Luke 14:1-24 Oh what a FEAST

Intro: This morning we are going to look at v.1-24 / The whole scene takes place at the home of one of the Pharisees/ Meal given /Sabbath

  1. It is a scene in which JESUS speaks very pointedly to everyone who is in attendance at this meal.
  1. He really gets down to the issues that need to be addressed – He pulls no punches in dealing w/ these issues or these people.
  1. SEE He cares more about the condition of peoples hearts than about His own acceptance
  1. Reminds me of Methodist Preacher in the 1800s by the name of PETER CARTWRIGHT he didn’t care about men’s Reputations
  1. But was given to speak the truth –concerning mans need to be Born again & have SALVATION.
  1. One Sunday Peter Cartwright was told that Pres. Andrew Jackson was in the Congregation / sure enough he was escorted by Body Guards

I understand that Pres. Andrew Jackson is w/ us here today – I have been requested to be guarded w/ my words - Andrew Jackson will go to HELL IF he doesn’t repent"

  1. Talk about Pulling no punches – He said it like it was / he was shockingly Honest & Our Lord Jesus was the same way.
  1. What Happened on that day – w/ Peter Cartwright ?
  1. Pres. Jackson sat there stunned!/ He had never been so addressed / afterwards he went up to greet Pastor Cartwright & said this :

"If I had a regiment of men like you I could whip the whole world"


Sometimes bluntness & firmness are needed & Jesus Himself was one who wasn’t afraid to be blunt / to be firm / to not be politically Correct /

  1. If you are taking notes – Divide these 24 verses into 4 sections /
  2. In v. 1-6 He speaks to the Pharisees who are watching Him about their Pseudo or False Spirituality
  3. In v. 7-11 He speaks to the Guest who are surrounding Him about their Pride & Pursuing of POSITIONS OF HONOR
  4. In V. 12-14 He speaks to the Host who invited Him about His wrong motives in Hospitality
  5. Then in v. 15-24 He speaks to the man who interrupts Him about His Mistaken Assumption concerning their ETERNAL DESTINY .

READ V.1-6

So here we find Jesus in the home of one of the Pharisees – it is the Sabbath day & they are sitting down for a feast –

  1. Sabbath Day hospitality was an important part of Jewish life, so it was not unusual for Jesus to be invited to a home for a meal after the weekly synagogue service. ( Always excepted – Liked People)
  2. Issue was FELLOWSHIP – Jesus Loved to sit w/ people & let them experience His Presence
  3. Also note – Jesus was willing to mingle w/ those who didn’t believe in Him

APPLICATION FOR US - Need to not isolate ourselves from an unbelieving WORLD !!!!


Now the Sabbath meal was different from other meals. In that all of the food had to be prepared before the Sabbath.

  1. Because it was against their Sabbath Day Traditions you were not allowed to kindle any fire on the Sabbath Day,
  2. So if you were to have anything that was hot it had to be hot before the Sabbath and somehow there had to be ways to maintain it being hot.
  1. Now, in those days they had definite rules of things you could & Could not do to keep food hot
  1. Today they have relaxed a little bit in their stance / Today, if you plug in your hot plates & coffee pots before the Sabbath actually begins;
  1. You are Ok – but in Jesus day it was a little tougher


SO The Sabbath day meal was different – a little extra work & Preparation was put into it

  1. And here we see that once again Jesus is invited to such a meal
  2. NOW Sometimes the host invited Him sincerely because he wanted to learn more of God’s truth.
  1. But many times Jesus was asked to dine only so His enemies could WATCH HIM and find something to criticize and condemn.
  1. That was the case on this occasion/ for at this meal they planted a man next to JESUS who had a Disease called DROPSY
  1. This was a painful disease in which, because of kidney trouble, a heart ailment, or liver disease, the tissues fill with water.
  1. This man was invited to this feast on the Sabbath day & placed right in front of Jesus
  1. Because they knew that Jesus could not be in the presence of human suffering very long without doing something about it.

