Ephesians 6:17-24

Spiritual Warfare Part 4


Intro: This is our 4th and final study dealing with the subject of Spiritual warfare – tonight also finish Ephesians    [Rd v.10-20]

A) In our look at the Armor of God we have seen a division between the pieces of Armor – { Represented in the words Having & taking


B) Concerning the first three pieces of Armor – Paul says V.14

Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness,15 and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace


C) The word having speaks of that which is in the past tense – All 3 of these pieces of Armor describe something that has already taking place

1) They describe our position in Christ – Been Set free by the truth / We are covered in the Righteousness of Christ / We are at Peace w/ God


D) Paul is saying we need to Know that !!! If we are to stand we need to be Sure about those things –

1) Those pieces of armor really deal with who we are In Christ !!!!!


But in v. 16 there is a shift – Paul moves from looking at our Past Position to our Present practice: From who you are in Christ to who Christ  is in You – when he says 16 above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery Darts of the wicked one.17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God;


A) Now there is a shift – Present daily activity – Starts with above all taking the shield of Faith { Focused last time shield & Helmet


B) Above all =  Shield is important  [It Covers the whole man] – The Just shall live by Faith – Refers to that basic trust in the Lord –

1) It takes faith to stand in the truth that I am free / Righteous / at peace

That I have that hope and assurance of Heaven { Faith applies truth 


C) And it takes Faith to use the sword of God’s word – believing that it is Powerful weapon / Tonight begin by discussing the SWORD


In the Days of King Arthur the  Story is told  of a Knight who became known for his Expert Swordsmanship

A)   And the Word Spread about this great SWORD


B)   So  the King sent for it -  observed it said I see nothing special about this sword !!!- Word came to the Knight – who sent this note to the KING 

1)   It simply read  "You have seen the sword but you haven't seen the arm that holds it"


C)     That's what made the difference! The skill & strength of the Knight!


But the Opposite is true in our Christian experience /

A) There is a VAST difference between our Situation & the Knights


B) In the Knights case success & victory had to do more w/ the one holding the sword / But  in our case – it has to do more w/ the sword that is held!

1.)             Doesn't matter size - strength or the age of person. All that

          matters is the sword being used


C) We have been equipped w/ a powerful weapon and all that matters is

           that we believe in it’s power & learn how to put it to use!


The sword to which Paul refers here is the machaira, which varied in
length from six to eighteen inches.

A) It was the common sword carried by Roman foot soldiers and was the principal weapon in hand-to-hand combat.


B) Carried in a  sheath attached to their belts, it was always at hand and ready for  use.

1) Paul says our sword is the WORD OF GOD – carry it – pack the word



See the BIBLE is no ordinary Book

A) Comprised 1500 year period - 40 authors , 3 cont. , 3 languages. Points to a person - Jesus!  "In volumes ... written of me"


B.)    Not a book of deals or principles - though they are there - not focus - (focus - draw relationship w/ person - Jesus)


C) It is a book in which every word and line is inspired by God – God breathed –

From an unknown source comes this tribute to Scripture:

There are words written by kings, by emperors, by princes, by poets, by sages, by philosophers, by fishermen, by statesmen, by men learned in the wisdom of Egypt, educated in the schools of Babylon, and trained at the feet of rabbis in Jerusalem. It was written by men in exile, in the desert, in shepherd’s tents, in green pastures, and beside still waters. Among its authors we find a tax-gatherer, a herdsman, a gatherer of sycamore fruit. We find poor men, rich men, statesmen, preachers, captains, legislators, judges, and exiles. The Bible is a library full of history, genealogy;, law ethics, prophecy, poetry, eloquence, medicine, science, political economy, and the perfect rules for personal and social life. And behind every word is the divine author, God Himself


D) It is a book that is powerful – power to transform lives

1) Other books might move you emotionally / stimulate your imagination – But The Bible Changes your life !!!!


A "Bible that is falling apart usually belongs to someone who isn't" -  


Now The sword of the Spirit is first of all a defensive weapon, capable of deflecting the blows of an opponent.

A) It is the believer’s supreme weapon of defense against the onslaughts of Satan.


Now it differs from the shield of faith which describes a broad and general over all protection,

A) The sword can deflect an attack only if it is handled precisely and skillfully.


B) It must parry the enemy weapon exactly where the thrust is made.

1 Now most of us are familiar with the fact that there are different Greek words that are translated “word.” 


C) The most common Greek word, translated “word,” is the word logos.  1) And most of are familiar with that word because we know that Jesus is referred to in Jn 1 as the “Logos.”  He’s the Word of God. 


D) But There’s another word that’s translated word in the New Testament, another Greek word.  And that’s the word, rhema.

1)  that’s the word that we have here.  It refers to a specific saying: A specific word – for a specific situation


So what Paul is suggesting here is that there are specific words from God that address specific situations. 

