Luke 10: 25-37 Neighbors like Christ

Intro : Luke 10 divides neatly into 3 sections / 1-24 sending of the 70 as Ambassadors of Christ. / 25-37 Parable of G.S. example neighbor like…

  1. 38-42 - Mary & Martha – Lover & worshipper of Christ.

B) Today we are going to be looking at the Parable of the G.S.

  1. 1) The parable of the Good Samaritan is a very well known story & Some
  2. literary critics consider it the greatest story ever told.
  1. The parable of the Good Samaritan came about as an answer to a question

that was asked by a Lawyer

    1. It was expected that rabbis would discuss theological matters in public & the question this lawyer asked was debated often by Jews


Read v.25 And behold, a certain lawyer stood up and tested Him, saying, "Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?"

Now this Lawyer was not a lawyer in the sense we think of it.- Someone who prosecutes or defends a person in a court of Law

  1. But the lawyer in this parable was not part of a judicial system; but rather, he was an interpreter of the Mosaic Law / in that sense he was a lawyer.
  2. V.25 also tells us he came to Jesus w/ this question - seeking to test Jesus

C) The word tempted or TESTED is a very strong word in the Greek

1) ekpeiradzo = to prove, or test severely – to put on trial

  1. Jesus used this word during the time – He was being tempted by the devil – ( Pinnacle of temple – throw yourself off - )
  1. You shall not tempt – the Lord your God – same word – don’t put the Lord to a foolish test.
  1. Paul also uses it in 1 Corinthians 10:9 Neither let us tempt Christ, as

some of them also tempted, and were destroyed of serpents.


That is the word used to describe this Lawyers question – He was trying to put Jesus to the test put Him on trial – ( Wasn’t Sincere)

  1. I picture a certain degree of sarcasm in his voice when – he asked this question. "Teacher, / what shall I do to inherit eternal life?"
  2. Now the question that they asked is the GREATEST QUESTION that a

man can ask

    1. It is a question which deserves the total attention of every man,

woman, and child on earth.

  1. THIS is THE question which people of every walk of life ought to put to

themselves, and never rest till they find an answer.

1) BUT - Sadly, it is a question which few really care to consider.


Thousands are constantly inquiring, / What shall we eat.... What shall we drink.... What am I going to where? How can we get more money ?

A) How can we enjoy ourselves ? How can we get more power ?

  1. Few, will ever give a moment's thought to the salvation of their souls.



C) NOTE: There are TWO people in the Bible who asked Jesus this question

  1. This man & a rich young ruler who came to Jesus ( MK.10 )
  1. However the rich young ruler was NOT asking for the purpose of putting

Jesus on trial or to severely test Jesus

    1. He had recognized in Jesus a quality of life that he himself was lacking Despite his power or possessions could not give to him

The Jews had a different concept of Eternal life than what we do

  1. When we think of eternal life we think of it in terms of QUANTITY

or DURATION / To them, the term also spoke of a QUALITY of life

B) A RICH life...... The FULL and the ABUNDANT life of God

1) That is the life that so many are seeking after / don’t Realize it

That life has its foundation in God.

C) So the Rich young ruler & this lawyer both came to Jesus asking the

question / What shall I do …… / how possess QUALITY OF LIFE .

    1. It is interesting that Jesus takes both of them to the LAW - WHY?

Through the LAW –comes the Knowledge of Sin!!!

D)In both cases Jesus used the Law to reveal – what was lacking in their

hearts / rich young rulers problem revealed –

  1. he loved his power & possessions more than God.
  1. With the Lawyer Jesus revealed that His knowledge of the 2 greatest commandments didn’t result in a reality in his life

1) That if you truly love God you will also – love your neighbor

SO Jesus knowing that he was an expert in the Mosaic Law- takes him back to the Law ( Puts the man on the witness stand – on trial ) v.26 He said to him, "What is written in the law? What is your reading of it?"

  1. The Lawyer responded V. 27 So he answered and said, " 'You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind,' and 'your neighbor as yourself.'"
  1. And He said to him, "You have answered rightly; do this and you will live."
  1. So the Lawyer - answered correctly & Jesus commended him for it & encouraged him to live that out - Love God & Love His neighbor


  1. but like so many w/ in the religious establishment of that day – this man had much head knowledge but not much - practical application
  1. They knew the word / but they didn’t apply it to their life - ( True of a lot of people who go to church today as well - Know truth but don’t live truth)

F) This man asks for some clarification which was really an attempt to excuse

  1. the lack of application of this principle in his own life

1) So he Asks - Well who is my neighbor ?

