Mark 10 A Tale of two hearts


Intro: Over the yrs that I have been in ministry – I have had a re-occurring conversation- Airplane

A) Restaurants / School campus / counseling office


B) People who think that they are going to heaven based on one thing – I am a good person

1) My good deeds will out weigh my bad deeds – and so I am confident God will let me in.


C) Well if that were true the story that we are looking at tonight – would read differently


RD v. 17-22


Here we see a guy who came to Jesus – Burden on his heart – eternal life. { Good concern

A) This guy was the whole package – Rich / young / Ruler – Man of power / possessions /


B) Kind of guy your mom would probably be impressed with –

1) Guy your Father would love!


C) Reminds me of the story of the young man ….

1) Looked like mom / talked like mom / acted like his mother – { Father didn’t like her.


D) Not the case here: Both parents impressed


In fact we are told in the text Jesus loved him

A) He was a moral guy – Kept the law


B) Despite everything this guy had going for him he knew he was still lacking


C) That is why he came to Jesus – What do I need to do…..?  DOER – Do something / build something


D) Keep commandments! – Which ones

1) Neighbor – This guy was there – Perfect neighbor


E) What else am I lacking ? – Perceptive – not enough – I know it


First commandment – Love God with all heart

A) 2nd No other gods


B) Problem – Something else that had his heart


C) Confidence was in his riches


D) Jesus gets to the root of the problem

1) Give it away and follow me


He is  no fool to give up what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose


No u- hauls into heaven – No bank account in eternity !

                    Quit holding on !

This guy couldn’t do that – So he went away sad !

A) What are you holding onto? Total submission ?


B) Surrendered ?


C) Our stuff keeps us from experiencing his fullness!



Lesson to His Disciples – Impossible for a Rich man to enter ………                             Rd V.23-27


Eye of the needle -  Literal eye or in the wall


Pt. Impossible – Trust in their riches: Write a Check

A) Could have inserted – Those who are smart / those who are Strong /


B) Anything that – causes us to put our confidence in ourselves


C) Impossible – But with God anything is possible

1) Pray for those hard to reach people.


So here we see a guy who had everything – Good guys moral guy –    kept him from the Lord



Contrast him with another guy in Mark 10 Blind Bart -  Rd v. 46-52



Bart couldn’t see Jesus but He heard


V.47 Heard – Faith comes by hearing ……



V. 48 Persistent in crying out – Rewarder of those who diligently seek him



V.50 Threw aside his coat – { Identity



V.51 Rabboni – My master my teacher my Lord



V.52 Go your way – He follows


The world tells us to try to be like the Rich young ruler – Possessions / Power / Prestige


Jesus would say – Need to be more like Blind Bart