Matthew 5:1-10  Sermon on the Mount  Part 1


Sermon on a MT - creative          The Beatitudes


In Matthew 5 we have the the beginning of the Sermon on the Mount, and that portion of His words known as The Beatitudes.




In 4:23 we are told that Jesus was going around all of Galilee teaching in their synagogues, preaching the good news of the kingdom.


We are told that His fame went throughout all of Lebanon and Syria and they brought unto Him people with every imaginable kind of sickness - people who were tormented and those that were possessed with demons, those that were lunatics and those that had the palsy. And he healed them.


We are told that great multitudes of people from all of Galilee and from Decapolis followed Him.


Josephus, the Jewish historian, tells us that there were over 200 cities in Galilee with a pop. above 10k.  that’s  2 million people in the region


And again, many scholars feel upwards of ten, twenty thousand people at a time following in these days.


Excited crowds are growing -

There are blind men that have lived their lives as beggars running back to their old friends that are still sitting somewhere blind and begging and saying to them, come on, you got to see this and their friends are saying, what do you mean see this.


And they’re saying, that’s what I want to tell you about. He’s opening the eyes of the blind and you got to come with us!


There were guys who were crippled that Jesus had healed and they went running back to their friends that were crippled saying, He’s giving out legs, you gotta come, just taking them with.



A) A man once blind going back to his blind friends telling them WHO made him to see


B) A man once lame going back to his crippled friends and telling them WHO made them to walk


C) Those who were full of leprosy running to family and friends telling them of this man who made them clean and whole again.


D) You can imagine  it was pandemonium!


Something else unique was happening with these crowds – Mixed Group.

A) There are Pharisees and Sadducees in the crowd who normally would not rub shoulders.


B) And along side of the Pharisees and Sadducees there were Romans and people from Tyre and Sidon and Syria.


C) It was as Jesus saw all of this pandemonium, that we read   5:1 And seeing the multitudes He went up into a mountain:


D)And oh how DIFFERENTLY Jesus saw them than we would.

1) Not a Bother – Sheep without a Shepherd


E) Bible describes man as wandering aimlessly

1) Shopping with a woman – wandering aimlessly


F) One thing to the next – can’t make up their minds


That is the way the Bible describes man: Wandering aimlessly – one pleasure / pursuit to the next

A) Looking for satisfaction in things – just have that


B) Looking for satisfaction in relationships – only meet the right person.


C) Wandering like Sheep without a shepherd

1) Jesus sees the Multitude in that way

So Jesus seeing the Multitude crowding around Him climbs up the mt and sits down.

A) He goes up the MT for a reason – You see, Jesus KNOWS that there were those who were simply there for the side show. / free lunch


B) They were there for the pandemonium, just for the power that was being demonstrated.

1) He goes up on the hill – “ Oh he does this – lets get lunch and come back when miracles start again – 2nd show


C) But Jesus also knew that there were others that were glued to Him.


D) So He is seeking to create at this moment a separation –

1)Reason for this – Separate  those who want to be disciples – and those who’re just curious


E) He wants to speak to those who want to be disciples so they can reach those who were simply curious


and when He was seated His disciples came to Him. 2 Then He opened His mouth and taught them, saying:

A) He has a special message for those who were willing to come up on the MT


B) DID YOU KNOW that those uphill moments with Jesus were the places where His followers heard the most incredible things.

 Besides the Sermon on the Mount there were other uphill moments with Jesus

A) The Mt. of Transfiguration - glory of diety shined thru veil of humanity


B) Then there was the discourse on the Mt. of Olives. - how history would roll out up to 2nd coming


C) The Great Commission was given on the next mountain.


Have you noticed that the Christian life involves a lot of UPHILL MOMENTS?

A) MTs this week – 2 days pray and seek the Lord – special times in the MTs – Uphill moments


B) Doesn’t have to be a literal hill mind you, but a trial…. A circumstance….  that calls you to a greater cost to be near Him/hear Him


C) Choice to make: You can be like the people who just wanted to be spectators, or you can embrace the trial….

1) Embrace the challenge and the cost and MEET Jesus up the hill!!


So at this point Jesus Withdraws Himself and in order to separate those who were casual followers…. A) Those who were there just for the side show of the whole miraculous ministry ………..from those who were longing in their hearts to KNOW Jesus


KEY INSIGHT: The Sermon on the Mount is a very misunder-stood portion of Scripture.

A) Many people believe that the Sermon on the Mount was given as the guidelines for becoming a Christian.


B) They believe that if they do their best to LIVE out the Sermon on the Mount they will EARN their way into heaven.


C) But The Sermon on the Mount was NOT given as a means of BECOMING a Christian.


D) In fact If one takes the Sermon on the Mount seriously he will find out that The Sermon on the Mount is impossible to live out.


E) You find that God’s standard of righteousness is unattainable!


No the sermon on the MT is for true Disciples - Jesus is going to TEACH His disciples about the Kingdom of God.

A )He is going to show them – what God intends to do in their lives AS THEY FOLLOW HIM.


B) And it starts with the reshaping of their attitudes

1) First section is known as the Be-attitudes


C) Attitudes that God wants to develop in the heart of His followers


Notice These are called the BE-attitudes, NOT the DO-attitudes.

A) These are descriptions of what God causes a person to BE, rather than a description of what God wants them to DO.


B)KEY INSIGHT: God places a PREMIUM of BEING, because what we DO flows out of what we ARE.


C) The world says that happiness hinges on what you DO while God says that true happiness hinges upon who you ARE.


3 Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

4 Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.

5 Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.

6 Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.