Now The lawyer wanted to discuss "neighbor" in a general way, but Jesus

forced him to consider a specific man in need.

A) the lawyer wanted to make the issue somewhat complex & philosophical,

but Jesus made it simple and practical

  1. He moved it from duty to love, from debating to doing./
  2. So important that we realize that OUR CHRISTIANITY is a MATTER OF PRACTICAL APPLICATION / DOING & BEING

1) Not Just KNOWING !!!!!!

D) Jesus responds w/ a story v. 30 -37

Here we see a story of a man who was traveling along the a road that led from Jerusalem to the city of Jericho -

A) Dangerous road in those days because the temple workers often traveled on it - thieves waited to rob them

  1. That was the case w/ this man who is jumped by some thieves/ robbed & left for dead !
  1. The man robbed & beaten & left for dead is a good picture of mankind who has been ripped off & beaten down by Satan / All around us
  1. Next time you are at the Mall – or Walmart find a place to sit & watch people - ( People are hurting – pain in their faces )
  1. I of all people know that looks can be deceiving – I have one of those faces that – if I’m not smiling or / really concentrating on something – look mad
  2. Couple of weeks ago – brother – asked me – ( You mad at me – do something wrong – looked quit smiling - NO I’M JUST WEIRD )

YES – Looks can be deceiving but – there are a lot of people who are miserable – hurting frustrated because – beaten down by world / devil

  1. They are like the man in this story – beaten up/ beaten down & left for dead. World the flesh & the Devil has wiped them out !!!!!
  2. This man could be the Transient down at the park / or your neighbor who is going through a divorce

C) he could be a guy in jail or the guy or gal you work w/ who thinks they

have life by the horns because - they’re successful . - but their empty inside


Now there are 3 people in the story who come upon the man who has been robbed > Priest / Levite / and a Samaritan .

  1. The first two men – the Priest & the Levite are the ones you would think would have immediately helped the man.

B) Their Job / their Life was supposed to be about helping people.

But they both passed by .

C) The first guy the Priest seemed too callused – when he saw the man – he just past by on the other side.

    1. It probably wasn’t the week for the helping of the down & out trodden down people of society - someone else’s program

D) The second man the Levite – seemed too busy – at least he stopped or slowed down enough to look – but having more important things to do …..


E) Now by using a Priest & a Levite as two of the main Characters in the Story – Jesus was illustrating that the religious leaders in Israel

    1. Had forgotten about the people – they were so caught up in their legalism & their rituals – that they were out of touch.

Watch out for that tendency of falling into routines / or rituals /or that legalistic type of mentality

  1. And when a legalist sees a person in the predicament that this man was in their response is not to help but to condemn
    1. The legalist thinks things & says things like - Well this happened because this guy must have been doing something wrong -
  1. He should not have been in that place where he could so easily be stumbled & robbed .
    1. The legalist - look at situation like this as a punishment for a persons stupidity or lack of religious piety

But the next person who comes along is the Samaritan who is a picture of what we as Christians are to Be .

  1. Samaritans were hated by the Jews - ˝ breeds - unclean people .
  1. So By having a Samaritan as the Hero of the Story – insult to injury against the religious establishment in Israel
  1. But He was also illustrating very powerfully that Your neighbor is anyone in need ! Race / Religion / Social status / none of that mattered.

Now this story for us is also a Powerful illustration of How to be a Neighbor like Christ by noting WHAT THE SAMARITAN DID 5 things

  1. As he was travelling down this road on His it says He saw the man in need
  1. Now In order to be a person who sees the needs of others you need to be one who is not so focused on yourself
    1. And How you see people will determine how much or how little the Lord uses you in the lives of others
  1. The thieves saw the man as a victim to exploit - The Priest & the Levite saw the man as a nuisance to avoid -
    1. The Samaritan saw him as a neighbor to help .
  1. Chuck Swindol tells the story in one of his books about an event that changed the face of their Church .
    1. Happened on a Sunday morning during the worship part of the service that a young man 19,20 showed up at Church
  1. Wearing Leather jacket - blue jeans - which was one reason he stood out in the largely suit & tie crowd at Evey-Free in Fullerton
    1. But he also sported a rainbow colored mohawk hair cut
  1. Walked down the center isle sat on the floor next to the first pew -

Elder 70 yrs old …….. People were expecting a confrontation…….

