Hebrews 11:1-7" Worship,Walk,Work,Witness of Faith "


Title of message tonight is../ What I want to do is to see how each one of these aspects of our lives in the Lord is influenced by FAITH! Rd v.1-3

A)We noted in our last Sun. study – that v.1 gives us a Definition of faith – or a description of faith- followed by – Illustrations of Faith


B) V.1 described in this way faith is living in the absolute confidence that what God has said He will do even when the fullness of the promises aren’t  seen Yet.

     1) OR AN inward assurance that results in an outward confidence

          even when can't see what future holds.


     2.) Faith sees the invisible, believes the incredible, accepts the impossible


C) V.2 The life of faith – is the only way to obtain a good testimony

1)   V.3 –Believing in Creation – God framed the worlds by His spoken word – simply believing that puts us in this Category – Person of Faith


As we come to v.4 –he begins his illustration of faith – Tonight I want to look at 3 Characters – Abel Enoch & Noah

A) In these 3 men we see Characteristics that will be in a persons life who is living by Faith:Faith’s FOUNDATION..PASSION/&... PERSERVERANCE


B) In each one we gain some insights into how faith is involved in our Worship,Walk,Work,Witness

1)    He starts w/ Abel – thru which we see the Foundation of faith &the  Basis of all worship – where true worship begins !!!  Rd v.4


 C) Here we are simply told that Abel offered a more excellent sacrifice than Cain / Go back to Gen. 4 – See Cain & Abel were sons of Adam & Eve

1)   Abel was a Shepherd – tended sheep / Cain was a farmer


D) They both came to worship the Lord – both brought offerings

 1)Cain brought some fruit / Abel brought a Sacrifice – the first born of his flock – Cain’s was rejected / Abel’s was accepted / Jealousy / murder

 Now what was the deal here w/ these two offerings: Why was Abel’s considered to be an offering of Faith Rom. 10:17 Faith comes by …..

A)The reason that Abel offered a more excellent sacrifice was it was according to the word From God


B.) It Was according to what God had revealed/ worshipped blood      sacrifice!

1)   Demonstrated in the garden – Skins to cover Adam & Eve – God offered the first Sacrifice – W/ out the Shedding of Blood – no forgiveness ….


C) Somewhere along the line God communicated to Adam & Eve that this was to be the Criteria for worship –

1)   Long before those institutions were formerly given in the book of Lev


D) So Abel’s offering was accepted – because it was according to the Word

1)   he brought a first born lamb / Cain – fruit works of his hands – wasn’t even the first Fruits


Now This is the Foundation of Faith & the basis of all true worship! It has to be Scriptural

A.)Some people get real hung up on semantics of worship/ Place; Cathedral,, woods; the Style; no music; traditional; contemporary


B) Same in Jesus day  John 4/ Samaritan Woman at the well discussion about worship: Jerusalem or  this mountain outside of Samaria

     1) Jesus said to her the place really doesn't matter / The way


JOH 4:23 ,24  "the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him."God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth."


C) Jesus says something amazing here: God is seeking after those who will worship him / seeking worshippers – Here is the Criteria

     1) In Spirit & In truth


In Spirit: speaks of born again / need come life spiritually

A)In truth: speaks of sincerity / full heart / ALSO according to the Word!


B) Both need to be in place for true worship to happen / It can’t be one or the other it has to be both

1)   Can’t just be in spirit : I believe in Jesus – {guy in Maui – hodge podge of religion – a little of this / a little of that }


C) Jesus & Budda / Jesus & New Age / Jesus : No it can’t just be spiritual – it must be according to the Truth /

  1)Must be in accordance w/ what the Word says



Turn to 2 Sam 6 Time in Israel's history / Worship the Lord where motive was right but method was wrong ! Rd v.1-11

A) Scene: David's Kingdom begins / move the Ark ( Presence )


B)     Good thing / wrong method: The right way  Priest  carry w/ poles

     1) V3 Following the  Example of the world " New Cart"


C) V.5 There was fan fare / Crowd /  Energy/  but no anointing

( Churches w/ unsaved  Band members )

     1) Result : Death  Fear anger & confusion


D) Now between v.11 & v. 12 there is a gap of time / (not sure how long) but in that time we are told in 1 Chron 15 David was taken to the word

1)    Reminded there of the instructions that God gave concerning how the Ark was to be carried / David read that Repented / started again


