Luke 13:31-35 Don’t be AFRAID!

Intro: I want to begin our study today like I often do / with a question:

The Question? How do you deal w/ the subject of Death ?

A) The subject/ the idea / the feelings & emotions attached .

B) I have found that most people fall into one of 3 Categories in

dealing w/ death .

C) Many people face DEATH W/ FEAR / They are afraid to die / the

thought of death causes them to just freak out

D) Others face DEATH W/ FRUSTRATION : Because Death is the

big unknown – they have no idea what the after life holds

    1. So the whole idea makes them feel uncomfortable / lets talk about something else


So those are two responses that people have to the subject of death – but then there is the RESPONSE of the BELIEVER –

A) The BELIEVER Faces death w/ FAITH/

B) Faith in the Word of God/ the words of Christ – John 14 I have gone to

prepare a place for you .

    1. Faith in 2Cor. 5:8 Absent from this body is to be present w/ the Lord

C) That is the way we are to face death – in FAITH / a confidence that my

days my life / my DESTINY is in the Lord

    1. We have seen in studying the Life of our LORD here in Luke’s Gospel that is exactly how He faced Death. In faith

D) Recall back in LUKE 9:51 And it came to pass, when the time was come that he should be received up, he steadfastly set his face to go to Jerusalem

  1. At that point Jesus was beginning the LAST 6 months of His earthly ministry/ He is leaving the area of Galilee for the LAST TIME
  2. He is steadfastly heading for Jerusalem Where He KNOWS that the cross awaits Him there/ He has an appointment w/ Death

C) But on the Way We see Him moving through the cities and Villages/

facing his enemies

1)He is healing the sick / He is teaching/ giving constantly of Himself &

ministering to the needs of People.

  1. His life is marked by a tremendous Confidence / Conviction / & focusedness in the face of his imminent Death in Jerusalem
  1. Because you see He knows that the Father has a Plan & Purpose for His life & until that Plan is accomplished He is indestructible


Christian do you know that is true of you as well – God has a plan & purpose for your life seeking to carry out

  1. He has an appointed day for you to die / The Bible says He knows the number of our days
  2. Until that day comes you are safe !!!! – Doesn’t mean you run out the Freeway & play Chicken w/ cars / might find your day is today !!
  1. But Knowing that Your Life is in God’s hands who has a Plan & purpose for you/ Should give you great Confidence to Live for Him
  1. Pastor Brian / on Plane w/ Pastor Chuck to Israel – time of conflict / risky
  1. Were you Scarred ? No – I Knew that God was not finished w/ Chuck yet so I figured that as long as I was w/ him I would be Safe.



Now in the passage that we are considering today we see another example of where our Lord faced His imminent death w/ great CONFIDENCE

  1. A Confidence that allowed Him to not be intimidated by threats or altered by FEAR from the PLAN & PURPOSE of the Father.

31 On that very day some Pharisees came, saying to Him, "Get out and depart from here, for Herod wants to kill You."

32 And He said to them, "Go, tell that fox, 'Behold, I cast out demons and perform cures today and tomorrow, and the third day I shall be perfected.'

  1. "Nevertheless I must journey today, tomorrow, and the day following; for it cannot be that a prophet should perish outside of Jerusalem.


  1. At this time Jesus has left Galilee & is ministering in the Area of Perea on the east side of the Jordan
  2. It was an Area that was under HEROD’S JURISDICTION / He was the Tetarch over – Galilee & Perea / Governor / over those REGIONS

RECALL IN OUR LAST STUDY – JESUS had some heavy words to say about the KINGDOM of God .

  1. That there were going to be Jews who would not be able to enter in because they were seeking to enter in through the wrong entrance

B) Instead of the Narrow Gate of Faith in Christ / they were counting on

their religious affiliation, Their Jewish Heritage

    1. & their own self Righteous

C) Because of that / They would hear the Lord say DEPART FROM ME I NEVER KNEW YOU / And to make matters worse they would see

    1. Gentiles from all over the world in the Kingdom w/ Abe / Isaac & Jacob / and themselves being THRUST OUT


  1. Needless to say – the Religious leaders were not thrilled w/ this news or w/ this idea / so they respond by saying "Get out and depart from here, for Herod wants to kill You."
  2. Now they didn’t say this out of concern but more so because they wanted to get rid of Jesus
  1. As long as He was around THEY LOOKED BAD – as long as He was around they had competition
  1. So really what they are seeking to do is to INTIMIDATE – Jesus to leave out of FEAR - Herod wants to Kill you.



32 And He said to them, "Go, tell that fox, 'Behold, I cast out demons and perform cures today and tomorrow, and the third day I shall be perfected.'

33 "Nevertheless I must journey today, tomorrow, and the day following; for it cannot be that a prophet should perish outside of Jerusalem.