A) And we have to go at that situation with that specific Word of God, with that specific verse.  Paul told Tim . Study show ….. rightly dividing …..


B) That’s why it is really an important thing to memorize Scripture. 

Being able to use that sword – specific words for specific situations

1) You don’t necessarily have to memorize the exact verse,


C) We see an example of this in our Lord’s life – Matt 4 turn there

1) After his baptism Jesus was led into the wilderness by the Spirit to be tempted by the Devil


D) Satan tempted Jesus in 3 specific areas – Fathers Provision / Protection and the Father’s Promise

1) Jesus going thru that is a good example for us – How to be Victorious

After Fasting for 40 days out in the Desert – Satan shows up to tempt him first thing he says in v. , if Son of God - turn stones to bread!

A) There in the wilderness there were 10s of thousands of limestone rocks - which appearance of little loaves of bread


B) Jesus was hungry - focus of Satan's first attack!  Hey, if Son of        God - turn stones to bread!

1) No big deal - Pizza, Big Mac - what Satan doing here?


C) Questioning the Sonship of Jesus - If really God's Son ……                     questioning - the FATHER’S PROVISION


D)     Now The Father spoke at the baptism this is my .... pleased.

          1.)     But here Satan is challenging the very words God had                                spoken: saying:


E)      If you are really God's Son - why still hungry? When is God going           to  release you from this fast?  Maybe never?

      1) Trying to get Jesus to act independently from His Father in taking care

            of his Provision


Satan does the same thing in your life - my life - says: If you are a child of God where's Father's provision?

A) Why are bills piling up?  Why lacking?  Maybe you should take a second

      job?  Why are you sick?


B) He comes whispering these things in our ears trying to get us to do      

        something in our own power!

          1.)     Act in our own strength or ingenuity - start thinking who                          needs God!  Do all right on my own!


Notice how Jesus responds:  v.4 -  But He answered and said,

"It is written, 'Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.'"

A.)    So great - Jesus was saying the issue is not the material realm not the    -   physical realm


B.)    No more important than the physical food was spiritual food of           God's Word

          1.)And more important than the material realm was the spiritual realm!



Notice - How the enemies tactic changes - doesn't say look at that cactus - no - whole new approach!

V.5,6   Then the devil took Him up into the holy city, set Him on the pinnacle of the temple, 6  and said to Him, "If You are the Son of God, throw Yourself down. For it is written: 'He shall give His angels charge over you,' and, 'In their hands they shall bear you up, Lest you dash your foot against a stone.'"


A)  Satan is quoting from Ps 91:11-12  - now questions the FATHER’S  

       PROTECTION !!


B.)    Do you believe your Father will really protect you Jesus?

          Prove it! Prove it to me - yourself - all of Israel - jump!

1.)             Don't the scriptures say "He will give His angels charge                     over you to keep you from even stubbing your toe"


C)Now this is Interesting - Satan quotes scripture:  Knows word

       but he always omits phrases - cults , false teachings!

          1.)     Ps 91:11 - Lit. says - For He shall give His angels charge                 over you to keep you in all your  ways!  (in God's ways)


D.)    Jesus knew this!  So He answered - thou shalt not tempt the           Lord 

          your God!-   out comes the sword again! ( Rightly Divide )


E.)Jesus knew God was w/ Him - I don't have to do stupid things to prove it!


One more Satan says - changes tactic again - pulls out all stops - big one!  V.8-10  8  Again, the devil took Him up on an exceedingly high mountain, and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory.

9       And he said to Him, "All these things I will give You if You will fall down and worship me."


A.)    What is going on here?  Questioning the FATHER’S PROMISE

          Father promised all things to the Son!


B.)    Satan was saying the world is mine to give away - It's all yours if you bow down and worship me!

          1.)Note Jesus doesn't refute this - true - God gave world to man -              forfeited to Satan - Jesus redeem back!


C.)    Satan was SAYING - Don't have to go to cross!  Short cut!


Satan does the same thing to us - question promise of God - tries to offer us short cuts!

A.)    Compromise in your business!  Tired of waiting? Settle for           second best - make it happen now!


B.)Quit waiting for husband to get it together/ he never will - look at this


          1) Single Sister – Quit waiting for that Christian Guy – Forever


C.)    Once again Jesus takes out His sword - v.10 10  Then Jesus said to him, "Away with you, Satan! For it is written, 'You shall worship the LORD your God, and Him only you shall serve.'"


D) Now After that the devil left!  How did He defeat enemy?

    He Quoted scripture:  each case provision, protection, promise

   1) Guys - we can do that – if we know the word – but the Christian who does not know God’s Word well cannot use it well.



Now The sword of the Spirit is also an offensive weapon, capable of inflicting blows as well as deflecting those of the enemy.

A) Heb 4:12 we are told that God’s word is  “living and Powerful  and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.


