Hebrews 11:23 Parental Faith
The Faith of Moses Parents
The Faith of Moses Parents is a great example to all of us who are parents
today & trying to raise our kids for the Lord in the Mist of a
A)So This morning we want to glean some insights from their lives that I think we help us in ministering to & training up our kids
B) Now maybe your kids
are already grown/wondering how this applies
1) Well Chances are that you are a
grandparents now or you might be soon Realize you can
have a big influence in that Role
C) Single: wondering : How this apply to me OBVIOUS you might not
always be single ( you might one day be a parent take notes )
But even now you might
possibly have a niece or nephew that you can influence for the Lord
D) Something for us all
to glean in this passage { RD V.23 }
the scene : The Children of Israel had been living in Egypt for close to 400yrs
/ much of it as slaves ( grown 70pp to 2-3 million)
A)Pharaoh observes this growth / HE sees that the Israelites Population is getting larger than the Egyptians
B) Issues this degree
that any Male Babies born to the
Israelites are to be taken from them & thrown into the Nile River
& drown
Thus It was a Horrible
time for the nation of Israel their situation hit an all time low there was great Distress in the Land
C) In the Mist of the
Distress two Parents stand out exercising what the Bible calls PRECIOUS FAITH -
their actions would
eventually affect the Whole nation of Israel
D) Lets consider what they did & allow the H.S. to use
their example to minister to our hearts
They were People of Vision:
A)In the mist of this turbulent & distressing time they gave birth to a Son but as they looked at this Boy they saw something special
B)We are told in our
text that they saw that He was Beautiful
/ for that reason they decided to go against Pharaoh & hide their son .
I believe as they
looked at that Child God caused something to happen w/ in their hearts that
He was no ordinary Child Special calling / use
C) Now it is True, this
is one of the EXTRA-ordinary individuals of
1) But the truth of the matter is that each
child given by the Lord is special.
127:3 Behold, children are a
heritage from the LORD,
The fruit of the
womb is a reward.
1:17 17Every good gift and every perfect
gift is from above, and
comes down from the Father of lights,
with whom there is no variation or
shadow of turning.
Quest. What Do You See when you look at
your kids ?
2:10 10For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which
God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
A)Amram & Jochebed
this understanding that their child was a POTENTIAL TOOL for God
1)that they risked everything to PRESERVE him for the purposes of God.
B) Do YOU see that in
your children? Potential purpose for God ?
Even in the ones that
presently are causing you heartache
C) Kids can be so DIFFERENT One might be so
manageable, so easy, while another one is rowdy and hard to control.
We often have
thoughts like Surely the quiet one is the one the
Lord will use.
Have you ever thought that the one that is a terror right now has the potential
to be a terror FOR the Lord?
A) Strong willed
Strong willed for Jesus Not swayed by Peer Pressure
B) I think we need to Constantly pray that the Lord would give us Vision to see our Kids Potential to see what they might become for Jesus
Pray that
the Lord would give us insight on how to Foster that Potential
C) My mom Vision or
Dream she saw me Preaching at CCCM
Even when I was called
to full time ministry thought that will never happen ( spoke there 3 times in
the last 5 yrs Chapels conferences )
said that the Eye of Faith sees what the Human eye cannot see / we need that
Vision to look beyond the Natural
A)Note Our vision for
our children is NOT to be based upon the
abilities that they may, or may not,
B) But It is to be based
upon WHO GOD IS & HOW GOD might use them.
{ It is an easy mistake to make in looking at
1) Later in the history of Israel, a man named Jesse
would make the mistake of looking at his sons in the natural, & so would a
prophet named Samuel
C) The Lord would say to
Sam. Go to Beth. The house of Jesse I have chosen one of his sons to be King
Go Anoint Him
Jesses gathers all of
his sons but one the Runt David
D) Samuel sees the First
Eliab thinks this guy would make a great King
1) Tall handsome rugged God spoke to Samuel he is not the one dont look on the outward man
looks outward I look at the heart
going thru all seven Sons Samuel says Have any more ? David the Youngest
was Chosen
A)Moses and David are good examples that Children are never too young to have a call of God upon their Lives
Jeremiah 1:5 Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were
born I sanctified you;I ordained you a prophet to the nations.
