Rev. 19:1-10 The Wedding Feast

Topical Categories 5,12, 19


Intro:  Weddings –

A)   Names -  my book – kept calling her / Jill – really Susan / 

1)                 Matt & Diane Allen – Nelson -  The Bridesmaid that faints / the unity Candles that go out / Veil catches on fire


A)   Last nights Wedding was Almost flawless – great Couple / great Parents -  Bride was Stunning / the Groom – Handsome

1)                 Reception -  great food - 


A)   Study today –See a Wedding Celebration to beat all Wedding Celebrations       Read v.1-10



Well in our last study we saw that Religious & Commercial Babylon were Destroyed – by the Lord – ( Sodom & Gomorrah Revisited )

A)    Reaction of those on the Earth – Weeping Wailing – BUT not because of the lives that were lost but because their Meal ticket was gone


B)   But the reaction of those in Heaven was just the Opposite – Rejoicing – Because it signaled the end was here

1)                 That Rejoicing Carries over into Ch.19 – ALLELUIA – PTL – UNIVIERSAL LANGUAGE


A)    The Inhabitants of Heaven are Rejoicing BECAUSE the WEDDING FEAST IS ABOUT TO TAKE PLACE!!!–



Now in our study of Rev. we have noted a few times that Rev. is not that hard of a book to understand – Follow the Divine outline

A)   Write the things seen /  vision ch. 1 / Are Ch.2,3/ After this …..

Ch. 4-Rapture / Ch.4,5 Church in Heaven – Honeymoon w/ Jesus

B)   Ch.6-19 Tribulation – Chronological in flow – 3 sets of Judgements / Seals / Trumpets / Bowl judgements -  seen the Flow


C) But wait someone says – if the Rapture took place clear back in Ch. 4 before the trib. Started why are we just now reading about the Wedding feast

1)                           GOOD QUESTION – The answer is found in understanding what takes place – in the Customs of the  Jewish Marriage



The Jewish marriage Ceremony is a Rich & Wonderful picture of our Relationship w/ the Lord .

A)   The Church is referred to as the Bride of Christ


2 Cor. 11:2 For I am jealous for you with godly jealousy. For I have betrothed you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ.


B)   Question what does it mean to be a Betrothed to the Lord ? – The Kaducin which is the Jewish marriage arrangement – 3 Stages


C)    1st – Engagement Stage -  Marriages were by arrangement :  Kids young

my Daughter your Son

1)                 ( too important of a Decision to be left to immature – kids )


A)    The instances in scripture where a man tried to choose his own wife w/ out the directive of the Father / or the influence of the Father

1)                 Always ended up in Heartache /Headache / tragedy & Disaster !!!


A)     FEW EXAMPLES : Samson – Woman at Timnath – GET HER FOR ME

1)                 Esau – two Hittite Women/ Broke his Parents (Isaac & Rebekah Heart)

      2)  Jacob -  Rachel   - resulted in Problems


A)    So there are a few Examples !!!!!!!!



So the Norm was that the Marriages were arranged by the Fathers – when the Children were very young !!! – One exception

A)   In the event that – a woman’s husband died – she had the opportunity according to Levitical Law to pick from his single Brothers


B) Which made for some interesting Conversations – when a Dad announced he had picked a Bride for his son –

1)                           ( That boys Bros . pay attention- Check her out knowing they might end up w/ her !!!)


A)     If they didn’t like what they saw they might say – Dad are you sure this is the one – have you prayed about this Pops ?  Sure heard from the Lord

1)                 Did You fast about this Dad ….. on & on .  


A)    So that was the one Exception : The rest were by arrangement

1)                 So the first stage was they were engaged when they were very young !



The 2nd stage BETROTHAL -  this took place usually when the girl was some where between the ages of 12 – 16 yrs old

A)   So when we read in the gospel story of Mary being Betrothed to Joseph understand – some where between 13 –16 yrs old


B)   Amazing to think of what a godly young girl that she was at such a young age .


C)   At time of Betrothal – sometimes – Bride to be & Grooms first meeting – if they lived far from each other



Here is what would happen – the Fathers would come together w/ the kids – The father of the Groom would Negotiate a MOHAR

Which was the price that was to be paid by the Father of the groom for the Bride to be ( Sometimes result in a lot of Haggling )


Now the Price of the MOHAR would be determined by 3 things :

1st – The Fathers Wealth -  If Rich man better not be Cheap

1)                 He doesn’t want to insult the Brides family or appear to be a cheapskate – so he would want to be GENEROUS


The 2nd thing that Determined the Price was the BRIDES WORTH – What did you view her worth to be -  2 Chickens / horse – what ?


