A New Commandment

John 13:31-35


This evening  we return to the Upper Room Discourse, found in chapters 13-17 of John’s Gospel

A)Intimate moments w/ Jesus { Last words


B) Here in this thirteenth chapter we have a fascinating account of the understanding of Jesus of all the events which led to his death.


C) Saw last week  how John opened this chapter, saying that Jesus knew that his hour had come to depart out of the world and to go to the Father. And he knew that the Father had given all things into his hands. All power in heaven and earth was placed in his hands.


D)Therefore he was, in a sense, directing his own death. He was in charge of the events.

1) Rather than being a helpless victim of events over which he had no control, he was himself determining them as they went along.


Now we left off in v. 17 / I want to summarize what takes place in v.18-30 / Focus on v.31-35 tonight

A)But in v.18-30 Jesus acknowledges that one of the disciples is going to betray Him


B) Then he Subtly reveals that it was Judas – who in many ways was the most Trusted of the disciples{ Treasurer 

1)     Which is why the Disciples don’t really get the events that Transpired –


C) If they had – they never would have allowed Jesus to leave the room –

E) But in order for God’s Plan to be carried out – Judas had to be released to do what Satan had put into his heart


So we pick up in v. 31 –32

A)Once Judas left ? Jesus Knew the steps leading to his arrest & Crucifixion were not set in Motion


B) But notice how he Phrases it – Now the Son of man is glorified


C) Now this is the 2nd time that we have seen Jesus use this Phrase – Ch.12:23 was the first –

1)     Speaking of his death – Seen in his death


D) John 1- We beheld his Glory….. full of Grace & truth

1)     Some think – speaking of Transfiguration – I don’t think so –


E) I think they discovered that the Glory of God was clearly seen in the Death of Jesus Christ –


Turn to Ex 34 – Supports this: Read v.18

A)Famous passage – show me your Glory – v.19 –23


Pick up Ch.34 v. 5-8

The Glory of God is seen in His name that He is Merciful He doesn’t give man what he deserves /

A)Man deserved death – deserved Wrath – Jesus took it


B) He is Gracious- He gives to man what he doesn’t deserve – Deserved Punished / instead Blessed


C) Longsuffering – So Patient w/ us{ Visiting iniquity

D) Abounding in Goodness & Truth –

1)     His Truth – the Law Justice is seen in light of his goodness at Calvary { Couldn’t wink at sin


E) Judged Jesus – so he could extend His kindness to you


Keeping Mercy for thousands,{ All of put trust in Him

Forgiving Iniquity transgression & Sin


Covers the whole Gamut – Accidental Sin to Out right rebellion


Moses asked to see the Glory of God and this is what was revealed to Him – that is what we see at Calvary

A)God’s grace / mercy forgiveness / Longsuffering is seen in RADIANT DISPLAY  TO MANKIND


B) Desire to see the Glory of God – Must spend time at the Cross – { Gilgal – Place of Remembrance –

1)     CALVARY is our place of Remembrance


C) If we want to see the Glory of God invade this place be revealed in this place – need to bring our lives before the Cross – Preach the cross -/ In line w/ the Cross


Back to Jn 13 : Read v.33-35

A)Jesus gives to his disciples a new Commandment


B) But not just a New Commandment – but this is going to be the defining mark of their being his Disciples

1)     The Love that they have for one another


C) Now the key phrase in v.34 is As I have  LOVED YOU

The degree that we are able to love one another will be seen – to the Extent that we understand How we have been loved by Jesus


A)In Luke 7 Jesus is invited to a religious leaders home named Simon – { Court yard – No women


B) Along comes a Prostitute – walks right in breaks open a bottle of Perfume pours it over Jesus

1)    Wipes his feet w/ Her  hair


C) Well Simon is Appalled – If Jesus was really a Prophet from God he would Know what kind of woman this was -

1)     Question is How did Simon Know ?


D) Jesus Knowing what Simon was thinking told him a Story 2 men in debt – to the same man

1)     One owed – $ 1,000 / the other $ 1 Million – Both were forgiven –


E) Jesus asked which one would be the most appreciative which one would love the most –

1)Simon answered the One forgiven the most { RIGHT


Jesus said – came here – no greeting / wash my feet

This woman sins are many – greeting / washing

Luke 7:47 47 Therefore I say to you, her sins, which are many, are forgiven, for she loved much. But to whom little is forgiven, the same loves little." 