  1. Understand – Jesus is not issuing Herod a compliment here – Fox – not referring to Hunk / or good guy. / Slang - He is a Fox
  2. No the word is in the Feminine form actually means VIXEN - speaks of one who is CRAFTY / TREACHEROUS / SLY / UNTRUSTWORTHY

C) Jesus says" go tell that fox that I am not going to be intimidated by Him"


  1. First Just PRACTICALLY speaking – Today & tomorrow I am going to be keep doing what I have been doing
  2. Healing the Sick / ministering to people / casting out Demons / my life is not going to be altered by these threats / 3rd day reach my destination
  3. And from where Jesus was ministering in Perea it was a 3 day journey to Jerusalem on foot

But I believe that there is something else being said here / than simply saying I will reach my destination in 3 days /

  1. THE WORD PERFECTED is an interesting word & most Bible scholars think that Jesus wasn’t just speaking practically
  2. But that He was speaking PROPHETICALLY / For 2 days I will be casting out Demons & performing cures / 3rd day perfected
  1. This He spoke of the REESSURECTION
  1. Word Perfected = Completed – On the 3rd day when I come out of the grave / I will beat Death / I will Destroy Satan’s Stronghold


Jonah 3 days … belly of the fish ….Son of man …. Heart of the earth


So He was not just speaking of His arrival in Jerusalem But what was going to happen when He got there/ Cross & Resurrection

  1. And He knew that Jerusalem was the Place that the Prophets were killed and that would be the Place of His DEATH AS WELL
  2. But He could face that death w/ CONFIDENCE in knowing that was the Fathers PLAN – He would come to give His life a RANSOM for many
  1. He came to seek & to save the Lost
  1. He came to do what Know other MAN could do & that was PAY THE PRICE FOR THE sins of the WORLD
  2. But He also Knew that 3 days after that DEATH – HE WOULD COME BACK TO LIFE .
  3. Because of that He was not going to be intimidated by THREATS or have his course Altered by FEAR / or Distracted By MEN .



  1. Like Jesus you & I are on a Mission / God has a PLAN & PURPOSE for each one of our lives

B) He is the Savior of the World / We are His Heralds – been commissioned

to Herald the GOODNEWS /

1) Messengers – Delivery the Good News of His Love / His Provision

C) We have been commissioned to Go into all the world & make Disciples


But Satan is a great INTIMIDATOR – He seeks to plant fear w/ our hearts –

  1. REDPATH : Fear was the greatest enemy of our Faith


    1. Fear of opposition / Classic Example of Goliath – great Giant

C)All of Israel saw this great Giant / Soldiers were all afraid – David

however saw the LORD

    1. Understood what John would later write Greater is He that is in you than He that is in the World.
  1. And Paul Said in Romans 8:31 If God Be for us Who can be against us
  2. Caleb – said concerning Giants – NUM. 14:9 God is on our side – those Giants are our BREAD


The Bible tells us in 2 Tim.1:7 For God has not given us a spirit

of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

  1. We fear rejection & Jesus reminds us that they are not rejecting us but they are rejecting Him!!!
  2. We fears of being inadequate & not knowing what to say – break out of our comfort ZONES –
  1. The Lord reminds us that HE will give us the WORDS to say at a given time
  1. Satan is the great INTIMIDATOR / But JESUS is the great LIBERATOR

1) Freedom & the Power to be used


So Satan seeks to Intimidate through FEAR – Also seeks to Distract through – difficult circumstances

  1. How many of you have seen the movie Chariots of Fire
  2. Great Story of how the Olympic runner Eric Liddel stirred his Gen. In 1924 by refusing to race on Sunday
  1. He eventually won the gold medal in the 400 meter dash / His entire story was made into this movie – Academy Awards
  1. Part in the Story I love – Eric sister was trying to get him to give up running & become a missionary – she saw God’s hand on his life
  1. Is there something in your life that you can say that about ? God has made me a teacher – feel his pleasure when I teach!!!!
  2. Mechanic – Work on Cars / Singing / Sewing / - Whatever it is that God has gifted you & called you in that when done for Him – feel Pleasure


Running in the Olympic games is exactly what God wanted for Eric at that Particular time

  1. What a lot of people don’t know is that Eric Liddel eventually went on to become a missionary

B) In fact at the end of the movie a message flashes on the screen –

Eric Liddel missionary- died in occupied China at the end of WWII –


C)Here is what happened exactly one yr. After winning the gold medal –

Eric went to China w/ the London Missionary Society

After teaching in a college there he felt compelled to engage in Word evangelism by Bicycle & on Foot

He carried the Gospel into the back country of China

After Japan invaded & WWII broke out Eric Liddel was classified as an enemy National – In Aug. of 1943 He was sent to a prison camp

He was one of 1800 prisoners confined in a facility that measured 150 by 200 yards / He was housed in Dormitory that provided a room 3 ft. by 6ft. for each man.

But Liddel accepted the Challenge of that situation by organizing athletic events in the prison / teaching Hymns / and Ministering God’s Word

There was a young man by the name of David Mitchel who was in the prison during that same time / he later spoke of the influence of this godly man that he had the opportunity of watching up close during those yrs.