E) The rest of the Chapter displays the freedom / the exuberance that David displayed in His worship – {In Spirit but also truth } BLESSED

1)   So much so that Michal despised – Result Barren


F) Warning – Don’t be one who despises those who worship / those who follow word lift hands / make loud noise / result – barren   ( Back to Heb)

So Abel teaches us about the Foundation of faith – that it is going to be Built upon the word of God

A)True worship is going to be according to the Word of God – In Spirit & in truth


B) Next we come to Enoch in v. 5,6 / Enoch Illustrates for us the Passion of Faith : Seen in His Desire to walk w/ God : Rd v.5,6



C) Now in Gen 5 we are told that Enoch walked w/ God for over 300 yrs

1)   He walked w/ the Lord thru good times & bad times / gained a testimony that He pleased God


D) Finally after 300 plus yrs God said – Enoch we have been walking together for a long time now – closer to my house than yours just come home w/ me – { Enoch walked w/ God was not – God took Him}


Note progression from worshipping to walking 

A)First born again worship is the natural response – so thankful that sins are forgiven / that my guilt is removed - / going to heaven: Praise the Lord


B) But there needs to be the progression where those times of worship become a Lifestyle – where My passion is to Walk w// God – Know Him

     1) Lifestyle of worship that is seen in the way that I live – Pleasing to God


C) Enoch had that TESTIMONY he pleased God!

     1) When my Passion is to walk w/ God I realize that the Lord is more than

         just one I go to in a jam! / More than just the one I rely on in the storms


D) More than simply trusting him for my salvation - though that is where it begins!  But the heart of faith - involves a deep desire to know God!


Walking speaks of fellowship / companionship

A) This is what the Lord desires of us Fellowship  He wants us to know Him / walk w/ Him each day / spend time in His Word!  Jn 17:3

 V.6 - tells us that without faith it is impossible to please God!

A)want to please God - faith is the key!


B)Notice - 2nd part v.6 - those who come to Him - must believe         that He is  - (He is God) - and rewarder of those who diligently seek Him!

1)   Strongs : To investigate or to crave –


C) It speaks of a desire that is so strong that it – wells up w/ in you and affects everything in your life –

1) All revolves around desire Know God & walk w/ God


D) That is a good description of Enoch’s life – Enoch received the Ultimate reward the Lord saying  I just want you to be home here w/ me

  1) Rewards us w/ Himself!


Also Walk w/ God suggest the surrendering of my will

A) Walking together – someone has to lead – ( Narrow Boardwalk – someone has to move )


B) God does not force His company on anyone He merely offers it if we want to walk w/ Him we are welcome

1)   But in that walk we must understand that He is the Leader : Which means that this walk requires a surrendered will on my part


C) This can be Hard because we are so  smart! right?  I have all these good

     ideas but the Lord never seems very into them . Why?

1)    He sees the big picture!  I will admit there are times I get out ahead of Him ; only to fall on my face


Also note that To Walk w/ God takes continuing faith!

A)     2Cor.5:17 " For we walk by faith and not by sight"


B) This can be tough because from our perspective there are       times it seems the Lord is 1000 miles away.

     1)  Trials & circumstances  are mounting / Children of Israel at Red Sea

 A little boy drawing a picture.  His Dad inquired, "What are you drawing?" The boy replied, "A picture of God."

His father replied but no one knows what God looks like, to which the boy confidently responded, "They will when I get through."


C) People are like that w/ the Lord they have a picture in their mind how He should act/ respond in given situation

     1)  When He doesn't respond in that way / decide to do it themselves


D) Isa. said " ISA 55:8 ,9 "For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are my ways your ways, Just as the heavens are higher …………….


So Enoch teaches us that Faith’s passion is going to be to walk w/ God / to have that desire to please God & Diligently Pursue after God

A)What is interesting about Enoch is here is this guy w/ this radical testimony – He pleased God so much in his walk – God took Him


B) Wow – I wish I had a walk like that – How did he do it ? That is the thing we are told very little about his life

1)   Why doesn’t God tell us more ? 2 reasons


C) 1st is because of our tendency to create formulas – Ok I am going to follow step by step everything that Enoch did

1)    We want things scripted out like a work out routine where we follow ABC&D = X


D) God isn’t into formula’s / that is religion / what He wants is relationship : Continual walk & surrender of our will to His will