In their eyes however to do something – would be a violation of their SABBATH DAY LAWS / I love what Jesus does here

  1. V. 3 And Jesus, answering, spoke to the lawyers and Pharisees, saying, "Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath?"
  2. Guys did you catch that – JESUS ANSWERED - answered what ? There was no question that was asked – not verbally at least
  3. 1) But Jesus knew their Hearts - & He knows Ours

  4. I love it when people come to me – say – We were just talking about that
  5. Or We came here today w/ specific questions & you answered them

  6. The Lord is faithful to minister to our Hearts / meet you in the Word / or to Challenge you in areas where you are wrong.
  1. So Jesus answers their unasked question"Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath?"

4 But they kept silent. And He took him and healed him, and let him go.

5 Then He answered them, saying, "Which of you, having a donkey or an ox that has fallen into a pit, will not immediately pull him out on the Sabbath day?" 6 And they could not answer Him regarding these things.


MISSING THE POINT ENTIRELY - Now in their traditions it said that they could help out an ox or Donkey who was in trouble

  1. What Jesus was implying here is that it was IDIOTIC to suggest that it is
  2. ok to help out an animal that is in TROUBLE / & ignore a man who’s hurting

  3. What Jesus was saying to them – In all your rules & Pseudo spirituality – you are missing the big picture – of LOVE & COMPASSION.
  4. An oh how we need to be so careful that we don’t fall into those traps of developing our own systems & programs – how we do things & respond
  1. To the point where we are failing to show GENIUNE LOVE & COMPASSION.


  1. Today in this country we hear so much concern for the Whales & this endangered species & that one.
  2. In Or. There is Legislation that states you can get 5 yrs in prison for destroying an EGG of a SPOTTED OWL /

1) And Yet in this country – you can abort as many babies as want

Amazing that Egg of a spotted owl more protection unborn Child

So Jesus exposed the false piety of the Pharisees and the scribes.

A) They claimed to be defending God’s Sabbath laws, when in reality they were denying God by the way they abused people and accused the Savior.

  1. The next thing that Jesus does is He turns his attention toward the guest at this meal – who were caught up in Jostling for Position

READ V.7-11

Now usually when they had a feast the guest would sit at a small table with three pillows around it. They were called Tricliniums ( Recline)

  1. So they would sit three at a table and the middle pillow would be the place of honor at that table.
  2. Now say you were gonna to invite nine guests you would have three tables set up in this Triclinium
  1. and at each of the tables you'd have the center pillow for your guest of honor

C) So Jesus noticed when these guest came in how they were all Jockeying for position – how they were all seeking to sit in that / Guest of honor place





  1. Does He see people Jockeying for POSITION – wanting to appear important ? Seeking Positions in ministry for POSITION SAKE
  2. People who are always concerned about IMAGE ? How they look or APPEAR in the eyes of OTHERS
  3. 1) All that is, is PRIDE

  4. I think that one of the characteristics of GREATNESS is HUMILITY Some of the greatest people have been very humble people.
  5. I think that one of the most humbling things is to have God use your life. For you know it is not you and you know you're not worthy.
  6. A Continual RED FLAG FOR ME – is when I am listening to someone in a conversation – or speaking / how often the word I comes up
  1. I this / I that / I think this / I did that / I was used in this way / concerns me because it is usually an indication of PRIDE in the HEART
  1. What A BLESSING to come across those who know it is not about them but it is about what Jesus is doing !!!

Jesus responds 11 "For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted."

James 4:6 "God resists the proud, But gives grace to the humble."

  1. Radical thing to consider that PRIDE in my Heart drives a wedge between myself & the Lord .


C) Hudson Taylor once noted that "God uses men who are weak and feeble enough to lean on him."


A young seminary graduate came up to the PULPIT very self confident and immaculately dressed. He began to deliver his first sermon in his first church and the words simply would not come out. Finally he burst into tears and ended up leaving the platform obviously humbled.

There were 2 older ladies sitting in the front row and one remarked to the other, "If he'd come in like he went out, he would have gone out like he came in."