  1. Swindol said that act of love & acceptance was a turning point for their church - God began to bless - Church began to grow .
    1. How to we see people the Lord brings into our path! Those in need ? His eyes & His heart !


2nd thing - We read in v. 33 - He saw Him & had compassion on Him!

  1. The word compassion means to be deeply moved . It can also mean to get into someone else’s skin & feel what they are feeling .
  1. Often this type of compassion comes from having gone through something that someone else has gone through.
  2. Perhaps you have been through divorce - or your parents were divorced - there is a certain compassion - you can have on those going through that
    1. You have been there - you know those feelings / those emotions
  1. The Bible says in 2 Cor.1:4 that God comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.

E) I don’t know your trial – your burden – know others have been there



So the Samaritan - saw Him - Had compassion on Him & 3rd thing he did was He went to Him - Pity plus action / He got involved –

  1. He didn’t call the church – guy down here who really needs some help can you send some one down to take care of him.
  1. Sometimes that is the easy way out – see a need call the Church !!! –God brings the need to your attention so you can do something about it!!

1) The Churches job is to equip you to do the work of ministry.

That is exactly what we see illustrated here – 4th thing to note is that the Samaritan was equipped to minister. /Bandages / oil / Wine !

  1. This guy was travelling along on His journey equipped w/ those things that were necessary to help people who were hurting & in need
  2. Bandages were used for covering & for protection - The Bible tells us that the love of God has been shed abroad in our hearts by the H.S.
  1. And that Love the bible declares covers a multitude of sins ! Love protects us from the infection of bitterness that - likes to creep in
  1. Pure olive Oil & Wine were often used for medicinal purposes in that

time – Used to bring healing – cure infection!

    1. What is the healing ailment for the Worlds pain today – The message of the Gospel . God’s Love in Christ

5th thing to note is that He took care of the man – He didn’t just give him medicine & bandage him & leave him there – he carried him to Inn

  1. He made sure that he was nourished & clothed - that there was time for his wounds to heal .
  2. I think this speaks to us of what Discipleship is all about – helping people get grounded – get on their feet – learn to walk –
  1. get plugged into fellowship/ and really grow in the Lord
  1. Nothing more exciting than seeing someone who was wiped out by the Devil & the world – get saved – get Discipled - & grow – mature
  1. Become an agent of RESTORATION THEMSELVES

But we also need to note - To do all that will cost you

  1. 35 "On the next day, when he departed, he took out two denarii, gave them to the innkeeper, and said to him, 'Take care of him; and whatever more you spend, when I come again, I will repay you.'
  1. To minister to people this way will cost you - / maybe financially - / maybe time / maybe in the way of comfort
    1. but great will be your reward in Heaven !
  1. Thieves Philosophy - What is yours is mine - take it / Priest & Levite What is mine belongs to me - keep it
    1. Good Samaritan - What is mine is yours - I will give it

In closing/ before we go there is one more thing we need to see

  1. In Essence - What Jesus described the Good Samaritan doing is exactly

what He did/ still doing

  1. He saw us broken down robbed - totally fallen on the side of the road / left for dead by the world and had compassion on us /
  1. But He didn’t just have compassion / He left the glory of Heaven & came to our rescue
  1. When He came He was equipped to minister to us – Through His very sinless nature – He was the only one who could pay the price for our sins
  1. Displayed His Perfect Love – to cover our transgressions
  1. He poured into our wounds – not oil & Wine – but His OWN BLOOD
  2. 1) Cleanses us from ever sin /

  3. He gave of himself - Paid the price - for our sins at Calvary upon the cross
    1. Made a way where man could be forgiven / healed & restored .

F) And Jesus takes those whom He has rescued & takes them to the inn which is a good picture of us the Church & says care for them until I come again

If you are here today and you don’t know Christ - haven’t given your life to Him – beaten down in life /

He can & wants to lift you up to today set you on a path that leads to eternal life - Free from Guilt sin …..

Fallen down in your walk - Jesus wants to pick you up today - make you new - heal the hurts / bandage the wounds - his mercy & grace

Only difference is the man in the Story didn’t deserve his fait – his getting robbed nothing to do w/ him.

  1. We on the other hand – sinned fallen short –

B) Wages of sin is death - sow to flesh – reap destruction –

    1. Need to acknowledge our sin / turn from it – turn to Him who can heal / forgive & restore -

C) Allow Jesus to work in You -