The Cure For Troubled Hearts Part 1

John 14:1-3


Intro: Speedy Morris the head  B. Ball coach at LaSalle Univ. was at home in the  upstairs bathroom shaving one morning

A) Wife called up “ Honey Sports illustrated is on the Phone/  “ S. I. Is on the phone –


SI  finally some national Recognition


B) So excited cut face while shaving / w/ blood running  off face & shaving cream still on he hurried down the stairs


About ½ way down he lost his balance & went tumbling   end over end to the bottom of the stairs


C) Staggering to the phone/ his back in pain & bleeding from the face  he replied “ hello this is coach Morris “

1)     The voice on the other end replied “  Mr. Morris this is Jennifer w/ S. I./ I was  Calling to see….. renew your subscription


Talk about Heart Break –{ Laurie Lowe


Robert Smith was taking his afternoon walk as part of his therapy in recovering from a massive heart attack, the phone rang and his wife Delores answered.  The call was from the Reader's Digest Sweepstakes in New York.


They were calling to inform the Smith family that Robert had just won $1,500,000 and that in a few days the certified check would be arriving.  Well Delores was absolutely ecstatic.  Now all those dreams would come true!

 "But then she remembered, her husband was just getting over his heart attack, and the doctor had said no excitement over anything. 

Dolores was afraid that if she told him they had just won such a large sum, he would have another heart attack and die.  What should she do? 


Well after some thought she decided to call her Pastor, Pastor Baldwin to get his advice – He agreed to come over & help her deal w/ the Situation


"So in about an hour, Bob comes  back from his walk and he and Delores and Pastor Baldwin are in the den having a nice chat. 

The pastor leans toward Bob and says, `Bob, I've got a problem and need your advice.'


"`Sure, Pastor, if I can help, I'll be glad to,' said Bob.


"The pastor takes a deep breath and goes on,


`It's a hypothetical situation regarding Christian stewardship.  What would a person--take you, for instance--do if all of a sudden you found out you had won $1,500,000? 


What would you do with all that money?'

 "`That's easy,' Bob replied.  `I'd start by giving $750,000 to the church.' 

Whereupon Pastor Baldwin had a massive heart attack and dropped dead!"



Heart Problems – Well it is the night before the Crucifixion – Jesus is w/ His Disciples

A)Their hearts are no doubt troubled


B) Love one another as I have loved you

1)     Jesus notifies them he is leaving – they can’t follow right now


C) One is going to betray Him / All Forsake Him

1)     Even Peter: Deny Him 3 times


D) I am sure that Jesus noticed the Distressed look on their faces which led him to say : Ch 14 v. 1

14:1 "Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. 2 In My Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also.


Jesus says that there are 2 things that will Cure the troubled heart –

A) 1st Believe in God / His Son- [ Faithfulness]


B) 2nd  Believe in Heaven

1) Jesus said : Many Mansions : Dwelling Places


C) Body – Prepared for heaven –

1) Earth 6 days – Heaven 2,000 yrs


D) Come again to Receive you: Rapture – This is our Hope – Living hope – Comfort one another w/ …..

Our Comfort : Our Hope – Heaven – That is the cure for our troubled hearts –


So if you are here tonight –heart is troubled – heart is heavy – Chances are you have lost sight of Heaven


Why does Heaven seem so Far away – Distance – 3 reasons / then Cure

A)1st Nearsighted : { Only sees what is in front of it


B) Temporal Focus – Courson

A recent poll in Newsweek tells us that 77% of all Americans believe in a literal place called heaven — an important statistic because imagine what our society would be like if we didn’t  believe in heaven . . .


A society which didn’t believe in heaven would be obsessed with youth. It would spend hundreds of thousands of dollars trying to look, stay, and feel young through plastic surgery, diets, and exercise programs.

A society which didn’t believe in heaven would spend billions of dollars on life support systems to delay facing an unknown future. In a society which didn’t believe in heaven, crime would soar without fear of either eternal judgment or reward.

The theology of a society which didn’t believe in heaven would be based upon the here and now — on health, and prosperity.  Techniques for Success


Wait a minute. We are that culture because, although our generation gives lip-service to the idea of heaven, we do not live out the reality of heaven.


Ours is the first generation to teach that, materially, one can have heaven on earth.

A) ‘If you have a car with a convertible top, girls in bikinis will flock around you.’


B) Our Society offers us over & Over – Heaven on earth




Earthbound Christians live the most important segments of their lives only in the context of this world. Their expectations dreams hopes & plans all relate to what they can acquire & Experience Now




2nd Reason heaven can seem so far away is related to this one: We have responsibilities

A)Bills to pay – families to feed – work to be done

Problems to fix – Day to day responsibilities


B) My greatest struggle – [ Heaven in the Morning during devotions – last thing on my mind – by noon


C) The First is the Pursuit of heaven on earth

1)    This is simply the fact that I am living on earth – all its Problems –


3rd Reason Distorted View of what heaven is going to be like – Clouds Playing Harps –

A)Farthest thing – talk later – { Undescribable



But those are 3 reasons why heaven can seem so Distant – we can struggle w/ one or all of those things –

A)Question is what is the Cure ? -   Turn to Col 3


3:1 If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. 2 Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth.


Now when Paul challenged the Church in Colossi to Set their minds on the things above – he wasn’t suggesting – some mystical – gaze

A)He wasn’t exhorting them to walk around w/ head in the clouds/ 


B) But in  reality He was Challenging them to think from Heavens point of view


The Word for mind that Paul uses in v.2 – speaks of the actual Content of ones thoughts not just the thinking Process

In other words – Paul is suggesting that our Minds need to be reprogrammed


C) Think of it in this way –  I have a computer / but the  use of  my computer is going to depend upon the Software programs in my Computer

My son has a Program that allows him to do Graphics & make pictures


D)But if I want to do a Budget that program is not going to do me any good     

I need a different kind of program – spread sheet / Quicken something  like that

E) So A Change is needed to accommodate the desired outcome

 That is exactly what Paul is saying here


We need to program our minds towards the things above so that all the output of our lives reflects Heaven


But How does that Happen: Lesson from the Life of Abe – Traveling – marked by 2 things –

A)1st Every where he went – Pitched a tent –


B) Bethel didn’t build a house – Pitched a tent

1)    Tent was a Reminder this isn’t it


C) They were living with heaven in view!  "Looking for a city with foundations -  - builder maker was God!


D) So He and his descendants for close to 200 years - dwelt in tents / those Tents characterized their attitude toward the world!


C) This world or wherever they were was not their home

1) Temporary Stop


Traveling on Vacation: Stop to admire is great but you don’t stay there { Not the Destination

A) Invisible tags – Temporal – remind ourselves that this is not it - 


B) Girl gets engaged – everything is seen thru that lens



2nd  thing -  marked Abe  in his pilgrimage was - built altars

A.)Wherever they went - altars!  Revealed not just their desire to follow the Lord but their devotion to the Lord!


B.)The Altar was used for worship - want to live for the next life - with heaven in view - be worshiper


C)Worship gets my eyes off of this place Sees the Lord – Heavenly perspective – Tonight – Worship / today – put aside


C) That is why As often as possible - enter into holiest - be before the Lord!

Focus will change - language will change!