1Peter 5:5,6 Yes, all of you be submissive to one another, and be clothed with humility, for "God resists the proud, But gives grace to the humble."

  1. Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time,

Been said that if you humble yourself the Lord will exalt you but if you Exalt yourself the Lord will HUMBLE YOU


Well after addressing the Pride & Jockeying for Position that He witnessed in the Guest – Jesus then turns His attention to the HOST

  1. And Brings up His Wrong motives in showing Hospitality / This really would have been an interesting LUNCH

B) Talk about Working the ROOM - MAN ALIVE !! NO ONE WAS SAFE

READV. 12-14


NOW Jesus knew that the host had invited his guests for two reasons:

  1. (1) to pay them back because they had invited him to past feasts, or (2) to put them under his debt so that they would invite him to future feasts.
  2. Such hospitality was not an expression of love and grace but rather an evidence of pride and selfishness. He was "buying" recognition.
  3. People sometimes do the same thing w/ Birthday or Christmas gifts

  4. If I get them this nice gift then they in turn will do this for me – TURNS into the PROVERBIAL - Who can out do who COMPETITION
  5. What Jesus Points out is that Our motive for sharing must be the praise of God and not the applause of men,
  1. the eternal reward in heaven and not the temporary recognition on earth.
  1. In this situation Jesus is challenging the Motives of this man’s actions & Challenges him to give to those who can’t give back


Now understand – Jesus is not suggesting that it was wrong to eat & fellowship w/ Friends – For He did that often Himself

  1. His Point /Purpose is to address the MOTIVE of the Heart in showing that only that service /giving done from right motives will be rewarded


At this point I would bet this dinner was getting a bit Tense : Pharisees have been struck down/ Guest put in their place / Host rebuked & corrected

  1. What happens next is almost comical – w/ this tension in the air / some guy PIPES IN change the subject - ( seen almost to break the ICE )
  2. V.15 "Blessed is he who shall eat bread in the kingdom of God!"

  3. Based on passages such as Isaiah 25:6-9 The Jews were waiting for a Day when God Himself would throw a great Banquet or Feast
  1. They would be together w/ Him in the Kingdom having this feast
  1. Now it is important to understand that w/ this statement – this man is making an assumption – We are all going to be there in the Kingdom
  1. It was a common assumption of the Jews that they were going to be there because of their Heritage /Religious affiliation / / Rituals

In Jesus’ RESPONSE – we see that this was a FALSE ASSUMPTION –

One that many still make TODAY !!!!! READ V. 16-24

A) In Matt. 22 Jesus tells a similar Parable to the one recorded here in Luke’s gospel – But in that one – a King as Prepared a Banquet for his Son

  1. Both speak of the WEDDING SUPPER OF THE LAMB recorded in
  2. Rev. 19 / Great Wedding FEAST W/ OUR LORD

    1) For all who Have received Jesus as Lord & Savior

  3. WEDDINGS – Another RECEPTION / That is what Jesus is referring to




Now in those days when you were going to hold a Banquet you would send out invitations to those you wanted to come.

  1. And like today the people would have to RSVP so the host knew how much food to make / seats to have etc.
  2. Now what was a little different from today was / When you were invited to a GREAT FEAST – You Knew the Day / but not the Hour
  1. You did know that it was going to happen in the EARLY EVENING on that DAY /
  1. Because No conventional ovens / Microwaves / wouldn’t know the exact time
  2. So just before the meal was ready to be served – a servant would go out & let the Guest know – the time was NOW / READY / COME


Well when this servant goes out to let the guest know it is time / He is met by one DUM EXCUSE AFTER ANOTHER

  1. The first guy says I just bought a field & I must go & look at it
  2. Again understand – that to throw a Banquet before SUNDOWN was considered EXCESIVE / so usually started at or around dark
  1. This guy says I have to go & Look at my field in the DARK
  1. Plus buying a piece of property in that day would mean that this man would have most likely seen in many times already
  1. This man represents the person who is Wrapped up in His Profession

Perhaps a farmer or a Land BARON –


2nd man’s excuse was just as PATHETIC – BOUGHT 5 YOKE OF OXEN Yoke =2 Oxen / 10 OXEN – I need to try them out !