D) 3rd – The Price could be determined by the GROOMS WORK –

        In  cases where the Grooms family was poor or Deceased –

1)                           the Groom would work to pay the Price


Example : Jacob was on his own – marry Rachel – agreed to work for 7yrs for her

1)               Caleb offered his Daughter to anyone who conquered the city of Kirjath Sepher- Othniel responded  Josh. 15

A)    Saul offered his daughter Michal to the man who would kill the Giant


Shechem – Fell in love w/ Dinah – Jacob’s Daughter – he wanted to marry her. ( Price set : he had to become circumcised )

A)   You need to identify w/ our people & become one of us A  JEW so to speak - by being circumcised – You & all the men in your city


B)   Some how he sold this idea to the other men !!!!  All circumcised – then Destroyed – another story for another day


C)   SO the Price that was determined for marriage could be accomplished by the Work like Jacob / Through War like Othniel & David /

1) Or Through Identification like in the case of Shechem


Now the whole thing is a wonderful illustration of what God has done for You & me !!!

A)   The Father has Chosen us to be the Bride of His Son !!! – We have been BETROTHED to JESUS

B)   God has paid the MOHAR -  1st according to HIS WEALTH 

1)                 How Rich is God ? What could God give that would be an accurate Measure of His Riches ?


A)   Billion dollars ?  All the Gold in world ? – ASPHAULT …./  A planet ? Spoke into existence

1) What Determined His Wealth ?   What did God only have one of ? 

            His Son !!!


6For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.


Romans 5:8 But God DEMOSTRATES His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.


B)   It cost the Lord greatly for us to be the Bride of Christ !!!!



2nd the Worth of the Bride : How Valuable are You & I in the eyes of God ? Arabs have a Story – part of their Folk lure

A)   Story is about a man who had a Daughter – in his eyes she wasn’t much to behold – he thought never get married


But one day –a suitor came calling – ( How much will he offer – happy w/ a bird / a lizard )  The man offered six Cows -  record in that Village was 3 cows  -  THE FATHERED WAS AMAZED


So His daughter & the man were married – and moved to another village – a yr. Latter returned for a Visit - 


When they came back – people saw this man’s Daughter They were amazed – She was stunningly Beautiful – Head held high Standing tall

A)   People asked her WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU ? – Her reply : I AM A SIX COW WOMAN


B)   In other words once she realized that she was a Six Cow woman – it affected her whole out look – suddenly she is standing up Straight

1)                 She carries herself w/ Dignity  She literally became what she was worth to her husband !!!    ( Note to Husbands )


A)   Side note to Dads : Tell Your DAUGHTERS – She is Beautiful – compliment them -  tell them though – best to be Beautiful on the inside

1)                 Accomplishes two things : Helps the Girls & their insecurities over their looks in this Looks oriented Society - 


2)                 2nd – if they hear that from You – Chances are better that they are going to end up w/ a guy who treats them Similar


So the daughters who continence Changed once she realized her worth to this man – She was a Six Cow woman !! But What about us

A)   Peter declared in 1 Pet.1:18

knowing that you were not redeemed with corruptible things, like silver or gold19but with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot.


B)   God gave everything for us – we are more than a Six Cow Woman

1)                 Treasure in a Field : Sells everything so He could buy the Field to obtain the Treasure


A)    God says : I loved you so much that I gave everything in order to bring you into the Kingdom -  in order to make you the  BRIDE of Christ


B)   Therefore : The reality of that should affect the very way that we live our lives !!!  Countenance of Joy /–REJOICING in our HEARTS :

1)                 Gleam in our Eye / Confidence in our step !!!!


A)   Why? God Loves me / God is for me / He won’t forsake me / He wants what is best for me !!! How do I know ? – He gave His very best for me

1) Romans 8: 32He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?

What about the Work of the Groom ? – Well Jesus our Bride Groom identifies w/ us like Shechem did when he was circumcised –became a Jew

A)   JESUS BECAME ONE OF US – INCARNATION – he took on flesh & blood !!!


B)   That is something that we must not lose sight of in the mist of this season where we celebrate the birth of Christ – God Became Man

1)                 But the Baby grew to a Man – Tiny head – wear a crown of thorns / Tiny hands & feet – be Pierced through w/ a Roman Spike


A)    Tiny lips that Nursed would Cry out – My God ………Me !!!!