Lucado calls this the 747 Principle – Because just like the aircraft this truth can lift you to another Level

It has Wide Wings

A person who feels like they have only been forgiven of a little – Only loves a little

A)In other words it is hard to give what you have not received –


B) But when I understand that I have been forgiven of a lot / I have been showed a lot of Love –

1)     I want to reciprocate by showing – a lot of Love & Forgiveness


C) Instructing people to Love w/out telling them How much they have been loved is like telling someone to write a Check w/ out making a Deposit in their account


D) John Models this is his epistle 1 JN 4

9 In this the love of God was manifested toward us, that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him. 10 In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins. There is the Deposit


Now here is the Check we are to write:  11 Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.


A) That is the thing we need to understand is that God reveals His love to us & puts His love in Us – so that we can Show His love to others


B) We say I could never love that person ? God says I do – and threw me You Can –


C) This is what Jesus means – Love …as I have …you.


How did Jesus Love His Disciples – 6 ways

1st Universally: Disciples were made of up different types of People: Some Rich / Poor – everything in between


Peter & Andrew - James & John were Fishermen –

Matthew was a TAX COLLECTOR very rich – Like working for the Mob – in those days


Simon: Zealot – Political Radical – They swore to assassinate every Roman they could


This was as diverse a group of guys as one could have assembled together – yet he loved them all the same

A)Sometimes we can get caught up into our own Prejudices

Surfers vs. Land lovers / Mexicans / Blacks


B) Poor hating the rich – Grunge vs. the Preppie


C) Prejudice in Your Heart – Never be able to Love like Christ until that is surrendered


D) All sinners brought together under the Cross


So 1st loved them UNIVERSALLY



A)Love had no conditions – no strings attached


B) Loved them when showing faith – and when it was faltering


C) Man’s love is conditional Strings – Sing woman sing


If someone is not measuring up to our Standard – not meeting our Desires – We don’t show Love

A)Jesus loved them Unconditionally – He loves you unconditionally –


A farmer printed on his weather vane the words "God is love." Someone asked him if he meant to imply that the love of God was as fickle as the wind.  The farmer answered:  "No, I mean that whichever way the wind blows, God is love.  If it blows cold from the North, or biting from the East, God is still love just as much as when the warm South or gentle West winds refresh our fields and flocks.  God is always love."


B) Not Based on Your Performance

1)    How many of us are guilty of loving people based on their Performance 


3rd He loved them Honestly: He shared w/ them his heart – Seen here – being very real – No secrets

A)Many today – friendships and marriages that are damaged by Secrets –


B) Jesus also in Loving Honestly – rebuked them when it was Necessary – told them how it was – Little faith

1)     A true Friend will tell you when you are in the Flesh


C) A true friend will give you that Loving Rebuke



4th He loved them Caringly – He knew when they needed a Break –

A)He was in tune to their needs –

D) He never gave up on them – Derek Redmond – finish together


In one sense that is like what the heavenly Father did for us - saw us crumpled on the track

A.)Unsuccessful - in trying to keep law / to do right / fallen short/ down


B) Not a prayer in the world of finishing the race - let alone winning!


C) He, in His love; compassion sent His son/ to win it for us / to pick us up & to even carry us at times toward the finish line !

1) And as we continue to run the race of life - given H.S. come along side!


D) What about You  Have you given up on People- written them off – quit caring


Can I encourage you to night – to reflect upon how many times Jesus could have done that to you but didn’t

A)Love one another as I have loved you !!!!


5th He loved them Daringly – He knew they need to be Stretched – { Challenged them – sent them out

A)Amy learning to ride a bike – I knew she would love it once she did it – over fear of Falling –


B) Track – Denise – Ultra Protective – Go home Denise


C) Jesus loves us much in that Same way: Willing to take risk w/ us –

D)Risk in ministry w/ People – let’s just see how they do



6th Jesus Loved Sacrificially – He gave His life


May we allow the Lord to make us the type of people who love others in this way –

A)Who recognize How we have been loved by Jesus – Extend that love to others