7 Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.

8 Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.

9 Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.

10 Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.


Key word Blessed: It means Happy – fulfilled satisfied

A) “Blessed” implied an inner satisfaction and sufficiency that did not depend on outward circumstances for happiness.


B)Notice how he starts 3 Blessed are the Poor in Spirit

Blessed are those who possess a poverty of spirit.


C) That sounds weird:

1) There have been modern translators who have sought to interpret this as, "Blessed in spirit are the poor“.


D) But Jesus is NOT speaking about physical poverty.

1)There isn’t a blessing in physical poverty unless God leads us into physical poverty.


Paul said, I’ve learned to be abased and to abound.

And in that leading of God there is blessing.

A) But there is no inherent blessing, nor spirituality in poverty.


B) But He’s speaking about something else here


He’s talking about poverty of spirit. Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of God.


CRUCIAL INSIGHT:  To be poor in spirit means to have a correct estimate of oneself


“Poor in spirit” is the exact opposite of the world’s attitudes of self-praise, self-assertion and self-esteem.


KEY EXAMPLE: Isaiah - "In the year that king Uzziah died I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, andHis train filled the temple…… Then said I, "Woe is me! for I am undone"; because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips: for mine eyes have seen the King, the LORD of hosts". (Isa. 6:1 and 6:5)


KEY EXAMPLE: Daniel, when he saw the Lord said,

"Therefore I was left alone, and saw this great vision, and there remained no strength in me: for my comeliness was turned in me into corruption, and I retained no strength". (Dan.10:8)


KEY EXAMPLE: Peter - “…. fell down at Jesus' knees, saying, Depart from me; for I am a sinful man, O Lord". (Luke 5:8)


Jesus is saying when a man comes to understand that He is spiritually poor – He is at the doorway of being blessed.

A) This is completely contrary to the normal way that pp think.


B) The world says that in order to feel good about yourself you NEED to look a certain way, live in a certain place, drive a certain car and have certain things.


C) So you begin to make the attaining of those things the focus of your life so that you can feel good about yourself.

Man sets his own standards for what is good and bad so that he will come out looking good.

A) He makes himself the final authority on what is good and bad and adjusts those definitions so that he ultimately comes out looking good.


B) Always changing the rules – so he comes out on top


C) Always looks like a winner – because compare ourselves with those who are worse off than us


D) When you compare yourself with me, you might think that you look pretty good! 


E) I am happy because I am better than you – but I am not satisfied – deep inside – I know something is wrong – not right – I am missing


CRUCIAL INSIGHT: POOR IN SPIRIT is the result of a true evaluation of myself; not in the light of men, but in the light of God.

A) Seeing myself in light of His Holiness / His standard


B) Poverty of spirit is coming to the realization that before a holy God you are SPIRITUALLY BANKRUPT.

1) Doorway to being saved -  I realize I can’t do a thing to make myself right with God – I need a Saviour


C) But it carries over into the Christian life. –

1) I realize – I can’t in my flesh do anything that will have an eternal value attached to it

Catch the paradox – the world says you will be blessed if you have the ……

A)You will be blessed if you – when you reach your full potential – discover the champion living with in


B) Jesus says you will be blessed when you realize you are nothing –

1) You will be blessed in realizing how needy you are


C) How can that be!

1) For theirs is the kingdom of Heaven


Starts with Salvation – Assurance of Heaven

A) I am there -  nothing to do with me


B) Can’t attain it – can’t maintain – it is all Jesus


C) In the Christian life – the more I see my need

The more dependant I will be on Jesus


For theirs is the Kingdom of heaven

A) God good pleasure to give us the Kingdom


B) He gets joy out of blessing us

1) Realize my need – Poor in spirit – Lord help supply


C) The resources of the King are available to me today

1) Strength / direction / Hope/ grace /



This verse became very real to me many yrs ago during a time of personal struggle

A) Sue – Jealously


B) Since experienced – when I am weak – He supplies strength

1) I am at a loss and need direction – He supplies wisdom


C) I am not feeling very loving – The love of God is shed abroad in my heart by the HS

1) Love the unlovable


D) I feel intimidated – He supplies boldness!


That is why it is blessed to have an attitude of being poor in spirit

A) See how little you are / how great God is – blessing to Know that God – says I am on your side


B) Now understand the beatitudes connect together like a strand of pearls – one connects with the next one.


C) After being Poor in spirit He says: 4 Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted


Having become aware of my true condition in the light of God, my heart is now broken.

A) I mourn over what I see of myself, and in myself.


B)KEY INSIGHT: My HAPPINESS in NOT found in the mourning itself.

1) It is found in the promises of the Lord’s comfort and forgiveness.


Psalm 51:17

The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise.


Here is another of those upside down principles – happy are the sad!

A) Everyone in the world is spending their lives in an attempt to AVOID sadness and find happiness.


B) How many here want to be HAPPY? How many here want to be SAD?

1) Fortunes are being made on the BE HAPPY industry.


C) Our world is FILLED with people that are searching for SENSATION.



Everywhere one looks there are amusement parks (with complete vacation packages built around them – A hotel at Disney World for $750/night!)


A = without

MUSE = to think


Amusement = Feel good without thinking!!


But true happiness comes when a man realizes how greatly he has been forgiven

A) Psalm  32:1-2

Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven,

Whose sin is covered. Blessed is the man to whom the LORD does not impute iniquity,


B) He who has been forgiven much – loves much

1) Mourn when I see my sin – how greatly I fall short


C) Failure as a husband and a father – Comforted in knowing – Jesus forgives

1) Jesus supplies –