B)   IDENTIFICATION : He became a Man – took on flesh & Blood


WARFARE: He fought long & hard on the Cross / shedding His own blood to secure our Salvation for eternity

A)   He conquered the Worlds greatest enemy a GIANT much bigger than Goliath / conquered The Devil / Death / paid price for man’s sins


B) WORK : He worked for 33 yrs – ministering here on the earth  

          1) Fully accomplished on the cross at Calvary


C)All this is to say that the Mohar was paid – the Price that was

     Determined has been fully accomplished by the LORD !!!!



What happens after the MOHAR has been paid ? What comes next is called the Matten

A)   Part of the price that was paid is set aside as a dowry for the bride – in case she becomes a Widow / Divorced or Deserted


B)   And part is given to the Father of the Bride : because in losing a Daughter – Unlike a Son she can’t carry on the family name /

1)                 Unlike a Son She can’t run the family Business/ So part of the Mohar goes into the Father’s bank account

A)   At this point something really interesting happens : As they meet together in this room. The  Price has been worked out –

1)                 The money is placed on the Table along w/ a Contract that is to be signed – stating this is serious matter


A)   After this – the Bride & Groom do something for the first time : they take a cup of wine & they each take a sip ( it is the Cup of the Cov.)

1)                 At that point they are BETROTHED -  they are Legally married but they don’t live together & the marriage isn’t consummated for a yr.


A)   But this agreement is so Binding that if they wanted to call it off – they would have to go through divorce proceedings

1)                 If the Bridegroom were to die in this time the Bride would be considered a Widower



Guys once again this parallels our situation perfectly

A)   On the night before his betrayal Jesus meets in the upper room w/ His Bride to be -  there on the table is the Bread


B)   Representing His body – which is going to be given to pay the Price for the Bride – ( My body broken for you)


C)   Then He takes the cup / Cup of the New Cov. – A Contractual agreement

1)                 The Contract is the Book that we hold in our Hands – written in black & white


A)    Jesus said on that night – I will not eat this meal w/ you again until I eat it w/ you in my fathers Kingdom  BETHROTHAL



What happens next is most intriguing : after the contract is signed cup is drank the bride would begin to wear a veil for one approx. year

A)   This signified that she was taken : She was not available


B)   Now this veil would distort her vision a little bit – Same is true of us Paul said we are looking through a glass dimly – fogged mirror

1)           We have an eye on eternity that distorts our Vision concerning the things of this earth – not as attractive – We are taken w/ our Bridegroom




D) The Bride would also begin working on her wedding Dress !!! –

D     1) Now in some cases the Bridegroom would supply the material to his

E          bride  for the DRESS !!! So that is what the Bride would be doing



WHAT ABOUT THE GROOM ? the young man would return to his fathers house where He would begin construction on  the little mansion

A)   Addition to his fathers house


B)   Recall what Jesus told his disciples after they had eaten the last supper – Bread & the Cup – I am going to my Fathers house to prepare a mansion for you …… I will come again receive you to myself


C)   So the Groom would start working : But it was the Father who determined when the house was finished !!!


D)   Jesus said : No man knows the day or the Hour ….. but the Father

1)                 But the Bride would get reports – she was aware of the times & the seasons



Like wise we don’t know the day or the hour but we are to be aware of the times & the Seasons

A)   Technology for a Cashless Society – anytime there are New peace talks in Israel – Increase in Earthquakes /  false Religions


B)   So the Bride would get reports – she would know that the day was getting closer – finally hear – the house is done – Any day now !!!

C)   Now it became the Custom to have the Weddings on a Wed. – which in the Jewish day – really begins on our Tues. night

1)                 The reason that they would get married on Wed. is because the courts were open on Thurs.


A)   So that if it was discovered that the Bride was not a Virgin – a Divorce could be rendered on Thurs.

1)                 Married on Wed. divorced on Thurs.