B) Every time the word is spoken there is power that is put forth

1) Go on the offensive – Speak the word to your kids – Have scripture  up in your house –


C) My wife post scriptures in the house to remind her of areas where she feels vulnerable as well as – areas she wants to work on.

1) She is hiding the word in her heart – Satan gets mad !!!!


D) Bible study in the home /at work -


But the Sword isn’t our only offensive Weapon – v.18 Praying always

A)Paul began this study in V.10 by telling us to be strong in the Lord and

          in the power of His might!


B.)    That to me is the most important phrase in this study -        realizing –

         stand not in your strength but the Lord's

          1.)   Not in your power but thru the power of the H.S. in your life!


C.)    God has fully equipped us to stand victorious in the battle

          1.)          Question: what good is the most sophisticated tank or Plane                                 money can buy for Battle today if you can't turn it on?


D.)    Prayer is the key for the ignition that gets the tank rolling to   move out into battle!


Jon Bunyan "  You can do more than pray, after you have prayed

but can't do more than pray until you have prayed.


Prayer is a vital part of our weaponry – notice 6 things that are pointed out about our Prayer life

A.)           1st - v.18 - Prayer is to be a lifestyle:  (praying always)     


 1Thes 5:17 "pray w/out ceasing?”   What does that mean?  


B.)           Can't expect to spend every moment - praying: work / things to do –

          So what does it mean?

          1.)     It means to live in constant communion w/ the Lord!                                       Keeping in touch /        always aware of His presence


#2 V.18 We are to  Pray w/ all prayer!  "Pray w/ all prayer supplication"

A.)    Different types of prayer mentioned in the Bible:

1.)             Pray = conversing w/ God simply  talking


          2.)          Supplication: coming to God w/ our needs

          3.)          PETITION make a request

          4.)     Praise and thanksgiving - express gratitude - worship

          5.)          CONFESSION- confess sins

          6.)          Intercession - praying - making request for others



#3 - Pray in the Spirit

A.)    Common interpretation of this - pray in tongues!  Now I believe           praying in the spirit can involve speaking in tongues

          1.)But don't believe that is primary interpretation here! Here is Why


B) In  1 Cor 14:5 - "I wish you all spoke w/ tongues -           implication:   some didn't –


C)So if this meant simply to pray in tongues – that would mean that some believers would be under equipped for the Battle.





So what does it mean to Pray in the Spirit ?

A)To Pray in the spirit is to pray according to the Spirit - It is           developing a sensitivity to the spirit/ know how to Pray


B) Pray in line w/ the Spirit of God – What is revealed in Scripture – Ex: I know I am praying in the Spirit when I pray for someone to get saved

1)   Spirit’s Job to convict the World of Sin – need of Savior


C) Also Learning & sensing the Spirit’s leading in area’s that are not

     revealed – Suddenly feel impressed to pray in a certain way




#4 - Pray Being watchful

A.)    Being watchful speaks of being alert!  Know what is going on     around you/ See what is happening / Aware of the Battle


B.)    Neh people were victorious because they watched and prayed

          1.)     2 Cor 2:11 - Not to be ignorant of devils devices!  Be alert                              watch out - keep on guard!


C.)    Bible is filled w/ exhortations to watch and pray!




Prayer is a vital part of our weaponry over the enemy and is the key gets fuel rolling in lives!

A.)           Satan hates it when we pray! so intimate!  Hates when we worship and communion w/ God


B.)    Why attacked the most when you pray!

1.)             Why it is so important to be alert - keep eyes open: prayer list/ 

          take walks (cold) whatever necessary stay focused


C.)    Leads to #5: - pray w/ persistence - w/ all perseverance!


Pray with Persistence:  Keep on praying - don't quit

A.)    Have you ever prayed for something and felt like no one was   listening


B)   time and time again - you bring your request before the Lord and yet nothing changes!  What do you do then?


C.)    If you are like most people tempted to give up! Don't do that!           Don't quit/  "I prayed for BOB  last week and he is still bad."


D)     Effective prayer involves endurance - like running a marathon!



Matt &:7 - Jesus made a wonderful promise: "Ask and it shall be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will ..."

A)What most people fail to realize is this is a conditional promise


B) Unfortunately the condition is missed in most our English                                translations:  The condition is perseverance


C) In the Greek - literal - rendering needs. Keep on asking - keep on  

          seeking; keep on knocking



Last one Pray for others!  Paul says Pray for your fellow saints and Pray for me  - I love what he asks for here :                                                                                  

A.) that utterance may be given to me, that I may open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel,20 for which I am an ambassador in chains; that in it I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak.


Finish : But that you also may know my affairs and how I am doing, Tychicus, a beloved brother and faithful minister in the Lord, will make all things known to you;22 whom I have sent to you for this very purpose, that you may know our affairs, and that he may comfort your hearts.

23 Peace to the brethren, and love with faith, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.24 Grace be with all those who love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity. Amen.