Psalm 139:14;16
I praise you because I am fearfully and
wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well..... 16 your
eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your
book before one of them came to be. (NIV)
Amram & Jochebed were Parents of Vision
And Vision Breeds
Bravery/ Boldness
A)Because they were PARENTS OF VISION they were
willing to take risks in regards to their son. They Hid him for 3 months
B)This couple RISKED
life and limb to see Moses preserved for the purposes of God.
thing I want to note that we learn from their example is that there is a time
for sheltering our Kids
A)We live a Hostile
world where there is a Pharaoh a Ruler / who wants to Destroy our Children
B) The Bible says that Satan is the god / the ruler of this
world / RULER of the system & mindset of this
Jesus said that Satan
is a thief & a Robber who wants to Kill to Rob & to Destroy
C) I dont think it is a
Coincidence that most of the kids who have been arrested for School shooting or
1) were into hard Rock music & Violent Video games
The Devil Knows the influence that the media
has on our culture & on our kids & he is using it to his advantage
Average T.V. viewer sees 9,230 sexual acts or
implied sexual acts on
TV. Each
yr. 83% are out of marriage / 10yrs over 93,000 sex acts
One out of three sexually active 12- to 18-year- olds reports that the media influenced their decision to engage in sexual intercourse. They said TV and movies make it seem normal.
B) Average TV viewer will also see by the time 18 /
250,000 acts of violence on TV. - & 33,000 murders
--Ronald Brownstein of Premiere magazine "As
an industry, Hollywood is remarkably blind to parents' anxieties. With the
rarest of exceptions . . . industry executives still view the turmoil over
content and marketing as political posturing rather than as a legitimate
response to parents' concerns."
"Studios and
advertising people and networks and sponsors are willing to pay a lot of money
for advertising because they know how much it influences people and children
watching TV, and yet theyre not willing to admit that violence that
comes into the home has an effect on children. You cant have it both
ways." Actress Michelle
Pfeiffer -Premiere,
C) The BBC reported this
past week 5 elementary age students who broke open an electric pencil
sharpener tried to slit their wrists
They were copying a
scene from a recent Emmy Video where a disturbed fan slits his wrist &
commits suicide
D) There have been
several wrecks where teens have been killed in the last several weeks Mimicking
the car races in Fast & the Furious
are after our Kids according to article last month in the Washington post
A)Teen age Pop. spends an estimated 150 billion dollars a yr on clothes and entertainment & other teen related things
B) Since 75 percent of all High school students have a television in their bedrooms. The average high schooler has been subjected to 10 million ads by the time he or she reaches 18 / 1,500 a day .
have cable in the home Remember the recent Victory won concerning moving
adds for R rated movies on Prime time
A)Movie Studios are
spending big bucks to put those adds on
MTV which is in 78 million U.S. homes, where the average viewer is below
20 yrs of age
Last year, movie studios
spent a total of $59.5 million on MTV, with $26.6 million -- or nearly 45
percent -- going to pitch R-rated movies, according to Competitive Media
MTV features several
shows on its network that are labeled for mature audiences because they
feature heavy sexual or vulgar content those shows average 1.7 million
viewers - 40 % of them between the ages of 2 and 17,
B) The Affects are disturbing Stats Family Support Foundation
By the time they
graduate from high school, 7 out 10 girls and 8 out of
10 boys will have had sexual intercourse.
More than one million
teenage girls in the United States become pregnant every year. 600,000 have
{ 1out of
every 6 abortions girls who profess to be Christians }
Over 2.5 million new
adolescent cases of sexually transmitted diseases occur every year.
Rates of substance abuse
among children and teens are skyrocketing.
38% of all
eight graders have experimented with illicit drugs.
Over 80% of today's graduating seniors will
have used alcohol, 42% will have used marijuana, and 52%
will have used illicit drugs.
Murder rate for teens
rose 165% in last 10yrs
10% of adolescent boys and 18% of girls have made some attempt to take their own life.
