that John received in Revelation Ch.1:12-16
I turned to see the voice that spoke with me. And having turned I saw seven
golden lampstands, 13 and in the midst of the seven lampstands One like the Son
of Man, clothed with a garment down to the feet and girded about the chest with
a golden band. 14 His head and hair were white like wool, as white as snow, and
His eyes like a flame of fire; 15 His feet were like fine brass, as if refined
in a furnace, and His voice as the sound of many waters; 16 He had in His right
hand seven stars, out of His mouth went a sharp two-edged sword, and His
countenance was like the sun shining in its strength.
is the 3rd time in the book of Daniel we are seeing Jesus. 1st
A) Daniel wasnt there but
he heard about it
B) 2nd
1) 3rd time most
Radical here in Ch.10
if you asked Daniel what was the highpoint of his life I believe it would be this moment right here
A) Daniel had a tremendous
life Advisor to Kings
B) Saw the future
Prophesied of the fall of
C) Interpreted the writing
on the wall the guy has been thru some amazing situations {lions Den
I am confident that the highpoint of his life would be this here: Seeing JESUS.
Vision of glory
A) But here is something
that I want you to think about
B) Daniel is this incredible
prophet 3 times in this book we are told that he is greatly beloved of God
C) But this is what I want you
to see Daniel is a guy used in a special way special calling
1) In His 90yrs of following God He only has a couple
radical experiences like this.
point that out because this is not the norm
A) Some Christians go their
whole lives waiting for some radical experience may never happen
B) Walking
with Jesus 34yrs never had an experience like this
1) Probably count on one
hand times radically sensed his presence in a situation Thick
C) See
the Christian life is about walking by faith not by sight Daily walk
D) My days like yours are pretty routine- they often look very similar
faces change problems the same
E) Here is what I am
learning is to look for the Lord in the little
things of each day.
1) God is ready to reveal
Himself in the Mundane
When we are looking for Him
F) Sometimes we spend so
much of our lives hoping for some radical encounter
like Daniel
1) God is with us every day
Revealing Himself in many situations teaching us speaking word
V.7 Daniel alone sees the Person. RD V.7-9
A) So Daniels compassions
get freaked out might of heard something but didnt see anything
B) Daniel is undone here:
Loses strength driven to the ground semi
unconscious hears a voice
C) He is spent This is
always the response when someone has this kind of encounter with Jesus
A) Blinded driven to his
B) Isaiah Woe is you Woe
is me Undone Unclean
1) John I
C) But
here is what is cool about all those encounters the result was Service
1) A calling Paul and
Isaiah / further insight and revelation Daniel and John
D) Purpose was to motivate
and inspire them for service not to freak them out.
A) Now I think it is
important to note here that I believe this is a new
being entering the scene here
B) This is an Angelic being
entering the picture note Daniel says A HAND touched me not his hand
1) A Hand
C) The reason I think that
it is important to make note of this is because this Angelic being we are being
introduced to here
D) We learn in V.13 that He
was sent immediately with an answer to Daniels
prayer but was held up by a Demonic force called the prince of
E) This Angel needed the help of Michael the Arch Angel to
help him get passage.
1) This cant be Jesus
because Jesus doesnt need the Help of Michael for anything
2) Mike
needs Jesus
this cant be Jesus{ This is an Angelic being!
A) But this whole little
scenario gives us some incredible insight into Spiritual warfare and prayer
B) Daniel is told that from
the moment he prayed an God sent this Angel with an answer to his prayer
C) But that Angel is held up
for 21 days by this demon identified as the prince over
things we learn about Prayer and Spiritual warfare from this:
When Believers pray God hears!
A) God is not deaf not
indifferent not too busy
B) When we pray the
Almighty hears our prayers
Purpose of Prayer is not to
get our will done in heaven but it is to get Gods will done on earth
Stedman: Prayer is not a
way by which we get God to do what we want; prayer is a way by which we get
involved in what God wants. Prayer is a way by which we become caught up in the
exciting activity of God, doing what he plans to do in this world. As we pray
about it we become involved in the whole exciting program. God works through
us to ask for what he wants.
C)God always responds to
prayer: Always answers
1) Yes
2) No
3) Not Yet
Here we also learn that sometimes the delay in the prayer can be because of
spiritual warfare.
A) Daniel prayed God
dispatched an Angel with the Answer but he was delayed in battle for 21 days
B) Here Daniel is a getting
a behind the scenes look at what often
goes on in the Spiritual realm
C) The Bible says that
Angels are ministering Spirits they aid the believer protecting
D) Daniels Angel was
delayed Prince of
Demonic force behind
E) 2
Kings 6 Syrian forces Dotham Elisha
1) Lord open His eyes
and his minions Know they cannot defeat God but he tries his best to come
against Gods pp
A) Distract depress
delay {
Archer explains, While God can, of course, override
the united resistance of all the forces of hell if he chooses to do so, he
accords to demons certain limited powers of obstruction & rebellion
somewhat like those he allows humans. In both cases the exercise of free will
in opposition to the Lord of heaven is permitted by him when he sees fit.
B) There is a battle
underfoot in the unseen realm
C) Two common mistakes
believers make in regards to Satan.
Some take him way to lightly practically ignore his existence off guard {My mistake
Others give him way too much credit almost make his power equal with God.
A) Greater is He that is in
you than he who is in the world. Satan is no match for
B) Stand strong against the
forces of Satan in the Power and Strength of Jesus
C) Fight not for Victory but
from Victory!
1) But
we fight!
D) Stand strong against the
Wiles and tricks of the Devil being clothed in the
Armor of God
1) The Armor is about Who we
are in JESUS
sometimes there are delays because of the battle
A) Sometimes the opposition
that we face is because of the Spiritual warfare
The Third thing we learn from this exchange is that there can be Demonic forces
over cities.
A) Prince of
B) Prince of
C) Prince of High Schools
after the Youth
1) Demons assigned to break
up Christian marriages
2) Attack pastors -
D) We need to
pray that strong holds would be broken
Teaches us that wrestling in prayer is exhausting work.
RD V.14-16
whether it was the vision itself that floored Daniel {Ch.11 revealed} or the
FACT on the fact that demons were delaying his answer to prayer cant be
A) I believe He was told
the vision that is recounted for us in Ch.11- told at this time
B) He is completely leveled
in his heart by the atrocities that are going to befall
C) The
ancient Hebrew word translated sorrows has the thought of twisting or
writhing pain. It is used several places for labor pains in childbirth.
The spiritual battle
believers wage can sometimes take a physical toll. Agonizing
The Greek word
for strive we get our English word agonize. You and I are to agonize in prayer.
Real prayer is
agonizing. It is getting through the barriers to release spiritual power.
#5 ) Following wearisome times of prayer,
strength returns in extra measures. RD V.17-19
A) After the
angel's second touch Daniel was greatly strengthened.
B) And we are told
exactly how. The angel said to him, "Fear
not," i.e., all
reason for fear has been removed.
C) Then he gave
three factors in that, "peace be with you: be strong and of good
That is what
prayer does for us.
D) Every time we
come to the Lord in prayer it brings peace to the soul, strength to the body,
and courage to the spirit.
#6 Overcoming demonic forces is not a
once-and-for-all matter. V.20-vh.11:1
A) Daniel
was about to receive the answer to his prayer, but the battle was not over for his
heavenly messenger.
B) First
he must battle the prince of
C) God
is watching out for
Lesson: Right when you sense
the victory, look out! Here comes another one!