Since that was the case once the house was completed the Bride & her bridesmaids would gather on Wed. nights ( really Tues. night )

A)   Because it had become the custom for the Bridegroom & his Grooms men to come in the night or early in the morning – Bride needed to be ready


B)   Here is what would happen : They would come – trumpets blaring shouting Bride groom Cometh ( people wake up -  WEDDING TODAY )

1)                 Ceremony actually take place outside – under the stars – Contract would be read – Blessing Pronounced


A)   Off the wedding party would go to the Fathers house – Bride & the Bridegroom would go into the LITTLE MANISION 

1)                 And it was there the marriage would be Consummated


A)   Now outside the Door of the LITTLE MANSION was the best man – the Shosban – the Friend of the Bride groom

1)                 That is what John the Baptist called Himself – not the Messiah –I am the Shosban – the Friend of the Bride groom – Prepare the way


A)   The Shosban would stand outside the door – And once the marriage was consummated – the Bridegroom would yell out – Ok / or Not Ok

1)                 Ok – meant Yes she was a virgin – which was proved by the bed sheet that would be spotted w/ Blood


A)   Not ok – meant that she wasn’t a Virgin – consequently – Divorce would occur / She would be Stoned & everyone went home

So everyone would gather in the house waiting to hear what the word was going to be !!!!  talk about pressure ?

A) Now maybe you are thinking here is where the picture breaks down for me        I am not a Chaste Virgin –    I have blown it to many times / I  

                      continue to have problems w/ sin


A)   GOOD NEWS : It is not our blood that deems us as Being Ok !! But it is His Blood – His Blood that was Shed at Calvary

1)                He is the one who is pure / the one who has never sinned & when His Blood is applied to my Life – Washed – Justified – Just… never sinned


A)   It is GLORIOUS – His blood Cleanses me so that I appear as his Bride according to Eph. 5 – Being w/out Spot of Blemish

1)                He supplies the Wedding Garment – He robes me in his Righteousness



So when the Shosban gave the ok – everyone would break into Rejoicing & the 7 day celebration would begin !!!!!

A)   Now for those 7 days the bride & Groom were treated like King & queen -  ( No vacations / Resorts – this was the best it got )


B)   For those seven days the Bride was not seen – the Bridegroom would come out of the Little Mansion & mingle w/ Guest

1)                 He would get food & goodies for his Bride - & literally serve her


C) Recall what Jesus declared in Luke 12: 37Blessed are those servants whom the master, when he comes, will find watching. Assuredly, I say to you that he will gird himself and have them sit down to eat, and will come and serve them.


D)It fits perfectly w/ what the Lord declared Concerning  our situation


Now here is where it gets interesting as it relates to our text – here in Rev. 19 

A)   At the end of the 7 days the Bridegroom would come out of the Little Mansion & He Present his Bride to the guest / then sit down for the Feast

B) This is when the Wedding feast would take place

   1)After this the Rest of the town would see the Bridegroom w/ His Bride


C)It fits perfectly – here we are at the end of the 7yr Trib. – the

     Wedding feast is celebrated – what Comes next

1)                           The 2nd coming – Jesus returns to the World w/ His Bride –


 7Let us be glad and rejoice and give Him glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife has made herself ready.” 8And to her it was granted to be arrayed in fine linen, clean and bright, for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints.


D) Question: What makes the Bride Ready ?


Put it real simply – is your Robe on ? Is your gown on ? What does that mean ? 

A)   If you have trusted in Christ – His work on the Cross / to pay for your sins – Then you have been Robed in His righteousness


B)    Question is?  Have you embraced what Christ has done for You – Are You walking in that reality !!!!


Romans 13:14 But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill its lusts.   He is our Robe of Righteousness


C)    Simply speaks of One who is truly born again -  Jesus said such a one would be found watching !!!!


D)   Jesus declared Blessed are those who are found watching for His coming – those who realize the Price has been paid

1) The Work has been done /   Their ready robed in His Righteousness –

      waiting & Watching for the Bridegroom to come


That is the whole point of the Parable of the 10 virgins – the 5 who were not ready – why?

A)   Although they were hanging out w/ the wedding party –similar to how some people hang out in Church – they had no oil in lamps


B)   Which speaks of Salvation – filled w/ Spirit – And they were not Watching


C)   So do you know that you are Born again ?  - And are You Watching

1)                 Longing to see Him !!!!!



Weddings – Day is set think – it is never going to get here

A)   Work to be done – Dresses made or purchased – Tuxes ordered – invitations sent –


B)    But all the while there is that yearning to be united w/ your spouse to be – to experience that Oneness

1)                 All experienced – Oh I wish it was Today


A)    Do we have that Same Yearning to be w/ JESUS


B)    Get this He does for us !!!!! – He wants to be w/ us EVEN more than we want to be w/ Him !!