C) Folks the Devil is doing a good Job of destroying our Kids
1) We could go on & on talking pro Homo in schools / Humanism
parents you have a responsibility & a Right to Monitor what your kids do /
where they go / what the Watch
A)We have a Responsibility for monitoring them & seeking to Shelter them from the Evil influences of our Society
B)There isnt a Nile River that Satan wants to throw our kids into but there is a Culture that breeds rebellion / Hopelessness
He wants to get as
many of our kids floating down that river as he possibly can But we can fight
against that by Sheltering our kids
C) Home school / Private School / But most importantly
by keeping up on what your kids are doing playing pay attention
Dont assume that it
is OK because they tell you it is Ok
D) Did you ever tell
your parents something was ok when it wasnt ?
You will run
the risk of being called over protective / Fuddy duddies
A)Your kids getting frustrated at you Denise &
I have experienced all of the above but your Childs
Well fare is worth it
B) Friends w/ other Christian couples make a pack
set a standard that you will adhere to keep each other accountable to
C) Form an atmosphere
where Non Christian kids will be attracted to the stability they see in our
homes & lives
{ instead of our kids
being attracted to the instability of the World }
D) Now there are 2
Reasons I have found that parents have for not wanting to shelter their kids in
this way 1st FEAR OF REBELLION
Kids want Boundaries
E) Other reason is because of CARNALITY the
parents are into some of these things themselves they dont want to give them
It is hard to tell my
kids not to listen to Secular music / if I do !! Hard to tell my teen not to
watch Questionable movies / if I am
F) Some Parents will sacrifice their own Children
/ instead of Sacrificing their own pleasure when it comes to Entertainment
Amram & Jochebed spent 3 months Sheltering & Hiding Moses / during that
time they were doing what they could to get him ready for that day when they
would have to LET HIM GO
Exodus 2:3 3But
when she could no longer hide him, she took an ark of bulrushes for him, daubed
it with asphalt and pitch, put the child in it, and laid it in the reeds by the
rivers bank
She made an
Ark / an Instrument of Salvation for Moses
A)She took this little basket & covered it w/ Pitch /
Where did she get this idea From the Word
B)This woman constructed
the means of her sons salvation on the basis of what she had been told of
another man who was delivered from destruction
in an ARK that was
covered in PITCH- Mans name was Noah / Ark was covered w/ pitch
One reason why - We need to be Men & Women of the Word
Perhaps when she heard
the story of Noah she saw nothing applicable to her life in the construction of
Noahs Ark.
D) But when her own son
was threatened, that story flashed through her mind and she had a fresh and life saving application for it.
1) You NEVER know when some SEEMINGLY
unimportant part of Scripture will become CRITICAL & LIFESAVING to you or
your children.
NOTE: The Holy Spirit brings
to remembrance that which
we have planted
Application: As we get
into the Word of God, the Word of God gets into us.
AS it gets into us, it has a chance to make a difference in our
childrens lives.
Question where do you get your Insight from
A)Oprah ? Pop Psychology ? Friends who are not saved all of the above
are examples of Ungodly Counsel
B) Listen
the word is our textbook for training & reaching our Children
2 Tim 3:16,17
16All Scripture is
given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for
correction, for instruction in righteousness, 17that the man of God
may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.
It is profitable for DOCTRINE (what is
right), for REPROOF
is not right), for CORRECTION (how to
get right),
for INSTRUCTION in righteousness (how to stay right).
Prov.6:23 23 For the commandment is a lamp, And the law a
light; Reproofs of instruction are the
way of life,
119:105 Your word is a lamp unto my feet & a light unto my path
Psa.19:8 The statutes of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart;
commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes;
So thru the influence
of the word they made an instrument of Salvation for their Son
A)Parents especially younger kids now is our time for creating an Ark
/ an Instrument of Salvation for our kids How
B) We do that first & foremost by living
our Faith Live what I believe
1) Letting them see
you praying / seeing how you handle situations
Seeing the things that you make a priority in your lives
Talking to them about the things that you are praying about not quick
decisions -
My parents Example just a little thing Never bought anything couldnt pay
for w/ cash never on Credit
Although my Dad didnt make a lot never in debt never tried to live
above our means Denise & I have followed that -Never in debt
2nd Way that
we make an instrument of Salvation for our kids is by sharing the word w/ them
: Duet. 6:4-7
4Hear, O Israel: £The LORD our God, the LORD is one! 5You shall love
the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your
6And these words
which I command you today shall be in your heart. 7You shall teach
them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your
house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up. 8You
shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between
your eyes. 9You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and
on your gates.