This is what He said of Eric Liddel – He was committed to putting God first / he was a man who’s humble life was marked by MUSCULAR CHRISTIANTY


Just months before he was to be set free – Eric Liddel died Feb.21 1945 from a brain Tumor – He was a National Hero / but He was also a Hero of faith – especially to one Young Man – DAVID MITCHEL

When it was all over someone asked David Mitchell what was the secret to this man – This is what He said :

He was committed w/ out Reservation to Jesus Christ as Lord & Savior / The friendship of Jesus meant everything to him/ each morning by the flickering light of a peanut oil lamp he made a place for that relationship to grow by studying the Bible & Praying

THEN HE SAID : As a Christian Liddel's desire was to know God more deeply - & as a Missionary to make Him known more fully

What a Testimony of a man who was not going to allow obstacles or fear to Alter Him from pursing the Plan God put before Him !!!

  1. Guys can I encourage you to do the same
  2. Jesus knowing full well what awaited Him in Jerusalem set His face STEADFASTLY TOWARD going there .
  3. But notice what He says here about that Place – v.34 "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the one who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, but you were not willing!
  1. "See! Your house is left to you desolate; and assuredly, I say to you, you shall not see Me until the time comes when you say, 'Blessed is He who comes in the name of the LORD!'"

When Socrates was sentenced to death – everyone knew that he was being sentenced unjustly – accused of corrupting the youth

  1. When the Executioner gave him the Poison to drink – he did so WEEPING because he knew he was giving it to an innocent man.
  2. That had to have been a touching scene – but it doesn’t compare w/ what is happening here.
  1. Jesus Christ is weeping over this city & those who would be executing HIM / THE WORLD HAS NEVER SEEN SUCH LOVE !!!
  1. How can people read things like this & not fall in love w/ the Lord

Not be blown out by His compassion


Now I point this out to you because we need to understand this about our Lord . You know who he weeps over right now / TODAY

  1. The ones who will not let Him gather them in / those who will not let Him / comfort them & be their strength
  2. Those who are crippled by FEAR / BURDENED BY GUILT / those who are still hanging on to old BAGGAGE
  1. That is who the Lord cries out for this day .
  1. Not Crying out against those who killed the Prophets – Crying out for those who will not allow Him to get Close
  2. And What He says of that City is true of any life –that refuses to allow Him to get close – they will be made Desolate – Barren / EMPTY
  1. Nothing Satisfies / Nothing fills the Void – Emptiness Lingers


How many has the Lord been saying this about here Oh how I have wanted to Draw you in but you were not willing

  1. Result Missing out on the Salvation He came to Provide / the Satisfaction & the fulfillment that He came to give .
  2. The Purpose & meaning for Life that He offers / the Confidence in the Face of Death that He SECURES – Knowing – something better awaits
  1. Is He calling out to you today – Come let me draw you in

How many Christians are here today –who have areas in their life that the Lord has been saying give that to me

  1. Come & rest under the shadow of my wings – but you have been unwilling
  2. As a Result your life is filled w/ Anxiety / Proverbs 12:25 Anxiety in the heart of man causes depression,
  3. You have become Depressed – miserable / afraid /
  4. Perhaps your holding on to BITTERNESS – UNMILLINGNESS TO FORGIVE .
  5. And the Life that God intended to be ALIVE VIBRANT & FRUITFUL IS TURNING DESOLATE

Won’t you come to Him & say : Blessed is He that comes in the name of the Lord – Salvation / Life / rest are in Him.

Psa.36:7 7 How precious is Your lovingkindness, O God! Therefore the children of men put their trust under the shadow of Your wings.

Psa57: Be merciful to me, O God, be merciful to me! For my soul trusts in You; And in the shadow of Your wings I will make my refuge, Until these calamities have passed by.

91:1 He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. 2 I will say of the LORD, "He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust."


Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord .

A) First time - Some received – given Life

  1. Some rejected – stayed Desolate

A mountain climber in the Alps had come to a perilous gap in the ice where the only way to get across a chasm was to place his foot in the outstretched hands of the guide who was a little way ahead of him. Told to do this by the one who was directing the party, the man hesitated a moment as he looked into the gloomy depths below where he would certainly fall to his death if anything went wrong. Seeing his hesitation, the guide said, "Have no fear, sir; in all my years of service my hands have never yet lost a man!"










A believer was fleeing from his enemies during a persecution in North Africa. Pursued over a hill and through a valley with no place to hide, he fell exhausted into a cave, expecting to be caught. Awaiting his death, he saw a spider weaving a web. Within minutes, the spider had woven a beautiful web across the mouth of the cave. The man's pursuers arrived, but on seeing the unbroken web assumed it impossible for him to have entered the cave. Later that believer exclaimed, "Where God is, a spider's web is like a wall. Where God is not, a wall is like a spider's web."

Few things offer security to believers more than an awareness that God will use His overcoming power to protect them.