1)   I personally think that God hates the how to books – How to marriage / how to parenting / how to ministry – formulas


The 2nd reason that God doesn’t tell is more is because all of ours lives & situations can be so different

A)God says I am not going to do that – I want you to walk w/ me – don’t worry about what I have done in so & so’s life/ Concerned w/ your own

B) Example Great wife –Denise is extremely easy to get along w/ & very enjoyable to be around :   Great marriage -


C) But for some of you that is not your situation : Some have spouses that are unsaved / others carnal

1)   Your biggest trial in life is that person that you sleep next to every night { Always tension always conflict }


D)God says you walk w/ me & seek me diligently w/ all your heart & allow me to lead you in your situation

1)    Stop looking & comparing yourselves to him/ her/ or them / Just pay attention to what I am doing in your life


E) For those reasons we are not given more insight into Enoch – Because it is an Individual walk we are  called to


As we move from Enoch to Noah we see another man who walked with God!  But who also called to a special work!

A.)    Both lived during  a very wicked time in the history of world


B.)    Described in the book of Gen as time of great wickedness where the intents of man's thoughts and heart was continually evil!

     1.)     All day long - evil and wickedness!


C) It was during this time that Enoch and Noah walked w/ God that God called Noah to a special project!

 1) Enoch home / Noah called to a work – Parallels Church & Israel in Trib


Notice a few things here about Noah Work & Witness – Great Illustration of the Faiths Perseverance

A)First thing to note - is before you can work for the Lord or have      an effective witness in the Lord - need to walk with the Lord!


B)All work and witness - outflow of healthy walk - constant      fellowship

    1) Heard one Pastor say – God put me into ministry not backslide -stupid

2nd Thing about Noah’s Faith took God’ word at face value & He was motivated by Godly fear Being Divinely warned ………

A)Noah wasn't afraid of God!  But he was in awe of God - he had a deep respect & Reverence for God - moved him respond to call!


B)Reverence is something lacking today!  Too casual in approach       - God is my buddy! (can't forget He is God / Can’t forget that He is Holy )

1) Sometimes in our emphasis of the Grace of God we can forget that He is a Holy God & be very Casual about sin / compromise! 


C) God hates sin! Because he knows the affects it had on man / brought death; separation; disease; violence - abortions - AIDS - all results of sin


D)But more so because of who He is!  Pure - holy - without sin!           Light in which - no darkness

     1.)     Like - beautiful white dress - black paint - very small hint two don't go




So Noah was moved with godly fear and he responded to God's Word –

A.)    God said - Noah build an ark!  Flood!     Noah didn't question –

     (big boat? - no ocean near us) rain? - (water from sky)  didn't argue!


B.)    How opposite of us!  But Lord!


C) God called Noah to a special work & it was a Long & difficult work      

1)     Listen this is key point though - if you are going to serve the Lord - have to know calling you


D) Because Tough times are going to come!  Want to quit!






In Noah's work and witness we see the perseverance of faith!

A.)All service to the Lord takes perseverance!  Paul told Timothy        Endure hardship as good soldier of J.C. / Paul knew he went through tough times!


B.)    So did Noah - He worked and witnessed for the Lord / 120 yrs to build that boat – Preacher of Righteousness / very little fruit


C)Noted Sun am Noah’s life also teaches us that we can walk w/ God even when the rest of the World thinks we are fools – Building an Ark on Dry land

1)   Talking flood / it had never rained – Jokes – ridicule / So Noah teaches us that we can continue on even in the midst of incredible scorn


D) Noah also teaches us that we can continue in service to the Lord even though there is very little fruit – even after 120 yrs

1)   Noah was a preacher of righteousness – preached for 120yrs while building that boat – but only those in His immediate family were saved


E)You think you never see results!

     1.)     England - man on corner - 75 years (many saved?) only regret


One thing I have discovered about serving the Lord is that it takes time         for the foundation has to be laid

A)Because God is doing work in you -first


B)Pastor Chuck - 17 years - little visible fruit!   Now - we are all recipients


Today we are building an ark - pointing people to the vehicle of salvation - Jesus!

A.)All called to be an influence on family, friends, neighbors, people work


B.)    Noah's faith was based on - fact God keeps promises

     1.)     Promise of salvation / promise of judgment (same today)


C.)    Will you move with godly fear - responding God's word! -

     1.)     will you persevere - no results!