  1. Again it would be approaching night fall so he wasn’t about to plow a field

B) Equivalent to a person – buys a CAR before He test DRIVES IT

    1. This Man represents the man DISTRACTED BY his POSSESIONS

The 3rd man’s excuse is RATHER – COMICAL - " I just got married so I can’t come" (Understand that )

  1. What is he saying - I am married now I can’t have any fun / I married I have no time for such things
  3. We see that People are still Giving these same Excuses today



Now The servant – represents the H.S. who goes out inviting men to come to the Feast

  1. Today is the Day of Salvation – get your hearts right
  2. Some people give the excuse that they don’t have any time for the Lord because they are too wrapped up in their PROFESSIONS
  1. Too much work to do - / I’ve got to close that account – I got to finish this DEAL -
  1. I will get to spiritual things later - No time for Bible Study / No time for service /

For Others it is POSSESSIONS – THAT DISTRACT THEM from being interested in the things of the Lord

  1. All their little toys & trinkets / Need to Wax Car / Fix the House / Just bought a Boat / need to use it
  2. They have all these little things that they are hoping will Bring some Lasting SATISFACTION – but never find it

    Still for others it is RELATIONSHIPS /

    A) What Cracks me up is the same guy who says I have to much work to do no time for the Lord / Watch what happens when gets a girlfriend


  4. See it is all a matter of PRIORITIES / Some get Distracted by Friends others by placing too much concern on finding wife or husband
  5. 1) Some by simply placing to much Focus on the Family

  6. I know that there is going to be those who read all the Dobson books / listened to all the tapes / they followed all the tips & steps
  1. They might have a solid family but they miss out on the most important thing – having a RELATIONSHIP W/ CHRIST
  1. Left out of the Kingdom / Had to tell a Youth Pastor – Good kids - Good kids that are going to end up in Hell



  1. When the servant comes back w/ the news The master is Angry / also translated exasperated
  2. Probably how you wives feel at times when fix a great meal – husband said he would be home by 6 /
  1. Dinner is on the table it is 6:15 & Hubby is not home
  1. You are Exasperated – Where is He – I have slaved all day over this meal

& now He is going to eat Cold –No I’ll feed it to the DOG !!!!


Guys that is how our Lord feels sometimes when He sees people so excited & passionate over EARTHLY THINGS / Lose sight of Heaven

  1. When People fail to see the BIG PICTURE – This life short walk in the Park compared to eternity
  2. If not a Christian – This life is as GOOD as it gets – all down hill from here / "Only Live Once" WRONG
  3. But if you are a Christian / Know this / THIS LIFE IS AS BAD AS IT GETS FOR YOU / All upward & Onward from HERE
  1. Eternity is what Matters Most !!!!!!!


Watch what the Lord Does /

Tells His servant - 'Go out quickly into the streets and lanes of the city, and bring in here the poor and the maimed and the lame and the blind.'

Now Blind can’t go see a field / Lame can’t go & work a team of Oxen/ Go & get the ones that think they don’t have it all together

  1. I Love what happens next – servant comes back & says – THERE IS STILL MORE ROOM
  2. That is what the Lord is saying today – the meal is ready – but there is still more ROOM – SO HE WAITS / SERVANT IS SENT OUT AGAIN
  3. 23 "Then the master said to the servant, 'Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.

  4. Go to the Obscure parts highways / the Hedges & Compel them to come !!!!
  5. That word COMPEL means to constrain or to strongly PERSUADE


Two final thoughts – That is how much the Lord wants people in the Kingdom – H.S. is not going to give up easy in seeking to bring to conviction

  1. He will keep Knocking – He will wait a little longer
  2. 2Peter 3:9

    8 But, beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

    9 The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.

  3. 2nd thing we shouldn’t give up either / sharing or praying / compel seek to strongly persuade - until person says leave me alone !!!


A) Lambs book of life !!!!!