A)Family Devotions how often ? All the time all day in the car / at
the beach
Aaron & I walk together talking / things concerning him people he was
concerned about Lets pray I love you Dad
Formal Devotions When home together do it but informal just as good
So we Create a Covering of Salvation by covering them w/ the Word
Psalm 119:9 How can a young man
cleanse his way? By taking heed according to Your word.
11 Your
word I have hidden in my heart, That I might not sin against You.
130 The entrance of
Your words gives light;It gives understanding to the simple.
Way Cover them is by bringing them to Church
A)Participating in their Knowledge of the Lord
B) Learn the tough
questions Challenges they will face in Public school / College
4th Pray : Lamentations 2:19 Arise, cry out in the
night, At the beginning of the watches; Pour out your heart like water before
the face of the Lord.
Lift your hands
toward Him For the life of your young children,
They made an Ark an instrument of Salvation for their Son to be placed in
to Shelter him from the Worlds influence
A)Next They placed their Child into the very place where the other Children were being Killed They Put him into the Nile
B) Listen we cannot
shelter our kids forever - there comes
a time where we have to let them go
there comes a time
after we have wrapped them in that instrument of
Salvation that we have to turn them lose
C) There comes a time
when we have to place them in this hostile world & trust THE LORD
That time is different
for each Child based upon their Physical & spiritual Maturity
D) Sometimes our kids dont give us that
Choice - I have talked to several
parents lately whose kids are currently in rebellion
1) { they have walked away from the Lord
what do ?
think you do what the Father in Lk 15 did Prodigal son He let him Go
Prayed & watched
A) We need to believe
that God will see them through the river experience that they are facing.
Prov.22:6 6 Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old
he will not depart from it.
B) I think what this is
saying is even if they depart at some time they will come back the
Chances are greater
1) Amram & Jochebed trusted in the faithfulness of God Ex.2;4
C)Amazing - Moses was given back to his mother but in a different Capacity ( Paid to care for him )
that Child returns He/she is given back to us but in a different Capacity
A)They are no longer our
little babies they have experienced things we hoped they never would have /
scarred to a degree
B) But that which the
Devil meant for evil can be turned for good
The yrs that the
Locust have eaten the Lord is able to restore
C) Amram & Jochebed trusted God and He came thru
for them / Moses was preserved & they watched Moses Prosper before their
40 yrs he would grow
into a great leader Trained to be next Pharaoh / for 40yrs parents wonder
was this Gods Plan for their Son
D) Moses Parents never
saw the great Deliverer that He became they died before He came to that place
But Gods plan was
carried out for that Boy they in Faith sheltered and then turned over to the
E) Some of you are
watching your kids wondering What is going on ?
Trust the Lord &
His Word
CONCLUSION Influence For Good Or For Bad?
A)As parents
all of us will have either a positive or a negative influence upon our
children in the things of God
B)What WE ARE with God is the first book that our children will
ever read about God. What have they learned about God from YOU?
1) Certainly your children must ultimately
stand before God on their own.
They MUST come to PERSONAL faith in Christ.
C) BUT WE will answer for the kind of DIFFERENCE WE made in
their lives, good or bad.
Are YOU saved today?
A) If not, you can ONLY
influence them AWAY from God.
B) You will have NO
prayer life, NOTHING from the Word to give to them, NO example for them to
C) Are YOU backslidden today?- Then
you are sending a powerful message to impressionable lives.
D) You are telling them
that you can fool around with your life and Gods plan for your life.
You are telling them
that they can do whatever they want to do with their lives.
A) Amram & Jochebed
B) That is why they made
a difference, NOT only in the life of their son, but in the life of a nation.
What about You? Are
C) Such are the things
that will enable YOU to make a difference in the lives of your children, and
potentially the world.